newsletter vol.7 Emotional Health

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Do you know this ? What is emocional health???

Lithuania vol.7


Emotional health is an important part of overallhealth. People who are emotionally healthy arein control of their thoughts, feelings, andbehaviors. They’re able to cope with life’schallenges. They can keep problems inperspective and bounce back from setbacks.They feel good about themselves and havegood relationships.

There are some warningsigns that you haveemotional healthproblems:

Isolating yourself from friends,family, or coworkers

Eating too much or too littleRacing thoughts

Racing thoughtsLower performance at work Feelings of irritability, guilt,hopelessness, or worthlessness

Neglecting hygiene and personalcare

Lower energy than usualSleeping too much or too little More interpersonal conflicts thanusual

How to Work On Your Emotional Health Managestress.Learnrel axationmethodstocope withstress.Thesecouldi ncludedeepbreathing, meditation,andexercise . Striveforbalance.Findaheal thybalancebetweenworkan dplay,andbetweenactivitya ndrest.Maketimeforthingsy ouenjoy.Focusonpositiveth ingsinyourlife. Expressyourfeelingsinapprop riateways.Letpeopleclosetoy ouknowwhensomethingisbot heringyou.Keepingfeelingsofs adnessorangerinsideaddstos tress.Itcancauseproblemsiny ourrelationshipsandatworkor school. Takecareofyourphysicalhe alth.Exerciseregularly,eat healthymeals,andgetenou ghsleep.Don’tabusedrugs oralcohol.Keepyourphysic alhealthfromaffectingyour emotionalhealth Staypositive.Focusonthego odthingsinyourlife.Forgivey ourselfformakingmistakesa ndforgiveothers.Spendtime withhealthy,positivepeople.

Emotional healthin school

The environment is important for goodemotional health, so our school has cozy restareas where students can have a rest andchill during breaks There is also music in theschool corridors, which can imorove yourmood.Our school administration and studentcouncil organizes various events andactivities to reduce stress, learnsomething new and have fun.

What are emotions?

Emotions are strong (conscious or unconscious) feelings deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. They are relatively impermanent. Emotions are reactions to the present reality and they depend on everything around us.

What are feelings?

Feelings emotional states or reactions. They constitute a conscious interpretation of emotions, made on the basis of cultural patterns and experiences encoded in human memory. They express a person's attitude to events and they are also more constant than emotions.

Why do we need emotions and feelings?

they motivate to act

they help you survive, thrive and avoid danger they can help you make decisions they allow other people to understand us they teach empathy

A few tips that will help recognize emotions!

Keep a diary of feelings and emotions. Every morning or evening, write down your feelings and emotions in a specially designed diary.

Try to analyze everything that evokes specific emotions in you, what is the fastest way to get you into a bad or good mood and what behaviour accompanies it.

Exercise for you: Try to name the emotions you are feeling right now. What are your reactions to this feeling?

What is psychological resilience?

When faced with tragedy, natural disaster, relationship problems, work or school, our individual resilience shows how successfully we are able to adapt to change.

Factors behind psychological resilience

Social connections : Friends, family members, colleagues and online support groups are potential sources of social cohesion.

How can children's resilience be strengthened?

Go Outside. Exercise helps strengthen the brain and make it more resilient to stress and adversity. While team sports are the most popular method of consistent exercise for kids, all kids really need is time spent outdoors engaging in a physical activity.

Social support is associated with higher positive emotions, a sense of personal control and predictability, self-esteem, motivation, optimism, resilience. Children may not always notice the people they mean a lot. So sometimes remind them of them, build their relationship with those who love them and support them.

How do emotions and feelings arise?

Emotions arise automatically.

They are uncontrolled reactions to what we feel and experience - scientists have long supported this assumption, claiming that emotions are built into the body and brain. Emotions are born in the brain. Even though they are inextricably linked with the psyche, they influence the body's reactions. This is why, as a result of embarrassment, our cheeks can turn red, and our nervousness can make our hearts beat faster.

How to affect emotions

Give yourself time, keep harmony. Before speaking or externalizing, make a reckoning, wait for a thorough analysis of the storm of feelings. Although it will take a few minutes, and the interlocutor will have to wonder what is happening at that moment, it is still worth giving yourself permission for a moment of reflection. A little time will not only allow you to define your emotions, it will also calm you down. It may seem difficult at first, but it gets easier over time. The most important thing is to develop the habit of a temporary pause for self-examination.

When you already know that you are experiencing the rush of emotions, it is worth preparing for it Prepare for the inevitable, be prepared for the pressure of your inner feelings Awareness of their occurrence will give you a chance to master how you feel and act destructively.

Imagine your perfect self, being able to organize emotions and control them. What do you look like? What are you doing? How do you feel? Visualize yourself confident work on your own self esteem.

Meditation and music best way to control your mind and body

Meditation can be defined as a set of techniques that are intended to encourage a heightened state of awareness and focused attention. Meditation is simpler and, at the sametime harder, than most people think. Find your comfortable place, sit in quiet, and try to focus on your breath. Notice how your mind and body are reacting, and try to clear your mind of things that stress you. The most important rule in meditation is that you need to find your own way to meditate. Try different types of meditation and you will find it very quickly

Music can enhance intelligence and focus, boost the immune system as well as self esteem and confidence.

Short-term effects

A good laugh has great short term effects. Laughter can stimulate many organs, activate and relieve your stress response and smooth tension.

Long-term effects Laughter isn’t just a quick pick-me-up, though. It’s also beneficial for you over the long term. Laughter may improve your immune system and mood, relieve pain, increase personal satisfaction.


Deep breathing slows down your heart rate, allows the body to take in more oxygen and ultimately signals the brain to wind down.


In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people to feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, ameliorate their health, deal with adversity and build fundamental relationships.


How to know you are emotional stable?

Being emotionally healthy doesn’tmean you’re happy all the time. Itmeans you’re aware of your emotions.You can deal with them, whetherthey’re positive or negative.Emotionally healthy people still feelstress, anger or sadness

How to be emotional stable?

●Maintain emotionally supportive relationships.

●Maintain emotional composure or, alternatively, expressing distressing emotions.

●Challenge previously held beliefs that are no longer adaptive.

●Directly attempt to change the source of stress.

●Distance yourself from the source of stress.

●View the problem through a religious perspective.

What is stress?

Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is a normal part of life. Everyone experiences stress, and some stress is OK. It can get you ready for action and give you the motivation to get things done

Positive stress

Positive stress, otherwise known as good stress or eustress, is the response that we feel when we get excited. Positive stress can also refer to the times you respond well to a challenge that you experience from a stressor.

Negative stress

Many emotions are tied to bad stress If a person cannot overcome a task, they become frustrated. They can become angry, screaming or performing violent gestures Many people have difficulty expressing their emotions. They may feel that they are being unprofessional by being so emotional

Teenager students and stress

There are several things that can cause stress among teens some of them being: School demands and frustrations. Negative thoughts or feelings about themselves. Changes in their bodies. Problems with friends and/or peers at school. Unsafe living environment/neighborhood. Separation or divorce of parents. Chronic illness or severe problems in the family.


Positive thinking is being optimistic. Indeed, some studies show that personality traits can affect many areas of your health as well as your well being. The positive thinking that usually comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management, and effective stress management is associated with many health benefits.


Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:


Proactivity in layman’s term refers to a change oriented behaviour. If we split proactivity into 2 parts, then we get pro (latin for "towards")+ activity: the term means that we should make things happen instead of waiting for them to occur

Being proactive takes time: individuals need time to develop the crucial ability of taking decisions. The decision to stop talking and listen to others, to stop and think about oneself, to self-analyse, to evaluate the circumstance, to weigh the alternatives and then choose the best option, to make questions.

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