February 2009 HB Mag

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ASTROLOGICAL ALCHEMY ••• The Astrology of Self-Transformationsm

Monthly Health Outlook:




he Sun enters Aquarius on January 19th. This creates an energetic shift from heavy, earthy Capricorn to light, airy Aquarius. Capricorn rules our karma and our responsibilities while Aquarius stimulates our sense of freedom and liberation. Being an air sign, Aquarius expresses primarily through the mind, that part of our being that evolutionarily has achieved the greatest degree of freedom. Our ability to think and explore the universe through the realm of ideas is unbounded. To the degree that we choose to limit our thinking and by continually accepting our thoughts or self talk that limits our personal growth. The word man is derived from the Sanskrit manas, which means to think. The mystery of the human being is contained within the enigma of human thinking. An ancient maxim states that as a person thinks, so they are. Change your thinking and you change your life. Aquarius is dedicated to the liberation of our thinking from the mundane and conventional. Our world could use a fresh, enlightened perspective on what life is all about. Aquarius rules the archetype of the inventor. The individual driven by creative genius lives a life of exploration, experimenFor past issues, go to: www.HBMag.com

Written By Robert Ayres

tation, and thinking outside the box. There is a restlessness to this soul who senses that there is more to life than what tradition tells us. The Aquarius-influenced person is motivated to challenge the accepted truths and blaze new trails in mind and thought. As a result, new discoveries are made which add to the storehouse of human knowledge. In the field of medicine and health, Aquarius generally rules alternative healing techniques and methodologies. Aquarius also rules electricity. One of The Waterbearer’s symbols is the lightning bolt. The lightning bolt is a symbol of the transformation of ignorance into enlightenment. Concentrated celestial light descending from the heavens to earth transforms darkness into light. One of the titles given to Uranus, one of the planetary rulers of Aquarius, is The Awakener. Its energy can wake us up from the enchantment of a materialistic world view, to which many have succumbed. Aquarius provides us with the opportunity to expand our consciousness and embrace the celestial, spiritual reality without denying the important role of the material world. A true perspective on life must include the spiritual realities that form the foundation of the mundane world. The state of consciousness ruled by Aquarius is cosmic consciousness or self-realization. It is unbounded awareness of the wholeness of life. From this enlightened perspective, the mind can experience and explore the entire creation. This is a human birthright that is structured into our very being. It just requires us to do the work to unfold this hidden potential. The result is true freedom and liberation. This Aquarian state of consciousness allows us to transcend the limitations of the physical world and live on an unbounded level. We are all, collectively and individually, evolving towards this. When we truly integrate this vision of the paradigm of human life into our awareness, it has a profound quickening effect on our growth and our quality of life. It is a very uplifting and inspiriting energy. 58

February 2009

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