2016 Annual Report

Page 8

17 Years

of HCF research on philanthropy and nonprofits in Hawai‘i

pono leadership program

invested $4.5 million in 109 nonprofit leaders over 10 years resulting in 90% of cohort remaining in the nonprofit sector

$3,000,000 from Island Innovation Program encouraged innovative solutions to community challenges

we strengthen nonprofits to achieve better results for the communit y providing technical assistance and leadership development programs to several hundred nonprofits. Building on this track record, HCF continues to support nonprofits so they can perform at their best and directly benefit Hawai‘i’s people and communities.


h awa i ‘ i com m u n i t y f ou n dat ion | 1 0 0 y e a r s of gi v i ng

11.2 million


For more than a decade, HCF invested $14 million in grants

ho‘okele award

offers personal renewal for nonprofit leaders and reduces attrition

in unrestricted grants were awarded to high-performing organizations in the last three years a ce n t u r y of i m pac t | 2 016 a n n ua l r e p or t


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