GEE Academies Family/Student Handbook and Code of Conduct K-12

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Please observe the following at all times: • Clothes, jewelry, symbols, or anything that may be offensive, inappropriate, and/or disruptive or denote membership in a gang are not allowed. • No graffiti on the school uniform is permitted (including signatures on shirts and other clothing) • Belts must not have any large displays or graphics on the belt or the buckle. • Modesty in general appearance (including nails, make-­‐up, and hairstyles) for both girls and boys. • No flashy jewelry of any kind is allowed. Any lost items are the student’s responsibility. • The girls’ head cover, if worn, must be solid black or white. • Girls’ jilbab or coat, if worn, must be solid navy blue or black. • Pants worn under the jilbab or coat must be navy blue or black dress pants. NO jeans will be allowed under the jilbab. • Hats and doo-­‐rags are not allowed to be worn inside the building. • Students at the Academy must be in full school uniform at all times. • Students out of uniform will be sent to the office. • Students will not be permitted to return to class and will be sent home until they return in proper dress code. • If there are financial difficulties in procuring a uniform, please inform the front-­‐desk staff person and arrangements can be made.

Electronic Device Policy All student cell phones/electronic devices must be kept in the student’s locker or other location. Cell phones/electronic devices must also be turned off during the school day and are not to be used on school property during school hours. Failure to follow this policy could result in the confiscation of the cell phone/electronic device from the student for the remainder of the school year. The school is not responsible for any fees accrued during the time the cell phone/electronic device is under a staff member’s control. The student who possesses the cell phone/electronic device assumes responsibility for its care and the Academy is not responsible for preventing theft, loss, or damage to the cell phone/electronic device brought onto its property or under the care of a GEE employee.

Emergency and Illness Procedure Student Emergency Cards must be on file at the school office at all times. • • •

Parents are responsible for informing the school office staff of any medical condition a child may have. The parent or guardian is responsible for keeping the information on the card current, including phone numbers, addresses, and guardians. If your child requires emergency room care at a hospital, his/her Emergency Card will be consulted and a copy of the card will accompany the child to the emergency room to authorize necessary emergency treatment if a parent is not immediately available.


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