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Rewards of Owning a Business “If you live today like no one else will, you will live like no one else can tomorrow.” – Dave Ramsey Written by

Brandon Wright Many people have no idea the freedom and benefits they could enjoy by owning their own business. Benefits like six-figure incomes, beautiful homes, nice vehicles, deluxe vacations, flexible work schedules, time for family activities, and a lifestyle that is more luxurious than one could ever achieve by working for someone else. The freedom to make your own decisions and build your business the way you want it is one of the most gratifying things in life. This is what owning a business is all about. One of the best books on small businesses management that I’ve read is “The EMyth” by Michael Gerber. He makes the


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very valid point that business owners must get out of the “technician quadrant” and into the “business owner quadrant.” It’s a mindset shift where an owner starts looking at his business as a way to create an exceptional life – a life he never thought possible, rather than working day-by-day to “get the job done.”

Remember – you as the owner of the business assume all the risk and responsibility; you leveraged everything you own to create the capital needed to start the business. Your mind is at work 24/7 even though you may not physically be there. Indeed, business owners deserve the rewards that ownership can provide.

Ask yourself some tough questions: Are your employees getting paid more than you? At the end of each month is your company making a profit, breaking even, or are you feeding it, causing your savings to slowly dwindle? Are you counting down the months you can survive? Transforming oneself into a successful business owner requires a lot more than just thinking. It requires hard work, a willingness to do whatever it takes, and a mindset that refuses to quit, even when things look hopeless.

To take that step and rise above your competitors, focus on improving in the following seven areas: Yourself, Your Leadership, Your Team, Marketing, Sales, Production/Operations, and Numbers. The business owner who masters more of these than his competitor will most definitely win out.

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So how does the business owner overcome the obstacles and achieve the lifestyle described earlier? Be better than your competitors! Create a business model that is unique. Provide over-the-top service that people rave about. Charge enough to make a profit.

It all starts with you. Develop yourself into the successful owner that you should be. Educate yourself; learn something new every day. Practice leadership in all areas of your life - yourself, your family, your team and your company. Get the right people on your team. Implement a marketing plan that produces adequate leads, enabling your sales team to close enough sales to make a profit. Your production/operations must perform profitably while providing the best personalized service possible. Learn how to effectively manage your company and its finances. Accomplish all seven of these and you will grow yourself and your company to the point that you have the freedom and lifestyle that you deserve. Are you willing to take on the challenge?

brandonjwright.com brandon@brandonjwright.com • (208) 412-6588 8

| The Urban Liaison Magazine - Treasure Valley

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