Harvard Kennedy School Review, 2020

Page 16

Courtesy Gaia van der Esch

Elections Under Pressure

a welfare system that would support me in moments of difficulty, I would be happy to welcome migrants myself. After all, Italy has always been a crossroad of migration. But I am scared that today we can’t afford it, and we should prioritize helping people like me that feel already left behind,” he added. Rapid societal changes are shaping our social ties, the bases of unity and trust among citizens, and

“The divide relates to the socioeconomic gap, to the worry of being left behind, which unaddressed, transforms into fear.” accumulating anger instead of fighting together for our country.”

creating a perceived conflict of values. By speaking

Isolation, coupled with the lack of a modern Italian

to people like Enzo, I found that this divide—which

identity, leaves people to cling to certainties, which

occupies today’s TV and newspaper headlines—is

are often illusions. Be it the liberals with their moral

not rooted in deep political or ideological values

high ground or conservatives with their symbols from

or to specific “hot” topics, such as migration. The

the past. Many people told me this is why today they

divide relates to the socioeconomic gap, to the worry

feel closer to the right than the left wing. “It’s more

of being left behind, which unaddressed, transforms

rooted, it brings us back to our traditions and to the

into fear. This is how the vicious cycle of fear and

times when we were doing better.”

division is ignited.

This mix of fear and social isolation led me to

Veronica Di Leonardo, the cheerful owner of

think that throughout my trip I would find an upset

a small bar in the main square of my home village

country, unwilling to respond to my questions. Instead,

of Anguillara, put it this way: “We are angry with

every person I asked to interview—in bars, beaches,

everybody and no one. We are losing social ties by

trains, fishing boats, and mountain refuges—opened

Volume XX


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