Harrier Magazine April 2013

Page 101

Nobody ‘owns’ the Hash. We’re all social animals, some more animalistic than others but we all love to Hash! The local Bangalore Hash has been On On, since April 1990. A good set of wankers, and a great set of almost-regulars, which is always a positive thing for any Hash chapter. But any social group needs new ideas, new blood, new breweries… to thrive. So – since we need more chirpy young things ( like me, she said modestly) in the local Hash, I set up a MeetUp.com group early in February 2013, soon after recovering from the Shimoga SAIH – South Asia InterHash 2013. The idea – tap into the youthful energy of the InterNets – a space this Olde Bangalorean has lived in since 1995 - and get fresh new wankers Hashing with a great, interactive Net platform. After all, it’s not unknown ( hah) and there are a good number of smart, sensible Hash Houses with a lively, current and relevant presence on the Nets.

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