Contest Conditioning Magazine September 2012

Page 11

person that needs structure and goals in my life, so compe88ons help me keep mo8vated and always work towards an ul8mate goal. While the feeling of the physical ac8vity itself is not always pleasurable, I am addicted to the feeling of achievement.

What type of die,ng have you endured for compe,,ons? As a girl, I constantly have friends who are on low-­‐carb diets or who only eat 1,200 calories a day. This type of ea8ng is not sustainable or healthy when training for an athle8c event. I've had to learn to eat for energy and frequently throughout the day. I also consume good, well-­‐rounded recovery meals in order to build up muscle and lean out my body.

Lastly, tell us about your spontaneous ea,ng compe,,on?

There was a sign that read "Who's Your Daddy Challenge", on the sign outside, and when we were seated at our table, we asked about the challenge. The waiter told us that you had to eat the following in one hour: Two full racks of ribs, a loaded baked potato, cole slaw, baked beans, stuffed pork and sausage, mushroom appe8zer, half a loaf of bread, and a fruit cobbler ala mode -­‐ about 12 pounds of food. I don't know what it is about compe88ons, but I can never refuse a challenge. So, even aaer ea8ng a substan8al breakfast, lunch, and snack, I decided to take on this challenge to see how far I could get. Aaer one hour, I was only lea with two pieces of ribs and a few pieces of pork. Although I've never trained for an ea8ng compe88on, I am confident that aaer a century bike ride I will be able to ride to the County Line and be the first person to complete the challenge.

I went with four other colleagues from work to The County Line, a BBQ restaurant on the lake in Aus8n.


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