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Politics & Business

What if you took the lessons from the 2008 campaign, all political agendas aside, and focused on the precision brand awareness and messaging technologies that were utilized in a masterful display of media management and marketing, then applied all of the successful actions of that campaign to your own business? It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, liberal or conservative. My arguments here are not intended as a partisan broadside; they’re merely an acknowledgement of cold hard reality. Obama is light years ahead of the GOP, in terms of innovative use of social media. As you put together your own marketing and PR strategies, you can learn from the White House. Online communication technologies 14

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and platforms are in constant flux, but the baseline principles work well across all segments, from the steps of our nation’s capital to the boardrooms of America’s largest companies. FROM STARTUP TO HOUSEHOLD NAME AND ESTABLISHED BRAND IN FOUR YEARS In 2008, an upstart young African American senator appeared in the political marketplace to make a run for the highest office in the land. No one thought he would win. Many thought that he couldn’t win. Now, four years later, not only did he win the 2008 election, but President Obama also is a household name and an internationally known brand.

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