Halogen360 Issue 10 - Oct to Dec 2013

Page 24


y acco m plish m ent @h alog en sg - Evercis to try. Ta ke sta rts with th e de y :)ion#yo lo th e first ste p toda

@ h a log e n sg - N e ve te ll y ou th at y ou a r let a n y o n e to create ch a n g e. Wre too y ou n g ch a n g e st a rt s wit h o rl d y ou!

t x e n s t a h #w #i a m ga


@ sa ra h

@pea rly n

Not just

cheap talk

Building leadership communities and conversations is the driving force behind Social, an arm of Halogen that aims to spark discussions about leadership By Daphne Lee

Photo courtesy of Marvin Lowe

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