Ready, Steady, Grow Your Dough!
My WiSH Charity’s Grow Your Dough is back for 2025 and we are looking for teams to sign up and join us as we see who can ‘rise’ to the challenge of this imaginative event.
Last year Grow Your Dough raised more than £31,000, which helped us provide an activity coordinator for elderly patients, many of whom live with dementia. Gemma, who is now working on G4, is making a So, this year we are asking teams what service they want to support. Each team will receive a £50 starter donation, thanks to our sponsors, Knights Lowe, and will have three months to prove themselves as the ultimate Grow Your Dough champions!
“Our teams were just brilliant last year. They found so many innovative ways to raise money. Clarkes of Walsham based their fundraising

and The Big Fat Quiz of the Year. Quality Eats in Moreton Hall held a host of fundraisers including a the challenge of walking 14 miles.”

“Grow Your Dough is an event where people come together and get creative and have fun, all Foundation Trust.”

and service.

Producing print for over 45 years - your guarantee

can be businesses, schools, family and friends or it can even be an Dough Raised, Community Engagement, Most Creative Fundraising
“This event couldn’t take place without the support of Knights Lowe. We can’t thank them enough for supporting us for a second year. We know they were as thrilled as we were with the
“2024 saw the launch of the brand new ‘Grow Your Dough’ event and thanks to its overwhelming success, we are delighted to sponsor it again for 2025!
“Knights Lowe is proud to support this event and excited to see the creativity and fun GROW even more this year and help raise funds for such a worthwhile charity. Let the enjoyment and imagination begin!”
be huge.
or to enter My WiSH Charity’s Grow Your Dough Challenge, go to
Number 72
very ‘Happy New Year’ from us all at Number 72!
Hooray! We are now back in our own building in North Street, after successful completion of the renovation works. It’s much warmer with a roof on, we must say!
It seems unusual in February to talk about Christmas (last Christmas that is) but we hope you had a restful time whatever you did and managed to see and enjoy Sudbury’s Festival
some wonderful seasonal artistic contributions.

We have a few new initiatives bubbling up in the pipeline. Watch this space for more information, including a quarterly quiz afternoon for those in need of company, calm social stimulation and a warm welcome. February sees the second of our art-led activity mornings,
from recycled paper and cardboard, we will make handmade paper and add seeds. Plant the paper yourself, or give it to a friend, and social interaction and a gentle art-led therapy activity. Booking is essential via email or telephone.
Our fabulous Number 72 team have continued to assist clients within the community, helping them with the various challenges of modern& cuppa. Do pop by and say hi; you can see for yourself our well-worth-waiting-for new roof!
We are looking forward to the lighter nights and Springtime to come … it won’t be long, honestly!
Lesley & Claire


Alison Owen

Works are underway to construct the new 3G pitch to help turbocharge women’s and girls’ football in Sudbury and surrounding areas, thanks to investment from

women’s and girls’ football.

playing football compared to before the tournament. However, too often, badly lit pitches, unsuitable changing facilities and late-night
Sudbury will prioritise access for women and girls through reserved peak-time slots and welcoming changing facilities to create a best-
plays at King’s Marsh, Brundon Lane, Sudbury, which Wanderers

Sudbury is a fully inclusive community-based club committed to providing the best possible environment for the pursuit of sporting organisations, local schools, our own grassroots and academy
from Babergh District Council and Belstead Ganzoni Settlement
Football Foundation and other partners for helping this to be able
Lioinesses Funding aligns to what we are trying to what we are trying to achieve in Sudbury and reinforces our commitment to growing football in the local area.”
Government, we’re delivering 30 pitches like this across the country to support the growing demand for football we’ve seen following the Lionesses’ inspirational success.”
“Like all Lionesses Futures Fund sites, the new 3G pitch at Sudbury will provide a safe, accessible and welcoming place to play for the local community in and around Sudbury to lace up their boots.”

News from the Hive Community Hub, Sudbury
a children’s party, a quiz evening, or perhaps a regular meeting hall for your organisation or training space for your business? Why not book the Hive Community Hub

Hive Community Hub (a former for hire, as well as a performance space and an intimate concert venue with outstanding acoustics. For anyone who might wish to hire a room, become more involved in activities there or might wish
Hive has recently received the promise of £1,000 funding from Foundation towards the new heating system which will be installed in Friars Hall just as soon as the balance of funding is raised. County Cllr Philip Faircloth-Mutton has also promised £500 to close the funding gap for the new bicycle racks.
for evening performances by professional musicians. More details publicised in Sudbury Community News.
Wednesday 12 February, in the Wheeler Room, when members of the become a volunteer to help with the various tasks and events which are planned this year. Even if you cannot come along on that date, do com so that we can arrange to meet you at a more convenient time.
Writing from the Rectory
All you need is love
February is the month for love, traditionally anyway; I hope you have known love in your life and continue to know it. However, we know that it cannot be relied upon to last forever in the sense of a personal, human relationship; at some point either we or our loved ones will depart this earthly life.

and permanent, not conditional, not keeping any record of wrongs, forgiving all things.
letter that St Paul wrote to the Corinthian church in south-central knowledge, prophecy and discernment. If we possess these abilities as they have been given us by God but do not ‘have love’, our actions are empty and lack integrity.
by St Paul as faith, hope and love. However, the reason we need faith and hope in God this side of glory is because for now we see only partial glimpses of His handling situations, we have to trust that He
Yet, one day, we shall see Him face to face. I suspect all the questions we’ve stored up over the years to ask Him will fade away as we have revealed to us in plain sight His overwhelming love, compassion and mercy in their fullest form. When we dwell in the house of the Lord forever, there won’t be any
to hope that all will be well, no need to walk by faith not sight as we will see plainly all that makes sense of life. It’s as though we see through a mirror that is partly frosted, the bible tells us, but one day we shall have 20/20 vision of all that God has been planning for our sakes, he had a perfect full relationship before the world began. He chose
to His providence and the present to His love. May the love of Christ dwell in your hearts, Reverend Andrew

Facts And Figures For February 2025
and discovered some interesting and fascinating information which I hope readers of this will enjoy as much as I did in my research.

● Watchingoutforyourhomeorbusiness 365daysayear
● Viewableonthegowithmobileapp
● Helpavailable24hoursaday
● Supply,installandmaintaintailored alarmsystems
● BAFESP203-1accredited
● FREEsystemdesignandquotation

which meant mud month, Kale-Manoth was a lesser used name which Februa , during which people were ritually washed.

● Water,Foam,Powder,CO2&firexo
● BAFESP101accredited
● Training&Refreshercoursesavailable
● Commercialanddomesticalarmsystems
● NSIGoldaccreditedalarminstaller across,EssexandSuffolk
● FREESystemdesign&Quotation

Vanacker, a merchant. It was for a debt to a Mr Delboe for £400. In those times that would have been a considerable amount, today that
about £20 a year and Samuel Pepy’s the famous diarist earnt £350 a
aged 14 months through drinking contaminated milk, due to his tragic death she became a determined to encourage women by writing and speaking about health, hygiene, and preparing food.

I found twelve tomb stones for members of David Livingstone’s fellow unknown lands in tropical conditions.
born in February. Sadly, when he was eleven his father died and he inherited ten slaves. During his lifetime he purchased, rented and
occurred in Scarborough, the legend says that it all because a woman was busy cooking making her late for church; so, she went running with the pancake still in its pan. In those days parishioners were called to a church service through the ringing of a bell, hence the race is still started by a bell.
Finally, on the 15th the end of pennies, half-crowns and shillings, were and one penny as our decimal currency.
Sue Ayres

We are looking for a volunteer cleaner to come in, once a week. Times to be agreed.
If you are interested, please email us admin@kernos.org
The Kernos Centre, 32-34 Friar Street, Sudbury Tel: 01787 882883
Press Release: Will Ginno new EP: ‘Lover’
based singer-songwriter Will Ginno released his second EP, entitled ‘Lover ’.
and ‘Soma’, both written by Will himself. ‘Lover’ is a rock-orientated number that looks at themes of romance and escapism, whilst

novel ‘Brave New World’.
new release features Will on guitar, percussion and vocals, with his
provided by artist Vonchi Phillips. ‘Lover’ is available on all streaming platforms, including Spotify and
songwriter’s Neil Young and Nick Drake. He is one half of Will and
already booked at a number of venues in 2025. If you wish to book Will and Paul Ginno this year get in touch.
Follow Will online at
Will Ginno
Will Ginno




Rotary Club of Sudbury

at 72 North Street to fund one of their new initiatives, a quarterly ‘Our Special Friends’ afternoon, where we were told their regular
space, chatting, laughter and the therapeutic power of animal companionship”.
support to Peter Prosper and Loveness, whose education has been at East Meru Community School - an English Medium Primary School located in Maruvango, a remote rural village in Northern

high grade.
uniform, including shoes, supported the teacher’s salary, teaching materials, classroom stationery and daily tea and a healthy lunch.
provide a conducive environment for learning with good teaching
the school.
Sudbury Rotary have also recently donated funds to St Gregory Nursery School, which has enabled them to purchase new waterproof coats and trousers so that the children can play and learn outside all year round.
business to put forward the name of a potential candidate to
about the work of the Sudbury Society, with a Business Meeting on Monday 10 and a speaker booked for 17 February.
Rotary welcomes men and women from all backgrounds, ages and interests. We also have corporate members who represent local companies and are hoping to invite more local businesses to become involved with our activities.
three Mondays of each month (lunch is optional), and gives an opportunity to hear from a broad range of speakers, follow up on matters concerned with our activities, and to enjoy each other’s company. Visitors are always welcome, but please telephone to let us know so that we can reserve a place for you. Rotarians wish to support our community, here and through overseas projects, and to enjoy fun and friendship while doing so.

We have all heard of ‘squatters rights’
had occupied a rather nice house for long enough, and then been able to is all based on an area of law which is that is, being in occupation of a piece of owner for long enough to obtain some sort of legal title to it.
Where the land is registered, the occupier needs to show that they have been in occupation for 10 years or more.
because where the land being claimed is registered and an application has been made, HM Land Registry will then notify the registered owner. If the registered owner objects, the occupier can only succeed when very limited circumstances apply. that has not yet been registered for one reason or another. Broadly compulsory to register it at HM Land Registry (and where property has of the reasons that we advise clients to think about registering their else to occupy part or all of it and then make a claim.

News from The Christopher Centre
February already, how did that happen?

We hope you all managed to get through the very cold spells in
We are all looking out for family, friends and neighbours who may be in the icy conditions.
here at the Christopher Centre.
both the person volunteering and the group, charity or organisation who rely on the help of volunteers. We would like to hear from you if this is something you have thought about doing but have not taken
are an employer looking for volunteers to help you with your work. What’s on We are pleased to say that our Menopause Support Group
Bone Check, Bone Health Screening who will be bringing along her Osteoporosis bone scanning equipment. If you would like to have a scan on the night we would need to let her know in advance. Call the
not come along; all are welcome, no need to book, just turn up and enjoy the conversation.
We welcome any suggestions for future speakers at this group, if you would like to be part of this friendly meeting please do get in touch.
going on.

who welcomes all new comers and regular attendees. No need to book, refreshments available.
who work so hard on our Reception, in our courtyard keeping it clean and tidy, our graphic designer who kindly keeps all of our corporate advertising and promotion material up to date, to our Website
We aim to continue bringing a friendly community approach to the people of Sudbury and surrounding areas, please contact us if you would like to visit with a view to hosting your group.
House. Why not come along say hello and have a look around?
GoStart Team Update
onathan Moore joins as General Manager and recruitment for an administrative assistant begins.
Sudbury’s community transport charity,

such as the National Council for Voluntary Organisations and is already getting to grips with our mission to get people to important medical, appointments, shops and social events, in our specially adapted busses.

position or volunteering as a driver or passenger assistant, or if we can
Sudbury Oddfellows

KeithAvis Printers
For quality printing, friendly advice and quotations on any printed item
plant. Please note that the tour is not suitable for anyone with mobility
Helen on for more information.
contact Helen on more information.
is essential and must be made by Wednesday 12th February. Please contact Helen on book and for more information.
The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru

unaware of its human cargo.
interviews, the documentary uncovers the harrowing journey of the prisoners as the ship began to sink, leaving them trapped below deck.
to rescue as many prisoners as they could.
or indeed anyone with an interest in this, often forgotten, period of history.

Thinking of having leaflets printed? Thinking of having leaflets distributed?
We print and deliver to 17,100 local Homes monthly in Hadleigh, Sudbury, Long Melford, Upper Layham and Lower Layham, Lavenham, Monks Eleigh, Elmsett, Whatfield, Bildeston, Boxford, Chelsworth, Groton, Milden, Edwardstone, Newton Green, Polstead, Kersey, Hitcham, Hintlesham, Raydon and outlying farms and homes.
Any quantity, Any area delivered to. We also deliver your supplied leaflets from £50 plus VAT per 1000
Need a Vinyl Banner?
Banners have a multitude of uses, such as advertising, corporate, street campaigns, charity and sporting events.

Lisbon Maru.

Telephone & request a brochure or book a free demonstration

French’s Care Haven
Hello to our readers, I hope as always you have all been keeping well.

us on a table.
Pictured this month is George who is 14yrs old and in Year 10 at Hadleigh High School, he has
us doing his Duke of Edinburgh awards. George helped with maintenance and general all round jobs at the rescue. In the photo with George is Brian, who

do their awards with us and choose to either help with maintenance and odd jobs or work with our rescued animals. So if you have a teenager in your family that would like to do their awards with us, let their high school know and then contact us.
tickets sold, we had some great prizes and would like to thank some of Golf and Spa, Riverhill Spa, Perrywoods,

In the other photo is Coco our dear little boy who can be a cheeky monkey. Coco came to us in 2012 as a 3 year old who was no longer wanted by his owner and was going to be unnecessarily put to sleep. Reason being they said he had a heart murmur and could not be ridden so was of no use. I had his heart checked at our vets and they said there was not a problem. Coco has had 13 happy years with us and come to many events when we had a charity stand and at our care farm he was hacked out, which he enjoyed and also worked with vulnerable children and adults. For all our readers, please consider making a personal donation to us and would be very much appreciated by our team and of course our
about becoming part of our small team, caring for our lovely horses and donkeys, by either helping hands on with our animals or with our Fundraising.
French’s is a charity on your doorstep. Can you help, either with and meet our animals. Call me for an appointment. Jann on: 07747 755556 or email: jann.turner@hotmail.co.uk


Delightful Dual Registered Nursing and Residential Home offering care to 34 residents
All rooms are well appointed with en-suite facilities
Nurse Call System: Passenger Lifts: Various Public Rooms: High standard of 24 hour personal care.
Enquiries to: Matron: Mrs Judy Carne RGN, RMA
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Ventanilla Blinds
Ebony’s Blog Life at The Shelley Centre
Watching a Riding for the Disabled session you may think all the horse has to do is walk round quietly and that it isn’t too physically demanding
have to be able to stand square and as still as a rock while up to four people stand around them to mount one of our physically

Pleated - Wooden & Metal Venetians
Sheer Rollers - Blackout Blinds
Perfect Fit Pleated, Roller & Venetian

horse may have to cope with wheelchairs and crutches nearby and having two people walking alongside whilst in use. It may have to cope with sudden
are very special.
sizes to suit our child and adult riders. Many of the horses are not as young as they once were, having been with us for several years. For this reason they have regular visits from a specialist
and we have vets available at short notice if any of the horses show signs of being unwell.
Our youngest horse, Ghost, is undergoing training and an introduction sights; then ridden out with other ponies, then introduced to working ridden in a session by one of our calmer more able riders. He is doing very well and will gradually be used more as appropriate.
fundraising event of the year is Cash Bingo on 1st February, 7 for 7.30pm at Hadleigh Football Club. £5 per ticket. Must be prebooked

Ghost in the centre getting used to being ridden out with other ponies and coping with distractions such as the dog. throws
our website www.tasstourvalley.org.uk

Sat 1 February
Kindly supplied by Sudbury Town Council
village Hall Stone Street CO10 5NP
Gainsborough House
John Macfarlane & The Art of Theatrical Design mail@ gainsborough.org
Sat 1 Feb to 20 April 2025
Gainsborough House
Picture Perfect: A Century of Fashion
Photography from the National Portrait Gallery
Gainsborough’s House, 46 Gainsborough Street, CO10 2EU Tel: 01787 372958, e: mail@ gainsborough.org
Sat 1 Feb to 20 April 2025
Gainsborough House
The Image of the Artist: Portraits from the Royal Academy
Gainsborough’s House, 46 Gainsborough Street, CO10 2EU Tel: 01787 372958, e: mail@ gainsborough.org
Sun 2 February
Jason’s Acoustic Events
2.30pm – 8.30pm
The Brewery Tap, 21 East St, Sudbury, CO10 2TP
Sun 2 February
The Suffolk Villages Festival Music for Candlemas JS Bach & his Predecessors
3pm Sudbury Arts Centre, Market Hill, CO10 2EA www.suffolkvillagesfestival.com
Mon 3 February (every Monday)
The Christopher Centre Open House 10am to 2pm Support & a friendly listening ear for those that need it. 10am – 12pm hot drinks & refreshments
12-1.45pm homemade hot lunches All welcome, no charge
The Christopher Centre, 10 Gainsborough St, CO10 2EU Tel: 01787 313914
Mon 3 February (every Mon)
Learn to Dance Salsa in Sudbury 8pm-10pm
Sudbury Town Hall, CO10 1TL Book your free taster class: www.secretsalsa.co.uk
Mon 3 February (every Monday) Meet-Up Mondays
Adult social group. Pop along for a hot drink, nibbles and a natter. From 10am Sudbury Library, Market Hill, Sudbury
Mon 3 to Mon 10 February
Valentine’s Colouring For children
Pick up a colouring sheet from the Tourist Information
February to receive your gift. Sudbury Town Council, Gaol Lane, Sudbury
Tues 4 February (every term-time Tues)
Free music workshops for ages 11-19
5.30-7.30pm, no exp or booking req
Sudbury Arts Centre, Market Hill, CO10 2EA clipsoundandmusic.uk
Tues 4 February
The Quay Book Club
7.30pm-9.30pm in the bar
The Quay Theatre, Quay Lane, Sudbury www.quaysudbury.com
Weds 5 February
1pm-3pm, £8 a book
All proceeds to the Bridge Project
Charity Sudbury Arts Centre, Market Hill, CO10 2EA
Wed 5 February
Sudbury Ramblers
Long Melford Circular Walk
Start time 10:30am, 3.8 miles
Start place: Long Melford Old School CP Hall st CO10 9DX Tel: David T: 07486531304
Weds 5 February (every Weds)
Sporting Memories Club
2.15pm – 3.45pm
Free weekly club for people to reminisce about sport.
Weds 5 February (every Weds)
The Quay Chess Club
The Quay Theatre, Quay Lane, Sudbury
Tel: Andrew Last: 07394517613 www.sudburychessclub.weebly.com
Weds 5 February (every Weds)
Shared Reading Group 2pm, free Sudbury Library, Market Hill, Sudbury
Thurs 6 February (every Thurs)
Grow Your Community
Sudbury & Gt Cornard
9.30am to 12pm at Belle Vue Park, Sudbury & sometimes at other sites. Tel: 01473 345350, e: susannah@ activlives.org.uk
Thurs 6 February (monthly meetings)
Working Age / Young Onset Group
Maldon Grey Pub, Cats Lane, CO10 2RZ
Tel John for info: 07941391107 www.parkinsonsudbury.org.uk
Thurs 6 February
West Suffolk College, Sudbury Open Day
Adult Education and Careers Advice Event in Sudbury
4.30-6.30pm 18-20 Cornard Road, CO10 2XA
Thurs 6 & Fri 7 (every Thurs & Fri)
The Christopher Centre C’art (Cake and Art Art & Craft group but not an art class. 10am – 12pm, £3, all welcome
The Christopher Centre, 10 Gainsborough St, CO10 2EU
Tel: 01787 313914
Fri 7 February
Gainsborough House
Breakfast Tour 9am-10am, £15, Booking required Gainsborough’s House, 46 Gainsborough Street, CO10 2EU
Tel: 01787 372958, e: mail@ gainsborough.org
Sun 9 February
Andrew Phillips History Evenings Sue Ryder, Phyllis Felton Transportation, Sue Tibbetts 7pm, £8, booking required Quay Theatre, Quay Lane, CO10 2AN Tel: 01787 374745
Mon 10 February
Sudbury Ephemera Archive 10am – 12.30pm at Sudbury Town Hall Join us to preserve Sudbury’s past through donated documents Any date changes see Website: https:// sudburyephemera.org/ Tel: Sue – 07846 885909
Tues 11 February
Sudbury Ramblers
Felixstowe Circular Walk stopping for coffee / chips
Start time 11am, 8 miles (with the option to drop out at anytime and return to start)
Start place: Roadside parking by Fludyers Hotel, Undercliff Road East, Felixstowe, IP11 7LW
Tel: Lesley P: 07922118910
Tues 11 February
You’re Welcome
Social & Wellbeing group 10am – 12pm Create, Borehamgate Precinct, CO10 2EG
Weds 12 February
Sudbury History Society
The Real Basil Brown, Sarah Doig 10am to 12pm
The Granary, Quay Lane, Sudbury CO10 2AN www.sudburyhistorysociety.co.uk
Weds 12 February
Suffolk Carers Natter 10am to 12pm Suffolk Carers Matter Painters Café at The Angel, 43 Friars St, Sudbury, CO10 2AG
Thurs 13 February
Kettle & Fish
9.45am to 1.45pm month Suffolk Road Church, CO10 1UN
Fri 14 February
Gavin Fairhall Lever Music Performances 8pm, £15 (doors, 7.30pm)
Sudbury Arts Centre, Market Hill, CO10 2EA
Tues 18 February
Be Brave this Break at Sudbury Workshop facilitated by Ben MacPherson Games, craft activities and a little bit of writing as we face our fears this half term break.
Suitable for children 7+, must be accompanied by a responsible grown-up. Workshops last 45 minutes & start at: 11am 1.30pm and 3.15pm. Sudbury Library, Market Hill, Sudbury
Tues 18 February
Gainsborough House
Tom’s Tuesdays Family drop-in sessions 10am-1pm, £5 per child (3-12 years), booking req.
Gainsborough’s House, 46 Gainsborough Street, CO10 2EU Tel: 01787 372958, e: mail@ gainsborough.org
Weds 19 February
Sudbury Ramblers to Gt circular. Start time 10.30am, 4 miles
Start place: Meet outside Little
Rd, CO10 0SN
Tel: Mark K: 07974620127
Weds 19 February (3rd Weds each month)
U3A Coffee morning 10am
Friends Mtg House, 22 Friars St, CO10 2AA
Weds 19 February
The Quay Play Readers
7.30pm, Geoff Kisby Room
Perfect for those with an interest in theatrical readings The Quay Theatre, Quay Lane, Sudbury
Weds 19 February
OM Chanting Doors open at 5:15 pm, OM chanting will start at 5.45pm. To register: e: sudbury.library@ suffolklibraries.co.uk or tel: 01787 321595
Sudbury Library, Market Hill, Sudbury
Thurs 20 February
The Djangoliers Jazz, Music Performances 7.30pm, £12 (doors, 7pm) Sudbury Arts Centre, Market Hill, CO10 2EA
Sat 22 February
Imposing our Music on Others 7pm
The Brewery Tap, 21 East St, Sudbury, CO10 2TP
Sun 23 February
Sudbury Ramblers
Steeple Bumpstead circular
Start time 10.30am, 6.5 miles
Start place: Steeple Bumpstead Vill Tel: Pam B: 07831831870
Thurs 27 February
The Sudbury Society
Stephen Astley on Robert Adam 7pm
Sudbury Arts Centre, Market Hill, CO10 2EA
Fri 28 February
Sudbury Farmers Market 9.30am-2pm Market Hill, Sudbury, CO10 2EH