Habitat Issue 1

Page 144


cooked burned a frightening image of death

from the glass platform. 180 degrees of vision,

into my brain that I couldn’t shake. I couldn’t

180 thousand. No, more. 1 million. Easily, 1 million.

stomach the thought. I ate around it. Immedi-

2 million. Half of 7 million. Millions of individuals

ately, she asked me something along the lines

in peripheral vision. Both humbling and terrify-

of: “What was the most unexpected thing you


have noticed since being here?” The answer

Over time I began to enjoy the soundtrack

was beyond me. The accumulation of all ex-

of lonesome traveling. White noise of bustling

periences and contrasting cultures with spe-

engines and murmurs of a language I’ll never

cific norms and mannerisms didn’t hit me un-

know. Networking webs became a nightmare:

til I returned to America. I didn’t realize how I

the source of anxiety.

seamlessly adapted to chinese culture until I re-

peared. My path was a jagged line. My mind: a

turned home. I thought everyone is driving on

mess. Plans and motivations changed with ev-

the incorrect side of the road, most Americans

ery blurred face passing by on a subway car.

take my business card for granted and most are

“If this woman brushes her eyebrow I’ll take the

not polite to strangers, unlike the ladder. When

train east.” “When the train unloads, I’ll exit with

Elaine posed the question to me I was speech-

the others but I’ll wander in the opposite direc-

less--for it was the hardest question.

tion.” The serendipitous detailings of how oth-

Comfort zones disap-

An afternoon like the rest, lonesome

ers moved in their habitat motivated my move-

wandering of neighborhoods were decided

ments and without fail. The journey was better

from a flip of a coin. I entered the enormous

experienced alone. When I noticed this in my-

glass shard of architectural design of One Is-

self I began to notice it in others. The answer

land East.

I was in a prism with panoramic

to Elaine’s question was surfacing. Every lonely

views of city from above, deserted of all move-

excursion was scraping away to what would

ment and shaded from blistering heat. Still,

define my connection to Hong Kong. It was the

quite, sterile. Ascending in the pill of an elevator

unexpected, beautiful, quiet white noise of the

capsule the doors eventually open to a glowing

found solitude in the world’s most dense me-

red platform notifying me I’ve arrive at the sky

tropolis. People turn to the city streets for their

deck. Situated in front of my opening door, so

peace and quiet.

perfectly planted I questioned the reality, was a

their company with one another, undisturbing,

man agreeably isolated on the cubelike couch

unobtrusive, but accompanied. The sought af-

overlooking what looked like heaven. Sky, man,

ter solitude by the people of Hong Kong and I-

sky. We stood worlds apart comfortably in our

-the very thing that separated us--was the very

found solitude above the crowds and concrete

thing that connected us. Our worlds will forever

structures that congest downtown, together.

be apart but in our untogetherness I found a se-

You can’t help but wonder how many people

curity I had not known could ever live inside of

you gaze down upon when you’re observant


Unrelated strangers share


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