Human Anatomy Course Review

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The fourth to seventh modules cover clinical pathology and the different diseases including a comprehensive glossary of medical terms.

The second section is a comprehensive guide that provides a detailed understanding of pharmacology including drug dosage, interaction, effects of and factors influencing the dose and types of drugs. As in the previous anatomy & physiology section it provides a comprehensive glossary of terminology used in pharmacology and introduces the reference guides used by pharmacists. Drug treatments are studied as they relate to the functions of the drugs as well as how they are applied for the different body systems. Each and every module is dotted with tables and diagrams, explaining and illustrating each and every concept. The bonus, if still available, includes a comprehensive module on nursing and paramedic care including CPR for health care professionals. How is the teaching conveyed in a simple way to help you learn fast and retain what you have learned? The lessons are easy to follow and are laid out as follows: 

Lesson objectives.

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