Meal for One Research Project

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Methodology |

| Investigating and Exploring the Problem

Methodology: Cultural Probe Intention: To find out the true behaviours of the target users, and the barriers that they face in order to generate product opportunities. Method: Provide a13 Users with a cultural probe pack, containing instructions, two short questionnaires and a 3 day meal report diary. Concerns: Cultural probes suffer from similar problems as questionnaires because they are affected by, misinterpretation, reporting bias or human error in creation. However they also have their own risks associated for example in this study the period of data collection had to be limited in order to maximize the chances of getting back completed probe packs. Justification: Cultural probes generate a huge amount of both qualitative and quantitative data. They also provide insight into the lives of a member of the target user group. In order to maximize the amount of cultural probe packs successfully returned participants were selected via convenience sampling using geographical location as one of the key factors. Prompted by: Information gained through anomalous feedback from questionnaires. After analysis of the data, participants who showed clear divergence from normal trends were invited to take part in the cultural probes in order to better understand why these variations occurred.


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