Psychic Lifestyles - Winter 2015/2016

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Relax! is easy to say, but often very hard to do.

Relax is easy to say, but often very hard to do. I hear it all the time, you just need to relax. What they don’t tell me is how to go about it. Oh sure, they say just breathe, do yoga or meditate, but how do I shut off my mind so I can actually do any of these things. While I just usually say thanks for the advice and then go off and figure out my own way to relax, I didn’t take into account how many other people are just like me. This was actually brought to my attention recently by one of my favorite personal clients. She is the type of client that realizes a reading can’t fix things for her, but instead guide her through the process. She has graciously allowed me to share her story with you, but for confidentiality, I will be calling her Miss M. Normally when she contacts me, I have no trouble picking right up on her energy, but during a recent reading, her energy was so scattered it was causing me problems with her reading. When I brought this to her attention, she confided she was having a lot of chaos at work and just couldn’t relax enough to even focus. Her mom kept telling her she needed to de-stress and relax but she just couldn’t figure out how to make it work

for her. One of the things she asked me was if I am making bath products again. I did this some years back but due to a health problem, I’m not able to make them so had to tell her sorry. She remembered some milk baths and bath salts she had purchased from me and how well they worked to help her relax. While I can make a few for my own use, I can’t make the large quantities anymore but suggested I could give her the recipes and she could make her own. Of course, I’m going to share those same recipes with you too. Milk Bath Recipe There are so many wonderful different versions of milk bath you can make at home and it’s very easy, not to mention economical. For some of you, these may be things you already have in your pantry, but if not, they can be easily found at most grocery stores. You can have your own Cleopatra milk bath and not have to go to a spa. 1. 2 Cups of Powdered Milk 2. ½ Cup of Corn Starch Winter Issue 2015/2016


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