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- Measles, when they come out with that purplish color, very often require Sulphur. - Sulphur is a great remedy in measles. - The routinist can do pretty well in this disease with Pulsatilla and Sulphur, occasionally requiring Aconite and Euphrasia. - Especially will Sulphur modify the case when the skin is dusky and the measles do not come out. - This purplish color may be seen anywhere, in the erysipelas, in the sore throat, often on the forearms, legs and face. - The dreadful effects of vaccination are often cured by Sulphur. - In this it competes with Thuja and Malandrinum. - In the mental state, which gives out the real man, shows forth the real interior nature, we see that Sulphur vitiates his affections, driving him to a most marked of selfishness. - He has no thought of anybody's wishes or desires but his own. - Everything that he contemplates is for the benefit of himself.

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