The Wey May 2014 final

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Diocese of Guildford May 2014 - Issue 74

The newspaper from the Church of England for everyone in the Diocese of Guildford



‘Demographic timebomb’ ticking Church needs your help to grow younger congregations

He revealed projections by the national A ‘demographic timebomb’ showing a church drastically depleted in numbers a generation from now was presented to the diocesan synod in Church showing that, if churches carry March when parish representatives heard that ‘doing the same’ was not an on as they are, on average they could be just ten percent of their current size by option. 2057, simply because

Failure to grow younger congregations will leave the Church unrecognisable by 2057 - National Church

Diocesan director for the number of The increasingly urgent challenge is to parish development and members dying vastly outnumbers those in evangelism, the Revd Alan retain the younger generations. younger generations Hulme, told synod members From Anecdote to Evidence report coming to faith. that a ‘confident urgency’ was needed to bring He said: “We want younger people to faith - or we face the (28,200) is roughly static or marginally up to encourage a sense of confident urgency stark reality of an unrecognisable church on the previous year, there are five adults in our parishes, a confidence which is based on a trust in God and a realistic thirty years from now. attending for every one child. Alan said: assessment of the situation we are in. While While the latest figures for church “The crisis is not shrinking attendance but many churches have good provision for attendance show that the Diocese of the age of our membership.” younger children we must begin to engage Guildford’s average weekly attendance more effectively with those in the 11 to 25 age band and pass on the Gospel to the next generation.” The national statistics are backed by a recent two-year research project instituted by the Church Commissioners, looking into factors affecting church growth and decline. Alan continued: “The report, From Anecdote to Evidence, is clear about the challenges that face us with ageing congregations - but there is also much encouragement.

2014 attendance

“There has been significant growth in a variety of areas from fresh expressions of church and church plants to ancient Diocesan children’s work adviser Alison cathedrals. In this diocese more than 50 of Hendy said: “Parishes are offering Messy our congregations are currently growing.” Church to give their local communities the In ten dioceses surveyed so far there are opportunity of engaging with Christianity in 21,000 people attending fresh expressions a less formal and more culturally relevant – equivalent to a medium sized diocese. way. It is enabling many families to engage Research shows that for every person with faith for the first time.” sent out to help form a fresh expression, The diocesan synod passed a motion on average, there are another 2.6 people noting the From Anecdote to Evidence added after three years. findings and commending it to parishes for study, reflection and action. New Forms These new forms of church include Café Church, Messy Church and churches which meet in schools, pubs or out in the street. More than half (56%) don’t meet in churches and 52% are run by non-ordained leaders.

Alan concluded: “From Anecdote to Evidence tells us that while there is no single recipe to enable church growth, there are key factors associated with it. These include willingness to change, involving lay members and having a clear vision and purpose. Now is the time to act to defuse the demographic time bomb. Can you give time each day to pray for the growth of God’s Church?

Messy Church, which aims to reach whole families - especially those on the edge of church - is expanding across the diocese and is one sign of growth. There “Diocesan teams are committed to are at least 35 being run by Anglican churches with several new ones starting supporting parishes through resources, advice and insights as we work together to this year in the diocese.

2057 attendance? ensure that we have a future-proof church which will be able to serve God’s mission for generations to come.” llTurn to page ten for a feature on St Mary’s East Molesey church partnership initiative, which has experienced a 100% increase in its congregation since it was set up a year ago. llTo see the synod presentation, including the national Church predictions, visit www.cofeguildford. diocesan-synod-march-1-2014 llFor From Anecdote to Evidence uk/report. llFor the PDE team see www.

Inside: Focus on World War One commemorations - P5 • 20 years of women’s ministry - P8/9

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