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The Interface In general, it could be argued that the computation of “RE.On” could be achieved through all sort of different algorithmic design platforms that have been extensively used in architectural research, however, what seems to be the major element in this approach, which resonates directly to the world of Videogames, is the “interface” itself : this layer of information and data representation that regulates the communication or “symbiosis” between the user/designer/player and the algorithm itself. Consequently, by taking advantage of the game mechanics, the information is present at the moment the decision is taken and not afterwards, as a post rational process. In other words, what is put into question is: how would the absorption and distribution of water from unit to unit, influence the design decision, and therefore the morphology of the outcome. As far as the methodology of design is concerned, “Re.On” works as a case to study to test the possibility of an evolving architecture, through the development of an interactive platform (or a real-time simulating environment), which is able to provide to the designer/ user the means to explore patterns and pathways of how the architectural elements could potentially come together. Upon entering the “world of Re.On”, the player/user/designer gets familiarized with the main environment, a coastal terrain, in which he is asked to shape space through the development of structures, using a list of various geometrical entities (units).


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