Raymond Mears - The Survival Handbook A Practical Guide to Woodcraft and Woodlore 1856481808

Page 148

Using a hand drill. Notice the coal forming in the notch and the bark slab used to hold the coal.

Making fire with a steel strike alight, flint and willowherb down.

Carefully place the smoking coal in a nest of finely teased tinder.

Tinders left to right, top to bottom: clematis down, cattail down, thistle down, clematis bark, inner oak bark, cedar bark, honeysuckle bark, cherry bark, bird's nest, birch bark, dried grass, bird's nest.

Gently nurture the coal inside the the tinder by blowing; try to make the amount of smoke increase until ...

Using a fire plough.

... the bundle bursts into flame.

The magic moment when you first succeed at fire lighting by friction.


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