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A leather covered buckle sets off a well braided belt. Although the method may look a little complicated it is quite simple once you have begun.

Fig. 1. Turn the buckle over, the braiding is done from the back. Bend the lace as shown, then bring the end through the loop as shown by the dotted line.

Figs 2-5. As the braiding continues the end is hidden from view and locked in place.

The amount of lace needed vary with each buckle, but it usually be around ten times distance round the buckle. the very first strand that began

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job, and feed it under the loose stitches. Pull the loose stitches tight then pull the end firm and cut it off flush.

Fig. 6. There is a technique to getting a good firm job with a regular edge. The loop is held open as in fig.5 and the end passed through it. The loop is then pulled tight as in f ig.6. Fig. 7. The end is then also pulled tight and the knot is complete. A needle is not needed when doing this covering. rigs 8-9. When finishing up leave the last two or three stitches quite loose. Pass the end of the lace through


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