Science for All
The GSC DEAI Committee is made up of interdisciplinary individuals dedicated to creating an inclusive and compassionate culture that is welcoming for all guests, staff, board members, and volunteers.
As an organization, the GSC is committed to a diverse, holistic and inclusive culture that embraces practical and insightful approaches towards sustainability and growth.
The GSC aspires to reflect its community’s diversity in its practices, including: hiring and staff development, board development, the guest experience, project contracts & partners, and educational interpretation.
To bring together people, perspectives, and ideas to help create stronger bonds among individuals and communities.
To gain awareness of the types of diversity within and across the community, and the context in which diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion play out for individuals, community, and the organization as a whole.
To create a place where everyone is welcome, supported, and has the resources they need to grow and thrive regardless of identity, origin, or difference in circumstances.
To develop best practices and track our progress.
DIVERSITY is all the ways that people are different at the individual and group levels. Organizational diversity requires a staff culture that seeks to cultivate acceptance and civility to encourage a thoughtful appreciation of individuals, groups, and perspectives.
EQUITY is the fair and just treatment of all members of our community. Equity within our organization extends these principles to all aspects of operations, growth, and change.
ACCESSIBILITY is how we provide information, activities, and environments that are sensible, meaningful, and usable for as many people as possible. Accessibility encompasses the broader meanings of compliance and refers to how organizations accommodate characteristics that each person brings.
INCLUSION refers to the intentional, ongoing effort to ensure that diverse individuals feel safe and encouraged to participate in all aspects of organizational work and experiences. It also refers to the ways that diverse participants bring proactive ideas to your mission and are valued as respected members of an organization and/or community.
k to eliminate structural barriers to access and opportunity, equity in all we do. Becoming a more equitable institution ngoing process, but our commitment to diversity, equity, y, and inclusion as an institution will remain unwavering t. The committee and its initiatives will evolve and develop toward accomplishing our goals together across every level nization.
The DEAI Committee consists of a cross-section of GSC employees with a clear understanding of the GSC’s overall mission in order to best adopt and adapt DEAI goals and objectives into the institutional culture. The DEAI Committee meets a minimum of six times annually, generates meeting minutes and discusses all ideas, recommendations and initiatives with the CEO and senior staff for assessment. Approved plans that meet mission goals will be initiated in direct cooperation between the DEAI Committee, the GSC Leadership Team, the CEO and the Board of Directors. The DEAI Committee oversees the DEAI focus plan, including targeted short and long-term initiatives, goals and outcomes tied to the GSC mission. The primary role of the DEAI Committee is to connect DEAI activities to a broader mission-driven, resultsoriented strategy. The DEAI Committee’s roles and responsibilities include:
Relating DEAI to the company’s mission, values, and objectives.
Outlining key DEAI goals and actionable steps to achieve them.
Helping institutionalize policies that support equity for all employees.
Evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing efforts and adapting as needed.
e GSC DEAI Committee is the steering committee for overarching DEAI Initiative and oversees the owing subcommittees (or action committees):
Scholarships Committee - focuses on resolving the financial barrier that exists, making the GSC more accessible to the community.
Accessibility Committee - focuses on providing a quality guest experience to every member of the community, providing multiple ways for guests to experience each exhibit, creating ADA-compliant signage, and following best practices for accessibility.
Staff Engagement Committee - responsible for developing and implementing activities designed to bring the entire GSC team together for the purpose of getting to know each other better, and focuses on internal inclusion efforts by creating a culture of collaboration and caring.
GSC Experience Committee - focuses on external efforts and is responsible for creating a welcoming environment through human interactions for all guests of the GSC. The GSC Experience Committee strives to bring about a more positive experience for staff, guests, and volunteers alike.
e DEAI Committee will secure outside speakers, visit al/regional institutions and secure materials tinent to DEAI advancement.
e DEAI Committee will draft an annual summary of ogram initiatives, outcomes, successes and areas eding reassessment or improvement. The DEAI file become a permanently managed record cumenting the evolution of the GSC’s DEAI program.
WHEELCHAIRS-Alimitednumberofwheelchairsareavailabletoguestsforuseon afirst-come,first-servedbasis.AphotoIDisrequiredforwheelchaircheck-out. Becausewecannotguaranteewheelchairavailability,norplaceholdson wheelchairs,weaskthatyoubringyourownwheelchairifpossible.
RESTROOMS-Eachofourrestroomsisoutfittedwithawheelchairaccessiblestall. AFamilyrestroomislocatedatRevolutionRidgePlaza.Babychangingtablesare availableineveryrestroom.
TheGreensboroScienceCenterwelcomesallADAserviceanimalsorthoseina recognizedtrainingprogram.Allserviceanimalsmustbecheckedinatthefrontdesk beforeproceedingintothefacility.Therearecurrentlynoaccesslimitationsforguests withserviceanimals,butthisissubjecttochangependinganypotentialanimal concerns.
The Greensboro Science Center's Science for All initiative is dedicated to developing inclusive & accessible GSC experiences for all guests.
SNAP/EBT DISCOUNT PROGRAM - Individuals and families enrolled in a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) from any state can receive up to five $5.00 + tax general admission tickets by presenting a SNAP/EBT card and photo ID. Click here to download the program flyer.
CAMPS & CLASSES SCHOLARSHIPS - We offer summer camps, after-school classes, early learning adventures, homeschool series, and robotics classes and leagues for ages 3-14. Financial assistance is offered on a needs basis in increments of 25, 50 or 75% off the Member or Non-member rate, with an annual family cap of $250 in support.
Sensory Friendly Map
Social Narrative: Preparing for my daytime visit
Sensory Friendly Daytime Visit Schedule (to print and customize)
SENSORY BACKPACKS - A limited number of sensory backpacks, intended to enhance and support the experience of guests with sensory-processing adjustments, are available to guests for use on a first-come, first-served basis. A photo ID is required for sensory backpack check-out.
SENSORY FRIENDLY NIGHT - The Greensboro Science Center offers after-hours events designed specifically for guests with sensory-related challenges, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder or PTSD, and their families. This is a night to avoid crowds and loud noises or lights and enjoy science at your own pace.
Thank you for supporting the Greensboro Science Center's DEAI Initiative. If you have questions, please email