Find Your
Dream Team Words Megan McGrath
network. Our lives are made all the better by having people to help us
out when we need it. When we decide and are committed to change, it is vital to have the right people around us to encourage, support and celebrate our success. This is what I like to call a ‘Dream Team’ – they are people who genuinely care and want the best for us. These people want to see us achieve our goals and fulfil our potential.
ll of us need a good support
Design Oleksandra Zuieva
Whilst some people lift, nurture and encourage us, others can have the opposite effect. These are the people who might shoot down your idea, lead you astray or are just plain unsupportive. They are the people that want you to keep drinking with them, putting on weight with them; they might want you to continue smoking with them. They will sabotage your efforts because it is uncomfortable for them to see you step up. For you to succeed shines a light on their own insecurities. GHG Disclaimer – please read