Grayhawk Flight- December 2017

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December 2017

Inside: Holiday Events for Everyone White Chicken Chili to Keep You Warm Flight  |  1

8302 E. Buteo Dr.

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Offered $1,025,000.00 4 Beds │ 3.5 Baths │ 3,315 SF Golf Course Views New Premium Carpeting Built in Retractable Shade Heated Pebble-Tec Pool & Spa CALL (480) 999-5460 No OTHER Team Sells More in Grayhawk

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Michael Fee Community Manager

Stacey Harvey Assistant Community Manager

Jenn Sheets


Book Club


Director of Communications

Sip and Tell

Sarah Van Duyne Lifestyle Director

INSIDE SCOOP Manager’s Corner................4

In & Around Grayhawk......14

Board Briefs.........................6

Our Desert, Our Home........20

Aqua Era.............................11

Still Sweet and Salty............26

Dana Gonzalez Administrative Coordinator

Grayhawk Community Association

Richard Dearo Maintenance Supervisor

Phone (480) 563-9708 RSVP (480) 563-9839

Anthony Day


(480) 563-9709

Maintenance Assistant

Talon Guardhouse/Roving Patrol (480) 502-7685

CCMC 7940 E. Thompson Peak Pkwy. Suite 102 Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Raptor Guardhouse (480) 502-5078

Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

On the Cover 2016 Santa Party

Flight  |  3

Manager’s Corner 2017 At the November 6, CA) (G n atio oci Ass Grayhawk Community A) (RV on iati soc and Retreat Village As of ors ect Dir of ard Board meetings, the Bo et/ dg Bu the ed both associations approv mended 2018 Finance Committee’s recom roved budgets app operating budgets. The essment and ass A increase in the GC result in a $1.00 per month if you are a nt, me se in the RVA assess a $2.00 per month increa essments ass od rho lage. The neighbo member of the Retreat Vil od were rho bo gh the Pinnacle nei in the Retreat Village and ion of ept exc the h rease in 2018 wit all approved with no inc nacle Pin e Th s. od nce neighborho the Pinnacle and Renaissa the and nth mo per increased $2.00 neighborhood assessment per .00 $4 sed rea assessment inc Renaissance neighborhood od rho bo gh nei h eac erve funding for month to increase the res ns atio nd me om rec reserve funding n in accordance with the atio oci Ass by ed updates prepar in the recent reserve study ors ect Dir of ard Bo and the RVA Reserves. Both the GCA capital el for each association’s lev g approved the fundin GCA the in el lev g mended fundin reserve fund to the recom studies. and RVA updated reserve increased GCA assessment rate has the t Did you know tha monthly e Th ? 02 year since 20 by less than 1.5% per 2018 the and nth $49.00 per mo assessment in 2002 was an to s ate equ is Th 0 per month. is assessment rate is $61.0 Th rs. yea 16 t pas per year over the increase of less than $1.00 the ays alw t no is nts h your assessme type of fiscal prudence wit of goods ations. Generally, the cost oci ass norm in community contract the in s ult ually, which res and services increases ann /repair nce ena int ma ative costs, and str ini adm e, ens exp es vic ser r monthly h year. Maintaining you expenses increasing eac the GCA of ult res a monthly rate is t ren cur its at nt me ess ass se revenue ors finding ways to increa ect Dir of ard Bo A RV and res. while reducing expenditu a wide essment is used to pay for ass A Your monthly GC landscape ct all of you including the range of services that affe ice staff, off A GC the the community, maintenance throughout community rol, maintenance of the 24-hour community pat playground ties such as ramadas and and neighborhood ameni . ies nts and activit areas, and community eve es the budget for 2018 includ g tin era The GCA’s op following increases: rease by ense is projected to inc • The patrol service exp in the $1.00 per hour increase $19,200 which reflects a

urity officers with Trident Sec wage rate for the patrol ard Bo y approved by the GCA Services that was previousl of Directors. ted to enance expense is projec • The landscape maint se in ich reflects a 2% increa increase by $14,904 wh y contract that was previousl the landscape maintenance ard of Directors. approved by the GCA Bo increase s expense is projected to • The salaries and benefit aries a 2-3% increase in staff sal by $19,200 which reflects in 2018. items increases in budget line • There are several other ape dsc 3,000 increase in the lan including a projected $1 in se ense; a $3,980 increa other/culvert cleaning exp in e and a $9,000 new expens the office lease expense; the by e previously approved communications expens GCA Board of Directors. d to line items are anticipate Several of the budget lud inc ing rease in the 2018 budget decrease or have no inc $5,100 patrol vehicle expense, a a $1,800 decrease in the rease in plies expense, a $2,580 dec decrease in the office sup expense, increase in the electricity insurance expense, and no one expense. A water expense, and teleph both the GCA and the RV The Board of Directors of se the of responsibility as fiduciaries continue to adhere to their n’s funds and expend the associatio non-profit corporations mmittee The Budget/Finance Co as prudently as possible. to be RVA Board of Directors are and both the GCA and the bility nsi g to display fiscal respo commended for continuin ds. with your assessment fun bors by join your Grayhawk neigh ase ple te, no r On anothe eduled of the holiday programs sch participating in some or all liday Ho e the Corks and Canvas in December. These includ ama Paj the Santa Party/Holiday Edition on December 6, on lar Holiday Concert Spectacu Party on December 12, the and , yrides on December 14-15 December 13, Holiday Ha please on December 20. Also, the Chanukah Celebration a. cocoa shack in Montevin remember to stop by the . son sea ay lid Have a safe and happy ho We’ll talk again soon.

Michael Fee

nager Grayhawk Community Ma

GRAYHAWK ADVERTISING The Grayhawk Community Association (GCA) offers advertising as a service to our community and does not support or endorse the products, persons or services advertised in the Flight. GCA shall not be held liable or responsible for any misleading or incorrect advertising. 4

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Community Meetings BOARD MEETINGS – DECEMBER 2017 Board meetings are open to residents and we encourage you to attend. Your involvement does make a difference!

Grayhawk Board of Directors Mon, Dec. 4 at 5:30 p.m. in the Talon Room, GCA office

Grayhawk Board of Directors Executive Session Meeting The Board of Directors will be meeting in Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. Section 33-1804 (A)(3) at 5:00 p.m. in the GCA office.

Retreat Village Board of Directors Mon., Dec. 4 following GCA meeting in the Talon Room, GCA office

Retreat Village Board of Directors Executive Session Meeting The Board of Directors will be meeting in Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. Section 33-1804 (A)(3) at 5:00 p.m. in the GCA office.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS Communications Committee Call Jennifer Sheets at 480-563-9708 for more information.

Event Planning Committee Call Sarah Van Duyne at 480-563-9708 for more information.

Landscape Committee Call Stacey Harvey at 480-563-9708 for more information.

Operational Review Committee

Cachet at Grayhawk Condominium Association Board Meeting Wed., Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. in the Cachet Clubhouse. Call FirstService Residential at 480-551-4300 for details.

Crown Point Board Meeting

Vice President

David Van Omen

Treasurer Secretary

Visit or call 480-584-4647 for details.

Margo Bellock

Encore Condominium Association Board Meeting

Robert Mann

Wed., Dec. 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Encore Clubhouse. Call Ogden and Company at 480-396-4567 for details.

Martha Troy

Tesoro Condominium Association Board Meeting Call Kinney Management at 480-820-3451 for details.

Venu Condominium Association Board Meeting Call Associated Property Management at 480-941-1077 for details.

Village at Grayhawk Condominium Association Board Meeting Tues., Dec. 12 at 6 p.m. in the Raptor Room, GCA office. Call FirstService Residential at 480-551-4300 for details.

Mon., Dec. 4 at 10 a.m. in the Talon Room, GCA office. Call Associated Property Management at 480-941-1077 for details.

No meeting in December. Call Associated Property Management 480-941-1077 for details.

Paul Alessio

Edge Condominium Association Board Meeting

Architectural Review Committee

Avian Condominium Association Board Meeting


Jeanette Griswold

Vintage Condominium Association Board Meeting


Linda Shaw

Call Stacey Harvey at 480-563-9708 for details.

Call Stacey Harvey at 480-563-9708 for more information.

Tues., Dec. 5 and 19 at 4:30 p.m. at the GCA office.

Grayhawk Community Association Board Members

Director Director Director

Retreat Village Association Board Members Arlene Smith President

Ira Mallin

Vice President

Patrick Thompson Treasurer

Mitchell Cooper Secretary

Alan Fernandez Director

VISION – Grayhawk: a Sonoran Desert home to vibrant southwestern living with an uncommon commitment to community.

MISSION STATEMENT – Grayhawk Community Association strives to enhance quality of life and community strength through inclusion, participation and pragmatic stewardship of human, financial and environmental assets.

Flight  |  5

Board Briefs Grayhawk Master Association Board of Directors Meeting – November 6, 2017 An Avante homeowner shared her frustration with the Board of Directors regarding short-terms rentals and what would happen if the CC&R amendment ballot did not pass. The Board encouraged her to spread the word to her neighbors and friends and make sure they have voted. CCMC Vice President Jenna Perkins presented a proposed revision to Exhibit A of the management contract. The proposal would increase the late fee for assessment payments from $15 to $20. A motion was made and approved to accept the revision to the management contract. This fee has not increased in over 10 years.

Development Committee David Van Omen reported that the committee did not meet in October. He did have a chance to look inside the Honor Health space that is taking over the old Bashas’ location and noted that a lot of improvements appear to already be completed.

Operational Review Committee Martha Troy reported that Trident Security Service recently hired on five new staff members for community patrol and gate entry services. There has been an increase in vandalism in the Park section of Grayhawk. GCA management has spoken to the Scottsdale Police Department and the City of Scottsdale staff that oversee the Grayhawk Neighborhood Park. They will be working to set up a meeting with staff at Grayhawk Elementary School as it appears many of the kids are hanging out at the school park area that does not currently have lights. The committee also discussed wildlife problems in the community. There are currently three signs at Thompson Peak Park stating not to feed wildlife, as the Arizona Game and Fish Department feels this is largely contributing to the problem. The committee will be discussing realtor gate access further at their next meeting. There will be a Home Safe Home booth at Sunday in the Park and there was an article on the program in the last issue of the Grayhawk Flight. A motion was made and approved to accept Scott Johnson as a new committee member.

Landscape Committee Arlene Smith reported that overseeding is complete and the rye grass has come in throughout the community. DLC Resources is near completion of the annual tree trimming project.

Community Enhancement Committee Bob Mann reported that the committee had met to review multiple requests. The committee recommended increasing the amount for the community website and photography previously approved by the


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Board. A motion was made and approved to fund up to $30,000 from the GCA community enhancement fund to cover the cost to design and develop the new website, and community stock photography. A motion was made and approved to pay $5,503 from the GCA community enhancement fund to increase the wall height to 60”, a new requirement of Maricopa County, around the perimeter of the Crown Point pool. The committee discussed that the Doculex electronic document management system we currently use was recently purchased by Docstar. The cost for the conversion and annual maintenance fee of $5,805 and upgraded equipment will be necessary due to the age of our current equipment. A motion was made and approved to pay $38,000 from the GCA community enhancement fund to update the electronic document server equipment and software. A motion was made and approved to pay $3,810 from the GCA community enhancement fund to engage Graphic Direction Inc. to act as a consultant on the monument sign modification project.

Event Planning Committee Sarah Van Duyne reported that the Teen Fear Factor event had been very successful. Those in attendance really participated and had a great time. Pumpkin Patch was well-attended. There were some Alice in Wonderland character actors this year and people enjoyed the event overall. Upcoming events include Sunday in the Park on November 12 and a variety of holiday events in December.

Communications Committee Jennifer Sheets reported that committee had met to review quotes from photographers. The committee has selected Jill Richards Photography and she will be attending Sunday in the Park, and then will be scheduling times to meet with homeowners for photos following Thanksgiving. The committee also discussed some new ideas for getting the word out regarding the CC&R amendment ballot.

Architectural Review Committee Paul Alessio reported that the committee met on October 3 and 17, with eight and 10 submittals for modifications, respectively.

Budget/Finance Committee Jeanette Griswold reported that the Board of Directors had approved the assessment rate of $61 per month (an increase of $1 per month) at the October meeting. In addition, the Board had approved funding $90,024 of the capital reserve contribution in 2018 through the GCA community enhancement fund. The Budget Finance Committee also recommends that the Pinnacle Neighborhood assessment rate increase by $2 a month to

$30 a month in 2018 due to the increase in the Pinnacle Reserve funding recommended in the reserve study update. A motion was made and approved to accept the 2018 GCA operating budget and 2018 Pinnacle neighborhood budget.

Executive Committee Linda Shaw reported that the committee had reviewed the possibility of purchasing 7910 E. Thompson Peak Parkway for a new GCA office building. The GCA is scheduled to pay almost $176,640 in rent in 2018 in the current office space totaling approximately 5,500 square feet. The building in question is approximately 8,000 square feet and is listed for $1,935,000. Committee members agreed that it makes long-term financial sense to purchase a building, however, there are some obstacles, one being the current lease. Michael Fee, Paul Alessio, and Jeanette Griswold will be scheduling a meeting with the owner of the GCA’s current office space to discuss options regarding the current lease and office space, and will update Board members. The committee discussed the current status of the CC&R Amendment ballot. Management staff provided a breakdown on the percentage of votes per neighborhood. Votes are especially lacking in the Park section and some of the condo neighborhoods. The Board discussed door-to-door visits to ensure non-voters have the opportunity to learn about the ballot and vote. They also discussed various other ideas for increase the vote count, including a booth at Sunday in the Park and a competition between neighborhoods.

Treasurer’s Report Jeanette Griswold reported that the GCA is currently ahead of budget, primarily due to water savings. The GCA has taken in over $588,000 in community enhancement funds through the first nine months of the year.

Management Report Michael Fee reported that the holiday lights will be turned on the day before Thanksgiving. Mr. Fee also reported the project to remove the west side of Grayhawk from the Rawhide Wash Floodplain through a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from FEMA is continuing to progress and has the City of Scottsdale’s consent.


Airport Ride

FOOD TRUCK December 13

Off the Hook Taco Truck WWW.VELOCITYPHX.COM

Grayhawk Elementary School Located in the semi-circle in front of the school from 11am-1pm

Flight  |  7

Grayhawk Book Clubs Help with Your Shopping List

In November, Grayhawk’s five book clubs got together for their annual social. Over 40 women, all intelligent, interesting, funny individuals who have a passion for reading, attended the event. They ate, drank and shared their favorite reads of 2017.

Mystery Glass Houses Louise Penny Odd Child Out Gilly Macmillan

* A Man Called Ove Fredrik Backman A Little Life Hanya Yanagihara

Other Fiction Contemporary Fiction

Ordinary Grace William Kent Krueger

Beartown Fredrik Backman

The Leftovers Tom Perrotta

* Everybody’s Son Thrity Umrigar


Small Great Things Jodi Picoult

The Café By The Sea Jenny Colgan

Behold The Dreamers Imbolo Mbue

The Loveliest Chocolate Shop In Paris Jenny Colgan

The Book That Matters Most Ann Hood Secret Daughter Shilpi Somaya Gowda 8

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The Bookshop On The Corner Jenny Colgan

The women compiled a list of their picks in hopes that their Grayhawk neighbors would be able to use the list to find their next book or a wonderful holiday gift. Enjoy!

Biography/Memoir I Am Malala: The Story Of The Girl Who Stood Up For Education And Was Shot By The Taliban Malala Yousafzai * Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir Of A Family And Culture In Crisis J.D. Vance * The Girl With Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story Hyeonseo Lee My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me: A Black Woman Discovers Her Family’s Nazi Past Jennifer Teege Thunder Dog: The True Story Of A Blind Man, His Guide Dog, And The Triumph Of Trust Michael Hingson

The Nazi Officer’s Wife: How One Jewish Woman Survived The Holocaust Edith Hahn Beer Find Me Unafraid: Love, Loss, And Hope In An African Slum Kennedy Odede & Jessica Posner The Elephant Whisperer Lawrence Anthony

Nonfiction * Red Notice: A True Story Of High Finance, Murder, And One Man’s Fight For Justice Bill Browder Speaking American: How Y’all, Youse, And You Guys Talk Josh Katz

Historical Fiction * The Golden Girl Armando Lucas Correa

Grayhawk Book Clubs Give Back

* The Nightingale Kristin Hannah * The Bridal Chair Gloria Goldreich The Circle Of Ceridwen (Saga Series) Octavia Randolph * A Gentleman In Moscow Amor Towles The Marriage Of Opposites Alice Hoffman Karolina’s Twins Ronald H. Balson Before The Court Of Heaven Jack Mayer A Piece Of The World Christina Baker Kline From Sand And Ash Amy Harmon The Orphan’s Tale Pam Jenoff All The Light You Cannot See Anthony Doerr The Invisible Bridge Julie Orringer Before We Were Yours Lisa Wingate Lilac Girls Martha Hall Kelly

*Highly Recommended By Multiple Members

In November, over 50 members of Grayhawk’s six book clubs gathered to share their love of books (and wine) in the Raptor Room. Like years before, they created a list of their favorite books read in 2017 (page 8), perfect for helping with your holiday shopping. This year, the book clubs took an idea that was sparked by the (original) Grayhawk Book Club partnership with Katy’s Kids, and Books for Kids was born.

How It All Started In the fall of 2015, the Grayhawk Book Club was discussing plans for their December meeting, where they had typically exchanged either books or gift cards with one another. After years of trading gifts, the ladies decided that their money could be put to better use and went searching for an organization where they could donate books. They happened upon Katy’s Kids, a preschool serving primarily low income families in Phoenix- a school that needed books. To the delight of preschool children and staff, the ladies showed up with a trunk load full of books that first year. The tradition continued, and this year, Grayhawk Book Club members spoke to the school director and learned about a training their teachers were able to attend through Child's Play. They were provided with a list of specific books to initiate Child's Play Early Years Educators at Play “Drama Time" Lessons. The list totaled $87, but the book club definitely went above and beyond their need. They were able to donate 10 books to each classroom to begin the new training program.

The Growing Idea Other book clubs in Grayhawk liked the original idea so much that they too wanted in on the giving. The concept was there, the groups were just trying to figure out how to make it all work. So last April, the leaders of the six book clubs met to discuss a community service project for the clubs to participate in together. Marcia Zielinski, current leader of the Readers Between the Wines Book Club, suggested that they try to help some of the Title I schools (schools in low income neighborhoods with a high percentage of students on free or reduced lunches) within the district. Many of the women didn’t even realize Grayhawk is actually in the Paradise Valley School District and not Scottsdale School District. Marcia knew most of the principals at these schools and reached out to a few of them. Jerry Withers at Campo Bello Elementary School in the Paradise Valley Unified School District responded and was very grateful for the interest. So this November, when those 50 ladies came together to share their love of books over wine and food, they brought with them a children’s book to donate to Campo Bello. The group was able to donate nearly 60 books to Campo Bello, surely brightening the lives of many, many children.

Next Steps An idea that started with one book club has now spread to the others. That original spark of goodwill caught on, and now each of the individual book clubs has the option to find their own partner school and continue the spirit of giving. It’s generosity like this that truly shows the Grayhawk spirit.

Flight  |  9

Joyous holiday wishes to you and your family … Jeremy Mueller Ins Agcy Inc Jeremy R Mueller, Agent 23341 N Pima Rd Suite D139, AJ’s Shopping Center Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Bus: 480-515-5223


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|  Flight

The End of an Aqua Era On October 30 a group of women gathered at the Peregrine Pool to celebrate the end of an era. Grayhawk resident Sue Lukenbill has been teaching water aerobics in the community for nearly 16 years, and this fall she closed that chapter of her life with her last class. Sue’s “Aqua Babes” were more than a fitness class. In fact, the ladies who have been a part of the class would likely call themselves a social group more than an exercise class. Sue has a special way of bringing people together, and over the years through both her water aerobics class and Ladies Night Out, she has been instrumental in helping new residents find their place in the community. Sue’s class will be sorely missed, as is evident in the comments below from some of the members of her class. Sue is a great example of what makes Grayhawk the great community it is, and we applaud for everything she has done to create a sense of community here.

“I want to thank you for all that you have done for us in the class, I had a great time meeting you (like 16 years ago when I first came!) and exercising especially after my shoulder surgeries and through my other golf ailments. You will be missed as you brought a lot of new Grayhawkers together to meet each other in a relaxing social environment. Off to a new chapter! Enjoy your retirement!” “Thank you for many years of fun in the water. If it wasn't for you and your class, I would not have met so many wonderful ladies who I now call my friends. Have fun and relax. You deserve it!” “Enjoy the satisfaction you achieved in all the years of creating a fun atmosphere to exercise in and to meet new friends in our community!”

Holiday Gate Access in the Retreat If you will be hosting a holiday party this year, please remember to drop off a complete guest list to the guardhouse if you are not adding those guests to your ABDI account. The guards will call on every guest that they have not been notified of prior to the party. If you are busy having fun and don’t hear your phone ring, your guest may be denied admittance, and that is no way to spread holiday cheer! Flight  |  11

Grayhawk Residents Celebrating Halloween

P.O. Box 494 Scottsdale, AZ 85252-0494


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Flight  |  13

In & Around Grayhawk Corks & Canvas – Holiday Edition Wed., Dec. 6 at 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Raptor Room, GCA office 7940 E. Thompson Peak Pkwy. #102 Start the season with an evening of artistry and libations. Enjoy light appetizers and other seasonal treats along with your favorite wine all while painting a beautiful picture of a Winter Cardinal enjoying a fresh blanket of snow. Lisa Fitzgibbons, one of Arizona’s top art instructors, will guide you with light-hearted, step-by-step instruction that guarantees terrific results. Expect to have lots of fun and to leave with a painting you will be proud to show off at your holiday gatherings. Cost is $35 and includes all art supplies and eats. Please bring your favorite wine to share. RSVP to 480-563-9839 and pay in cash or check to the GCA office by December 5. Seats are limited!

Santa Party & Holiday Pajama Party Tues., Dec. 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Fairway House at the Grayhawk Golf Club Ho! Ho! Ho! It's time again for Santa's annual visit to Grayhawk. Kids are encouraged to be dressed in their cutest, most adorable holiday pajamas. We will give a special prize for the best dressed. The evening will be full of magical holiday cheer including crafts, gifts, treats and more. The meal portion will feature "breakfast for dinner" for the kids, plus a selection of appetizers and a cash bar for the adults. There will be a hot chocolate station to warm you up and get you in the Holiday spirit! Cost is $15 for adults, $12 for kids if you RSVP by December 5. RSVPs made after December 5 pay $18 for adults and $15 for kids. Last day to RSVP is December 8. Parents should drop off prepayment and a wrapped gift at the GCA office for Santa to give your child by no later than December 8 to hold your spot. Clearly mark your child's first name, last name, and age on the gift. Space is limited. RSVP and prepayment are due by December 8 at the latest. Thanks to David Van Omen and Andrew Bloom of Keller Williams AZ for sponsoring this event!

“So This is Christmas”- A Holiday Concert Spectacular Wed., Dec. 13 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Fairway House at the Grayhawk Golf Club Christmas is the most joyful time of the year and no one celebrates it as big as TAD Management and their “So This is Christmas” Concert Spectacular! For those of you wondering how we could possibly have more fun than we did at the Howl at the Hawk Event last year, you will have to see for yourself! Join your friends and neighbors for Grayhawk’s first ever full production Christmas concert. You will walk in to a beautiful snowy winter wonderland, enjoy cold drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres, and an incredible show with sounds of the season all in your own Grayhawk backyard. Come sing, dance, enjoy the entertainment, tasty appetizers, and two drink tickets for $45 a person. Thank you to our sponsors David Van Omen and Andrew Bloom with Keller Williams AZ Realty and Mo Hamideh with Homeowners Financial Group for making this event possible. Cost is $45 a person if RSVP’d by December 8. If RSVP’d after Dec. 8 cost goes up to $50 a person. You must RSVP and pay at the GCA office by cash or check by end of day December 11. RSVP to 480-563-9839. Seats are limited!

Holiday Hayrides Thurs. Dec. 14 and Fri., Dec. 15 at 6 p.m., 7 p.m., and 8 p.m. GCA Office RSVP’s will begin on Thursday, November 30 and close once each time slot is full. This always popular evening is sure to fill up fast so don’t wait to register once it has opened! Mrs. Claus will be leading the group on each horse-drawn carriage ride through the Grayhawk community. Families will enjoy the beautiful holiday light displays, sing carols along the way and read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Lastly, the group will make a stop at the Montevina neighborhood cocoa shack for hot cocoa and cookies before heading back to our North Pole drop off at the GCA office. Price is $5 per person (children under 2 are free) plus one non-perishable food item per person. RSVP to 480-563-9839 after November 30 to save your spot. Thank you to Susan Jenkins of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and Nick Monardo of CNN Mortgage for sponsoring this incredible Grayhawk tradition! DUE TO THE POPULARITY OF THIS EVENT, NO MORE THAN 6 PEOPLE PER RESERVATION and NO MORE THAN 2 NONRESIDENTS GUESTS ALLOWED PER PARTY. MANDATORY PREPAYMENT BY 12/12 OR YOUR RESERVATION WILL BE MOVED TO THE WAIT LIST.


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In & Around Grayhawk Chanukah Celebration Wed., Dec. 20 from 5 to 7 p.m. La Hacienda at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Happy Chanukah! All residents are invited to enjoy a traditional lighting of the Menorah at the beautiful Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Resort. Enjoy a lovely setting and a beautiful evening with family. Stick around after the lighting of the Menorah to enjoy all the festivities at the Princess. One drink will be provided by our wonderful sponsors David Van Omen and Andrew Bloom with Keller Williams AZ Realty. RSVP to 480-563-9839 by December 18. Thanks to the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess for hosting this beautiful event and to our sponsors for providing the first drink.

Grayhawk Single Sippers Club Wed., Dec. 27 at 5 p.m. Carvalho’s Brazilian Kitchen, 23623 N Scottsdale Rd. If you are a single looking for casual conversation, a friend, or just to meet some other singles in your neighborhood, then this event is for you! Come grab yourself a light bite to eat and a drink all while meeting some new people. This is a great way to broaden your circle of friends and to try something new. We will have a surprise raffle at the restaurant at 5:30 pm, so don’t miss it! Our reservation starts at 5pm, you are welcome to join a little later if you cannot be there by 5 pm. We must give the restaurant our final count of attendees by December 26, please RSVP by that date to 480-563-9839.

Hiking Club GRANITE MOUNTAIN LOOP Sat., December 2 at 8 a.m. Join the Hiking Club on Saturday, Dec. 2 for an easy/moderate hike from Granite Mountain Loop Trailhead in the northeastern section of the McDowell Mt. Preserve. This 6 mile loop ideal for beginningintermediate hikers and will serve as an introduction to the Eastern Brown’s Ranch area in the McDowell Preserve for hikers new to the area. Estimated hiking time is 2.5 hours. To learn more about this hike and/or RSVP, go to To participate, you must have joined the club online (if you have not already done so) and RSVP’d “YES” to this event. On the website, you can review many other upcoming hikes and email the organizers with questions.

DESERT PARK LOOP Sun., December 17 at 2 p.m. Join the Hiking Club on Sunday Dec. 17 for our annual Holiday Hike and post hike social. The 5.5 mile loop hike is easy to moderate and appropriate for all levels of hikers. Estimated hiking time is 2.5 hours. After the hike we will gather for a post hike social at a Scottsdale eatery nearby. To learn more about this hike and/or RSVP, go to To participate, you must have joined the club online (if you have not already done so) and RSVP’d “YES” to this event. On the website, you can review many other upcoming hikes and email the organizers with questions

COMING SOON: Living Trust Seminar Wed., January 24 from 10 to 11 a.m. GCA Office, Talon Room, 7940 E. Thompson Peak Pkwy. #102 FREE LIVING TRUST SEMINAR: LEARN ABOUT THE LATEST STRATEGIES TO PROTECT YOUR ESTATE. Affordable and Comprehensive Estate Planning Solutions. Planning Is Essential – Do You Have A Plan? Have you considered what would happen to your loved ones in the event of your disability or death? Learn why a Will is not enough. Why many people with Living Trusts will end up in probate. Learn how to avoid it. A good estate plan coordinates what happens to your home, savings, investments, business and retirement accounts. Come learn how to put a plan into action to help protect your legacy, your family and your future. Guests will have an opportunity for questions after the seminar with Attorney Richard M. Dwornik. Presented by: Dwornik Law. RSVP by Jan. 19 to 480-563-9839 to reserve your seat!

AROUND GRAYHAWK: Grayhawk Golf Club Annual Sale Fri., Dec. 1 and Sat. Dec. 2 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Don’t miss this great sale! Take advantage of discounts of 50-75% off everything in the big white tent! Spend $450 pre tax to earn a free twosome of golf. Call 480-502-1800 for details.

Scottsdale Holiday Events Grayhawk Resident Susan Matura puts together a great list of mostly free holiday events in and around Scottsdale. From tree lightings to ice skating and Holiday train rides, movie nights, she’s got a great list for all ages. Check it out at

Flight  |  15

Karen Nychay

Kathleen Prokopow

Sally Cashman

Linda Goldberg

Lorraine Funk

A Harvest of New Listings for this Fall


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Sally Cashman, REALTOR® 602.339.2680 16

|  Flight

NOW $1,140,000

Calendar of Events

December 2017 Monday








Hiking Club 8 a.m. Granite Mountain Loop

ROVING PATROL (480) 502-7685 GRAYHAWK ASSOCIATION (480) 563-9708 SCOTTSDALE POLICE (480) 312-5000 RSVP FOR GRAYHAWK (480) 563-9839




Vintage Board Mtg. 10:30 a.m. Talon Room GCA and RVA Board Mtg. 5:30 p.m. Talon Room














Holiday Concert 7 p.m. Fairway House








Hayrides 6 p.m. GCA office

Hayrides 6 p.m. GCA office

Hanukkah Party 5 p.m. Fairmont Scottsdale Cachet Board Mtg. 6 p.m., Clubhouse Encore Board Mtg. 6 p.m., Clubhouse

Hiking Club 2 p.m. Desert Park Loop


6 Corks and Canvas 5:30 p.m. Raptor Room

Santa Party 5:30 p.m. Fairway House Village Board Mtg. 6 p.m. Raptor Room





27 Single Sippers 5 p.m. Carvalho’s

Flight  |  17

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Flight  |  19

Our Desert, Our Home Harvesting Rain By Victoria Kauzlarich, Volare As we sit squarely between a nearly uneventful monsoon season and our lovely winter rains, it is an excellent time to think about getting the most out of this free natural resource. We live in the desert. Rain is infrequent. Especially this year. While we got about twice the normal amount of rain last winter - about 6 inches - our monsoon season was stingy with barely two inches of rainfall. It would be easy to think that with so little rain, not much is wasted. In truth, most rain ends up flowing down driveways and sidewalks and then into streets. If we understood just a little about how to capture more of this “free resource from the sky” we could do our landscapes and groundwater supplies a lot of good.

Let’s talk dirt for a minute, shall we? Grayhawk was built into the natural desert and our soil is of a particular type: largely devoid of nutrients, it is sandy with a wee bit of loam. Unlike other locations in the valley, our soil infiltrates (absorbs water) rapidly. Have you noticed after a rainstorm that the standing water in your yard disappears quickly? Any place where you don’t have grass will respond as the desert always responds: it puts the water to use and does so in under 30 minutes. We humans undermine the desert’s effectiveness by shaping the land to promote runoff. If you look at the typical planted median, for example, most of them are shaped to force rainwater away from the plants and into the streets.

Shape Matters Instead of berming medians, why not dish them out? Retaining water by creating places for it to collect benefits plants enormously and it also does wonders to replenish groundwater. A great local example of this is at the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM). The MIM’s parking lot slopes away from the building and there are curb cuts into the medians. Rainwater naturally flows across the parking lot and the curb cuts let the water flow toward the planted areas. Plants get extra water and instead of running off, the additional rainwater restores groundwater, as well.


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Another way to replenish groundwater is to let rainfall run off your roof. An inch of rain on a 1,000 sq. ft. roof surface produces 600 gallons of water that will go right into the groundwater supply AND water nearby plants, too.

Rainwater Harvesting Made Simple An easy way to start harvesting rain is to dish out the area around each of your plants, especially your trees. This forces the rainfall to collect around the plant and absorb into the root zone. Another way to keep more rain on your property is to do some simple grading to keep rainfall from running away from your yard. Low lying areas can be filled with rip rap (those fistsized [or larger] rocks that fill dry stream beds). This solution adds visual interest to your landscape, slows the flow of water and reduces or eliminates run-off. Rip rap can also be used to solve other problems. Pictured here is a solution to a standing water problem. This landscape is in a small courtyard that was plagued by standing water after every rainfall. The planted area had been bermed which kept the water from flowing toward the plants. The problem was solved by digging a two-foot trench and filling it with rip rap. Now, instead of rain filling the courtyard, it naturally moves into the rip rap trench where it further waters the plants and restores groundwater.

Plant of the Month This month’s plant is the underappreciated Creosote Bush. This native plant grows like a weed in the desert and it gets large - so large that you can prune it into a small tree. This is not a highly regarded plant. It is often called unruly and ugly. But, here’s the thing about the Creosote. This is an iconic plant and, without it, the desert would not have that wonderful fragrance after a rain. It is the lowly Creosote that gives the desert that lovely smell. You can test this for yourself the next time you’re out for a walk. Take your bottle of water and pour a little onto one of these bushes and bring the wet leaves to your nose for a sniff. See? The desert after a rain. Priceless.

Plant of the Month: Creosote Bush Latin Name: Larrea tridentata

Plant Characteristics:

Common Name: Creosote Bush

• Extremely Drought Tolerant Once Established

Native Distribution: Throughout Southwestern US; Also in Baja, California & Northern Mexico Size: Can Reach 10’; Typically 6’h x 8’w Flower: 1/2” Yellow Flowers in Spring; Pea-Sized Fruit Covered Densely with Silver Hairs Foliage: Tiny, Resinous Deep Green on Twisted Gray Stems Site Preferences: Prefers Full Sun in Well-Drained Soil; Plants Become Leggy in Shade Landscape Uses: Works Well in Revegetated or Naturalistic Desert Landscapes; Mass or Use as Screens; Plain Background Accents Twisted Branches; Delicate Foliage is Good Contrast to Bold Forms, i.e. Cactus & Agave

• Hardy to 5F • Slow to Moderate Growth Rate • Prune Only to Remove Dead Wood • Distinctively Fragrant Following Rain • Can Be Shaped into Tree-Like Form • Prune to Shape Plant • Do Not Shear

Flight  |  21

7757 E. Journey Lane | $650,000 | MLS 5684013

20845 N. 83rd Place | $1,100,000 | MLS 5556988

20750 N. 87th Street #2050 | $525,000 | MLS 5551189

21426 N. 78th Street | $1,025,000 | MLS 5498412


19475 N. Grayhawk Dr #1049 | $479,900| MLS 5661462

20750 N. 87th Street #1122 | $445,000 | MLS 5671571 19700 N. 76th Street #2193 | $364,900 | MLS 5582249

We need homes to sell! The Grayhawk Group has more buyers than inventory so NOW is the time to sell. Give us a call to see what your home is worth today. 21000 N. Pima Road Scottsdale, AZ 85255 Office: 480. 500.7678 Fax: 480.355.8579 22

|  Flight

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Sip and Tell By Sue Lukenbill, Encore Resident Another year comes to an end, and what a great year it has been. I continue to be blessed with good health and an awesome husband and family. As I look back on 2017, I can’t help but think of all the great restaurants I have been able to enjoy with Grayhawk’s Director of Communications Jennifer Sheets. I can’t believe that I have been writing this column for almost 12 years! I especially love bumping into homeowners while I am out and about who share their personal experiences with area restaurants. I often have residents make suggestions, and we’ve visited many of those this year. Thanks to all of you for your kind comments and suggestions. With the holiday season now officially upon us, I’m sure that many of you are already thinking about how to get out of the house and enjoy time with visiting family and friends. If you haven’t already been there, I encourage you to go just a teeny bit outside of the “Grayhawk bubble” over to Desert Ridge Marketplace and check out Barrio Queen. This is the third valley Barrio Queen to open and it’s already wildly popular. The original Barrio Queen restaurant opened in 2011 in Old Town Scottsdale, with the second opening in 2015 at Heritage Marketplace in downtown Gilbert. Owners Steve Rosenfield and Linda Nash plan to open even more locations in downtown Phoenix and near Tempe Town Lake in the next year or so, and are considering their first out-of-state options in Dallas and Denver. Like at the other establishments, diners at the Desert Ridge location can expect tableside guacamole, an impressive variety of tacos and plenty of margaritas. The experience takes place in a stylized indoor/outdoor dining area that’s decorated with artwork from Arizonan and Mexican artists. The vibe is laid back and their outdoor area is phenomenal. You might wonder why we’d keep trying all of the new Mexican restaurants, as there are already so many to choose from. I guess I am at fault because after living over two years in Cuernavaca, Morelos in Mexico, I can’t say no to trying a new taco or margarita! Plus it is December with Posadas and buying tamales, it just seemed to fit. I assume since this is her third time ordering it, Jennifer must love Pozole. I have heard lots of things about the dish, including that it’s popular on New Year’s Day and also that it’s a cure for a

hangover. So I did a little research out of curiosity. According to chef Anthony Lamas who is the owner of Seviche in Louisville, KY, “If you’re cold, you’re hung over, you’ve had a long night, Pozole is that Mexican cure for you in a bowl.” He recommends that you don’t go to the medicine cabinet, but head directly to the stove and have a simmering pot of Pozole. So for the third time (it was also her dish of choice at The Mission and The Vig McDowell Mountain) Jennifer ordered the Pozole Verde. The Barrio Queen version of the pork green chile and hominy soup was slightly lighter than the last she tried. It was topped with cabbage, diced red onions, radishes, fresh cilantro and a pinch of Mexican oregano. Since the main menu featured Street Tacos, I ordered them. I’m not one to stray too far from the popular menu items. I had a choice of three and chose the Carnitas for one, which was slow cooked pork marinated in Coca-Cola and orange rind. It was topped with diced red onions and fresh cilantro. My second taco was Camaron Asado that was a large marinated grilled shrimp that was topped with cabbage, homemade pico de gallo, queso fresco, and Barrio aioli sauce. And for my third taco, it was Pescado. It was Negra Modelo beer battered fish, topped with cabbage, homemade pico de gallo, queso fresco, and barrio aioli sauce. The presentation was amazing and our meals were yummy. Jennifer took some of her Pozole home. Prior to ordering our meals, we chose the Queso Fundido over the Barrio Guacamole as an appetizer just to be different. And naturally I had to try Barrio’s skinny margarita, the Skinny Chola. It was on the rocks, no salt, and was made with Don Julio blanco tequila, fresh lime juice, and agave nectar. It was one of the best Skinny Margaritas I have had! All in all, we enjoyed a great lunch. If you like Mexican food, or even just a great atmosphere, I suggest that you visit Barrio Queen. If you’re looking for tamales this holiday season, be sure to check out their catering menu. Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas to all!!! Barrio Queen Desert Ridge Marketplace 21001 N. Tatum Blvd., Phoenix 480-466-7445 •

Flight  |  23

Thanks to the following for their participation in the 2017 Sunday in the Park: Carvahlo's Brazilian Kitchen, La Hacienda, Liberty Station, Market Street Kitchen, Nothing Bundt Cakes Scottsdale, Toro Latin Restaurant and Rum Bar, Tryst and Sorso Wine Room. Also, thanks to David Van Omen and Andrew Bloom with Keller Williams AZ Realty, Focal Point Salon and Spa, Club Pilates Scottsdale Promenade, Jeremy Mueller with State Farm, Premier Fitness, Kathy Craig and Nancy Costlow- Skin Care Consultants with Rodan + Fields and the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess.

John’s Window Cleaning The Owner Cleans Your Windows! Power Washing Available


Mobile Re-Screening

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|  Flight

Additional Panes 2.00 ea. Screens Cleaned 2.50 ea. Fans|Lt. Fixtures|Mirrors

Flight  |  25

Still Sweet and Salty White Chicken Chili By Lori Bosch and daughter, Stephanie, Cachet at Grayhawk We love a hearty one-pot slow cooked dinner on a chilly afternoon! It is a super easy way to make a healthy well-balanced meal. You can prep everything in the morning and a few hours later…. voila, dinner is served! Slow cookers cook on a very low-temperature which helps to tenderize the meat. Another benefit of slow cooking is that if you use fresh organic vegetables and meats, it will be nutrition-rich since their natural juices are retained in the sauce or soup. It’s important to know that most slow cooker recipes require you to precook some of the ingredients since vegetables cook slower than meat. Also, try to resist opening the lid of the slow cooker while it is cooking to retain the heat. You can stir it once, mid-way through, and again before you serve it. Today is football Saturday and we couldn’t figure out what sounded good to eat so we went to the grocery store and wandered around until it hit me…. White Chicken Chili! When you’re having dinner in front of the TV, this is a perfect meal because you can just refill your bowl whenever you’re hungry. As the day goes on, this chili just keeps thickening and tasting better. This recipe fills a large slow cooker so you will probably have lots of leftovers… and it freezes really well. Enjoy! And always, always, always enjoy those stay-at-home days in front of the TV with a one-pot nutritious meal! We welcome your feedback, suggestions and recipe requests! Please feel free to email us at

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|  Flight

White Chicken Chili Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 1 ½ hours on high, then at least 2 hours on low Ingredients: • 4 organic chicken breasts, washed • 1 small Spanish onion peeled and diced • 1 bell pepper diced (we use yellow) • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 32 ounce container organic chicken broth • 2~48 ounce jars great northern beans; plus 1~15 ounce can great northern beans (secret tip: mash the can of 15 ounce beans with a potato masher to make a thicker chili)

• 16 ounce jar organic Pace Picante salsa • 1 cup half and half • 8 ounces shredded Mozzarella cheese • 4 ounces Monterey Jack cheese (reserve to top Chili) • 1 ½ teaspoon salt • 1 generous tablespoon cumin

1. Bring chicken broth and 4 whole chicken breasts to a boil on high. Reduce heat to a light boil to poach chicken for 15 minutes 2. Remove chicken and cool, then cut into bite-size chunks 3. Pour remaining chicken broth & bite-size chicken chunks into slow cooker 4. Turn slow cooker on high 5. Sauté onion & pepper in olive oil on medium heated stove until soft, then add to slow cooker 6. Add drained whole beans, and small can of mashed beans to slow cooker 7. Add all remaining ingredients and cook on high for 1 ½ hours, then on low for at least 2 more hours 8. Serve with tortilla chips (or corn bread is delish too!) and top with Monterey Jack cheese

Flight  |  27

Welcome to the Neighborhood Eric Andrews and Christina Smith Chad and Sarah Blanton Ryan and Kelly Kjolhede Richard and Joyce Moncrieff Kimberly Ott and Jeffrey Angle Robert and Linda Pomerantz Candice Sanchez Condrad Spezzacatena Kathleen Walker

Important Contact Numbers Grayhawk Onsite Office


Capital Consultants Management Corporation 480-921-7500 Grayhawk Community Patrol


Talon Guardhouse 480-502-7685 Raptor Guardhouse 480-502-5078 After Hours Answering Service


UTILITIES Southwest Gas 877-860-6020 City of Scottsdale Water


City of Scottsdale Solid Waste


APS 602-371-7171 Street Light Repair (SA/ ID prefix on pole) 602-371-7171 CITY OF SCOTTSDALE Non-Emergency Police Department


Fire Department Main Phone


Police or Fire Emergency


Parks and Recreation


Street Light Repair (SS prefix on pole)


SCHOOLS Grayhawk Elementary School


Mountain Trail Middle School


Pinnacle High School


El Dorado Private School


LIBRARIES Appaloosa 480-312-7557 Arabian 480-312-6250 Mustang 480-312-6050 Grayhawk Golf Club


Boys and Girls Club, Thunderbirds


Motor Vehicle Division


Poison Control 602-253-3334 US Post Office, Kachina Branch


Southwest Wildlife 480-471-9109


|  Flight


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Flight  |  29


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