Asa grait-a Brancusi - Sorana Gorjan

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Sorana Georgescu-Gorjan materialelor. Toate materialele poartă în ele sculptura pe care omul o doreşte; omul trebuie să muncească şi s-o moşească, îndepărtând materialul de prisos care o mai înveleşte. Sculptura nu este altceva decât expresie umană oferită naturii. Artistul este acela care trebuie să ştie să dea la iveală fiinţa materiei şi să fie scula care să reveleze esenţa-i cosmică dându-i o exigenţă [o existenţă reală vizibilă]. (Paleolog, 1996, p. 236-7)

13. Anthropomorphism has made man reproduce himself to express the natural and the supernatural. Full of the idea of his own self, he has disregarded the life of matter. (M.M., 1923, p. 17)

L’anthropomorphisme a poussé l’homme à se reproduire lui-même pour exprimer le naturel et le supernaturel. Rempli de l’idée de lui-même, il a négligé la vie de la matière. (Dation Brancusi, 2003, p. 98)

Antropomorfismul l-a împins pe om să se reprezinte pe el însuşi pentru a exprima naturalul şi supranaturalul. Atunci, artistul plin de propria persoană, a uitat de viaţa materialului, de viaţa materiei în sine. (Paleolog, 1996, p. 237)

14. In the early times of Christian art the artist understood the plastic possibilities of the stone. Their greatest sculptures, the cathedrals, were abstract sculptures, non-representative, but with a definite and concrete significance. Representation appeared in the cathedral in the form of man, animal and plant, but these were adapted to the stone, they were details of the great unity and equity of the ensemble. Those visionaries, exalted fanatics, wanted to render visible the harmonies of the universe, their abstract monuments included the illustrations of their rituals for their better understanding, but it was the stone that commanded the forms of those illustrations. When fanaticism waned and religious art became the “mirror of nature” imitation soon brought art to its death. (M.M., 1923, p. 17)

Au début de l’art chrétien l’artiste comprenait les possibilités plastiques de la pierre. Ses grandes sculptures, les cathédrales, étaient des sculptures abstraites, non-représentatives, mais avec une signification définie et concrète. La représentation dans la cathédrale apparaissait sous la forme de l’homme, des animaux et des plantes, mais ils étaient adaptés à la pierre, détails de la grande unité et équité de l’ensemble. Ces visionnaires, fanatiques exaltés, voulaient 232

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