Grand Square International ANNUAL Archive 2010-2011

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By the same token, social media, which also hurdles easily over traditional boundaries has become a part of our efforts. Please, take a moment to befriend us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Let's reciprocate and generate a tremendous, connected group. It was tragedy that made our ties, bonds and communications seem more important than we might have ever imagined. Dancers from around the world came immediately to the aid of those suffering from the effects of the Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011. This swift and dedicated action follows the plausible response after Hurricane Katrina in the US, and promises to improve on our efforts to afford help to those afflicted by similar causes in the future. Square dancing, and square dancers have much to rejoice about, much to be proud of, and much to look forward to in the years ahead. We look forward to your review of our work in 2010-2011—please let us know how we are doing, and join us when and where you can! HIGHLIGHTS SHOWCASED IN THIS ANNUAL EDITION Launched NEW GSI Worldwide Website GSI Website Updated with Multilingual Translation Capabilities and Documents with plans for more GSI Named Member of JSDA Japan Relief Program Raised Over $60,000 in Relief Funds Established Crisis Support Program for Proactive Worldwide Relief Established GSI Slovakia Established GSI Czech Republic Established GSI Taiwan GSI Organized and Named Worldwide Leaders Across the Globe GSI Attended and Supported Two National Conventions and Caller Schools Caller Education Fundraising Program (Development Initiated) Caller School LIbrary on GSI Website (First Foundation Begun) Caller Training Program Online (Launched Ideas Forum/Exploration and Development for 2012) GSI Caller Training Master Syllabus Online/Additional Training Programs Online

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