Grady-White Boats 50th Anniversary Book

Page 121


At the first decade of the Twenty-First Century,

regular, significant customer feedback with the

Grady-White bills itself at “The Ultimate in

establishment of the company’s Owners’ Forums.

Customer Satisfaction,” and every product detail

Kris Carroll explains, “Several times each

is shaped by customer influence.

year, our executives travel to our Owners’ Forums,

Grady-White has maintained and valued a

which we have held in many places around the

direct conduit to customers almost from the day

country. Our main agenda is simply to listen to

the Smith era began, and not just at dealership

our customers. We invite input. We ask these

visits, boat shows, customer plant visits and

customers to tell us how they are really using

at dealer events. One of the earliest outreach

their boats, and we ask how we should evolve our

efforts–the Grady-White Anchorline, born in

boats to meet their future needs. We look to them

1981–may well be oldest continuously-published

to tell us what they want in a Grady-White. We

customer newsletter in the marine industry. It

don’t know what they’re going to say, these 35 or

was an immediate hit with customers and invited

40 people per meeting, but the exercise always

feedback from the very first issue. (At the time,

energizes us and increases our resolve to do great

Eddie wondered why he had not been doing a

things for our customers. We are never afraid of

newsletter for years.) The Anchorline is now in

criticism, and sometimes we hear strong words,

its 28th year, and has remained a strong facet of

but we listen and we are confident in our product,

Grady-White’s marketing effort and is just one

and believe that feedback is necessary whether it’s

of the important elements in propelling Grady-

positive or negative. I believe that the initiation of

White’s powerful and important relationship

these Owners’ Forums have been one of the best

with its customers.

things that we have done in the 2000s.”

In late 1998, Grady-White began something

Owner input at Grady-White doesn’t begin

that remains unprecedented in the industry. In

and end with informal meetings at boat shows or

order to take the concept of customer feedback

at dealer events, or even with the unique Owners’

to a new level, Grady-White began a system of

Forums, either. Grady-White invites customer 120

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