Ambient Ljubljana 2014

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Nizozemsko oblikovanje in arhitektura v Sloveniji Foto: Ana Kovač, MAO

Dragi obiskovalec in obiskovalka, najprej bi se rad zahvalil Gospodarskemu razstavišču za povabilo, da Kraljevina Nizozemska postane država partnerica letošnjega pohištvenega sejma Ambient Ljubljana. Povabilo ni naključje. V Sloveniji je bilo vedno veliko zanimanja za nizozemsko oblikovanje in arhitekturo, opažam pa, da celo narašča v zadnjih dveh letih. Zato smo se odločili, da vam predstavimo nekaj novega, nekaj, česar v Sloveniji še nismo videli. S pomočjo naših partnerjev smo pripravili razstavo sodobnega nizozemskega dizajna Znanilci nizozemskega oblikovanja @ BIO 50, ki je postavljena v bivanjsko okolje, prebivališče nizozemskega veleposlanika v Kosezah v Ljubljani. Razstava daje močan nizozemski poudarek letošnjemu pohištvenemu sejmu Ambient Ljubljana, saj predstavljamo oblikovalske izdelke najboljših nizozemskih oblikovalcev današnjega časa. Naj jih omenim le nekaj: Studio Job, Richard Hutten, Scholten & Bajings, Marcel Wanders, Maarten Baas, Bertjan Pot, Dirk Vander Kooij, Aldo Bakker, Hella Jongerius, Ineke Hans, Studio Makkink & Bey in mnogi drugi. Vabim vas, da izkoristite priložnost in se pridružite vodenim ogledom po razstavi, ki smo jih pripravili v sodelovanju z Muzejem za arhitekturo in oblikovanje. Prijavite se lahko na spletni strani nizozemskega veleposlaništva: Razstava, ki jo je postavil znani nizozemski oblikovalski Studio Makkink & Bey, je del programa BIO 50 in sejma Ambient Ljubljana. Naj se na koncu zahvalim vsem partnerjem, s pomočjo katerih je razstava ‚ Znanilci nizozemskega oblikovanja @ BIO 50 bila postavljena: MAO, BIO 50, Ambient Ljubljana, Studio Makkink & Bey, Prooff, Moooi (Strlesvetila), t.e., Arco, Weltevree, Vatovec. Dobrodošli, Pieter Jan Langenberg Veleposlanik Kraljevine Nizozemske v Sloveniji

Nizozemski veleposlanik Pieter Jan Langenberg s soprogo

Dutch design and architecture in Slovenia Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the organisers of the furniture fair Ambient, Gospodarsko razstavišče, to invite the Kingdom of the Netherlands to become the partner country this year. Secondly, this is not a coincidence. In Slovenia there was always a lot of interest for Dutch design and architecture and we are noticing that it is even growing in the past two years. For this reason we have decided to present something new, something that was never done before. With the help and efforts of our partners an outstanding exhibition of Dutch contemporary design Dutch Design Ambassadors & BIO 50 was set up in the living environment of the residence of the Netherlands Ambassador. With this exhibition we are adding a strong Dutch dimension to this year’s furniture fair Ambient, as items of the best Dutch designers of our time are presented. Let me mention few: Studio Job, Richard Hutten, Scholten & Bajings, Marcel Wanders, Maarten Baas, Bertjan Pot, Dirk Vander Kooij, Aldo Bakker, Hella Jongerius, Ineke Hans, Studio Makkink & Bey and many others. The exhibition, curated by Studio Makkink & Bey, presents a link between BIO 50 and Ambient. Thus, I am inviting you to take this opportunity and visit the exhibition, as we have organized special guided tours for you. You can register at our web page . Last but not least let me thank our partners, without whom this exhibition would not be possible: MAO, BIO 50, Ambient, Studio Makkink&Bey, Prooff, Moooi (Strlesvetila), t.e., Arco, Weltevree, Vatovec. Yours sincerely, Pieter Jan Langenberg Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Slovenia


AM B I E N T L J U B L J A N A 2014

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