Revista GPS Miami 02

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SOUTH BEACH South Beach é uma das áreas mais badaladas de Miami, com edifícios art déco. Aos finais de semana, entre a 5St e a 21St, a praia ferve. Ir a Nikki Beach é programa certo, pois há serviço de praia e o preço das camas são razoáveis. Se preferir só um pouco de calmaria, a dica é ficar em South Pointe Beach. South Beach, with its art déco buildings, is one of the busiest areas in Miami. On the weekends, between the 5St and the 21St, the beach boils. Going to Nikki Beach is a good businnes, as there’s a good beach service and the price of the beds is reasonable. If you like quiet places, you should stay at South Pointe Beach.

128 « GPS-Miami

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