Circus Volume 1

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LORIENT Little befell Lorient before the storms, the evacuation ships, before the monster. The forever light city and its remaining people, hopeless, watched as the last behemoth cruiser departed without them through broken windows and shadowy places. Talks of building a community from the positives, of striving in the city, now surrounded by water, were first met with apathy and sarcasm, then when the last carts of the derailed supply train ran dry, anger. There were no more hello's in Lorient. This was a city fuelled by fury; of the creepers that consumed all angles and the brilliant white faces of the abandoned high rises, in the continuous cawing of scavenger birds and the faceless monster that would soon grip them all. Peta dug a pit to catch the beast; even though she knew its roots would eventually push through and surface it again, there would be enough time for her and the other positives to make it to the water. It hadn’t been safe to go outside during the day for three months, not since the beast tore Genevieve in half in the poppy fields and venturing out at night meant relying entirely on a lunar light dulled by decades of industrial development; the energy companies had even deemed the moon expendable, some even said the settlements and drilling on earths only moon were the cause of the devastation. One thing was absolute, the beast was born of indifference. It emerged at dawn. The positives always new it was awake, the breeze that shook it’s leaves made humming sounds, an unnatural whispering that meant if heard, you should be running for darkness. It hovered around the pit, now covered with salvaged bubble-wrap and foliage. The creature was eager, instinctive and bungled after a hooting Peta standing some 45 feet away and fell ungracefully into the trap. The positives wondered briefly why they had feared the beast enough to force them into hiding, why they had so willingly served natures suddenly flexing ego when humanity had previously just engineered their way through it. An orgy of lust came immediately after the beasts capture. The positives exposure to a magnificent midday sun filled them with joy, a nirvana none had experienced in their lives before. Peta bounced furiously on Jacobs penis, before screaming one note of pure pleasure as she sprayed her juices down his shaft and groin. The copulative mass of the positives had drawn some curious gazes from the most malevolent voyeurs, transfixed by the beauty of

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