Gospel USA Magazine

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Cecil L. Brown / Publisher and Editor

GOSPEL USA MAGAZINE is published quarterly by Gospel USA Magazine, P.O. Box 970704, Miami, FL 33197 USA. Telephone (305) 234-8689. All contents copyright 2025 by Gospel USA Magazine. All rights reserved.

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advertising policies and rates, visit our website before placing ads.

Albany / Paulette Thornton

Kansas City / Ray Manning

Atlanta / Wayne Brown Saint Louis / Chuck Spearman

Atlanta / Chanta Rose


Birmingham / Wayne Preston ILLINOIS

Huntsville / Min. Gerry Grant East Saint Louis / Terri Gold

Madison / Lee Parker

Columbia / Wayne Brown

TENNESSEE Saint Louis / Evan. Mary Tillman


Trenton / Barbara McLaughlin

Memphis / Bob Holloway


Dallas / Carlton McConnell LOUISIANA

CALIFORNIA Lake Charles / Larry Robinson

Houston / Sharon Baldwin NEW YORK

Bronx / Johnny Jones

Oakland / Leila Bellow & Leona Oakes New Orleans / Darnetta Mahaffy Rochester / Golden Lewis

San Diego / Adrienne Greene


Markham / Bish. Fred A. Jones

VIRGINIA Shreveport / Rev. Arthur Wilson


Hampton / Reggie Grantham

Newport News / Keith Roberts MARYLAND Charlotte / Edee Walker New Haven / Ernest E. Richard


Washington / Ms Vee


Miami / Johnny Sanders

Orlando / Cora Miles Jefferson

Tampa / Sylvia Clinch

Richmond / Randy Johnson Baltimore / Gail Timmons


Durham / Bobby Parker

Fayetteville / Rev. Arvetra Jones

Greensboro / DJ Ronnie Ron

Bahamas Detroit / Undra Hill

Lansing / Jackie Day


Cincinnati / Vincent Morton Flint / Rev. Willie White

Freeport / Derek Stubbs

Nassau / Orlando Miller (Landlord)

England / Mike Ward Jacksonville / Al Taylor


Cleveland / Ivan Willis

PENNSYLVANIA Jackson / Rev. Joe Washington

Philadelphia / Preston Brown

Jamaica / Jermaine Gordon

Canada / Bunny Bernard

Reggie Grantham / Special Assignment Reporter

Johnny Sanders / Nat'l Public Relations Dir ChristianEventsUSA.com Manager

Clifford Brown / Emanuel V. Brown / Art Director

Mail subscriptions

Mail subscriptions to Gospel USA Magazine are $18 per year (4 quarterly issues) International subscribers, call for rates Send your name, complete address and a check or money order payable to Gospel USA Magazine, P.O. Box 970704, Miami, FL 33197. For credit cards orders, call us or visit our web site.

Gospel USA Magazine is a nationally-distributed, quarterly Gospel music and news magazine We are available through postal mail subscriptions and by free give-aways at select national events In addition, hundreds of promotional copies of each issue are sent FREE to Gospel industry professionals across the USA –including leading Gospel radio and TV stations & shows, programmers, record labels, major & independent Gospel groups & artists, concert & radio promoters, distributors, booking/ management/PR agencies, producers, media, Gospel music associations, gospel award shows, industry web sites and more Plus, a digital copyofeachissueisavailableviaour website to Gospel fans worldwide. So read and advertise in each issue because-itreachestherightpeople! worldwide via the Web and nationwide OFFICE: (305) 234-8689

"God" Is His Title

Not His Name

When you pray to God, what do you When we call on God using call Him? God? Abba? Father?

Lord? MostHigh? Almighty? Allof one of His names, we direct our those accolades are accurate, but they are communication to a specific member of not His name. They are His TITLE. There God. That's because God is a Trinity is a big difference between a person's name (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). As such, He andtheirtitle. has revealed to us three specific names we canusetocommunicatewithHim.

When you meet someone in an informal setting and you call them by their first name

What are those names? The name of the only – and it does not offend them – then the Son is Jesus ("...and you shall call His true level of intimacy you have with that name Jesus" (Matthew 1:21 NKJV)). The person is revealed. If you cannot call that name of the Holy Spirit is Holy Spirit. ("the person by their name without offending Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send..." them, you should respect them by calling (John 14:26 NKJV)). The name of the thembytheirtitle. Father is I AM. When Moses asked the Father 'what is Your name?' – the Father

Forexample,ifyouareinarestaurantand toldMosestotellthepeople:"IAmhathsent you meet the President of the United States me unto you." (Exodus 3:14 KJV). Also, the or your father, mother or pastor – and you Fatherhasmanyadditionalnames call them by their first name only – you most likely will not receive the response you were So,becauseGod'stitleis not thesameas hoping for – unless you are a close family His name, the question now is: should we member, close friend or personal addressGodbyHistitleorbyHisname? acquaintance.

The answer is: regardless of whether we How then should we address God when address God by His title or by His name –we pray or communicate with Him? The God wants us to communicate with Him English translations of the Bible gives us according to our level of intimacy that we English speakers some wonderful titles we have with Him. Our level of intimacy has can use. Some of those titles are been and will continue to be determined by mentionedabove. our level of love, respect, fear (reverence), honor, trust, obedience (and more) that we

However, our English Bible also gives us somewonderfulnameswecanuse. haveforHim. Beblessed.

spotlightgospel male vocalist

Melvin Williams

Gospel Music Veteran Melvin Williams Releases His New,Toe-TappingSingle,"WhatAreYouThankfulFor"

Turn on Gospel radio and you're sure to hear producer/ songwriter/artist Melvin Williams, one of Gospel music's most distinctive voices in the music industry With over 50 years with the world renowned Williams Brothers, 18 Top Ten records, 7 Award nominationsandahostofStellarAwardswithTheWilliams Brothers, Melvin Williams delivers Gospel music unlike anythingyou'veeverheardbefore.


Melvin Williams grew up in the small town of Smithdale, MS and is currently based in Jackson, MS. He has attained chart-topping radio success and has performed in some of the nation's most prestigious concert halls and venues, including Madison Square Garden, The Apollo Theatre, Radio City Music Hall, Carnegie Hall, The Grand Old Opry, The White House, The Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, The House of Blues, radio, television, stage plays, civic centers, festivals,colleges,churchesandmore.

In his latest musical offering, the incredible Melvin Williams asks and expresses thankfulness in his new, toe-tapping single entitled, "What Are You Thankful For." "What Are You Thankful For" and all of Melvin's music is available for purchaseandstreamingatallmajormusicoutlets.

For more information about Melvin Williams, visit his website at www.melvinwilliams.net. Also find and follow himonFacebookandothersocialmediaoutlets.

spotlightgospel female vocalist

Multi-Award-Winning Gospel Superstar Tamela Mann ReleasesHerPowerfulNewAlbum,LiveBreatheFight

On October 11th, 2024, GRAMMY® -winning gospel artist Tamela Mann released her highly anticipated new album, Live Breathe Fight, on all music streaming platforms. Her soul-stirring single, "Working For Me," offthenewprojectskyrocketedtothetop of Billboard's Gospel Radio Airplay chart, marking her record-breaking11thNo.1hit.

This uplifting anthem has become her fastest rising single evertoreach#1,captivatinglistenersacrossthenation. This album marks an exhilarating new chapter in the GRAMMY® winner's illustrious career, showcasing not only her extraordinaryvocaltalentbutalsohergrowthasasongwriter

The title, Live Breathe Fight, heralds Tamela's message of surrendering to God's will and fighting for a life of purpose and fulfillment. Tamela Mann takes listeners on an emotional and spiritual journey with tracks like "Deserve To Win," "Hand On Me" and the title track, "Live Breathe Fight," which speaks to the strength found in Jesus and the importanceofcastingourburdensontheLord.

"I want the Lord to be proud of the work I'm doing and the waysI'musingthegiftthatHe'sgivenme. Livelikeheavenis your destiny, breathe every breath with purpose, and fight until you get the victory," Mann declares, encapsulating the spirit of her new album. For more information about Tamela Mann,visitherwebsiteatwww.tillymannmusic.com Award

Tamela Mann

spotlightgospel quartet

Jeffery Newberry and The Keynotes

spotlightgospel choir

Jeffery Newberry and The Keynotes Celebrate The 65th Anniversary as They Continue to Minister Nationwide

JefferyNewberrystartedhismusiccareerin1975with the late legendary Willie Neal Johnson Jeffery has traveled the world singing and praising God through GospelMusic. WillieNealJohnsonisfamousforwaving a handkerchief saying – You Better Sang Jeffery! Jeffery iswellknownforthesongtitled, "RiseAgain" andothers.

After the transitioning of Willie Neal Johnson, Jeffery continued on with the group which is now called Jeffery Newberry and The Keynotes The group still has original members Larry McCowin and Jeffery Newberry,alongwithnewmembers.

Theirlatestsingleisentitled, "God's Got It (Live)." The anointed track is available on popular digital music outlets everywhere. Through the years, the group has been nominated for several prestigious gospel music industry awardsandtheycontinuetotravelandministernationwide

On February 2nd, 2025, Jeffery Newberry and The Keynotes will celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the OriginalKeynotes TheeventwillbeheldinFortLauderdale, FL and it features guest performances by The Gospel Legends, Roy & Revelation, Flossie Boyd Johnson&Favorandmanyothers. Formoreinfo,follow JefferyNewberryandTheKeynotesonFacebook

Multiple Stellar Award-winning Songwriter and Educator Alphaeus Anderson Presents The USC Gospel Choir

The University of South Carolina Upstate is a leading regional public university that transforms the lives of diverse students, their families and communities throughouttheUpstateSouthCarolinaregion.

The university's gospel choir began as The GordonCollums Gospel Choir but later changed its name to The USC Upstate Gospel Choir They have become the soul of the university In 2013, songwriter, choir director and educator Alphaeus Anderson took over the choir with 16 members and has grown it to over 70 members through his innovative techniques in youth empowerment. Under his direction for over ten years, the choir is preparing its debut album, Elevate,andhasreleaseditsfirstsingle, "Already Done."

"Already Done" is available now on all digital music outlets. The song is written by the assistant choir director Jared White, is produced by Dontae Ladson and features lead vocals by CJ Marquís. The USC Gospel Choir has also released the official music video for "Already Done" and it is streaming now on their YouTube channel. Lead videographer Jody Hayes and his media team captured the students' inherent energy and vibe while immersing in authenticworship.

For more, follow The USC Gospel Choir on their Facebookpageandemailthematuscupstategc@gmail.com

Alphaeus Anderson Presents USC Upstate Gospel Choir

What are Mechanical and Performance Royalties?

Whenever music you've written, published and/or much more. Sync performance royalties come from any recorded is played on the radio, streamed online, video on YouTube that contains your song. Currently, the sold and downloaded online, used in the sound- standard statutory mechanical royalty rate for physical track to a TV show/film/game, Youtube video, website, recordings (such as CDs) and permanent digital downloads performed live or via recording in a public venue (including a is 12¢ for recordings of a song 5 minutes or less, and 2.31¢ local church service, concert hall, supermarket, restaurant, per minute or fraction thereof for those over 5 minutes etc.), re-recorded and more – you are owed a mechanical or Exceptions apply performance "royalty." Some legal exceptions may apply

What are Mechanical and Performance Royalties?

Who collects the royalties?

For radio, you must be affiliated with a Performing Mechanical and performance royalties are revenues Rights Organization (PRO) such as BMI, ASCAP or paid by third-parties to copyright holders for the use or sale

SESAC. Contact them for more information. For additional of copyright-protected music. Digital mechanical royalties royalty collection, register with The Mechanical Licensing are paid by streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, Collective (MLC) at www.theMLC.com, SoundExchange and hundreds of others for every single stream of your at www.soundexchange.com and CDBaby Sync at music on their service. Digital performance royalties are www.cdbaby.com. Radio stations, independent radio & TV paid by download stores like Amazon, iTunes and many show producers, businesses, churches and others can get a others for every single sale of your music on their service. blanket license to cover their music needs. Contact any of those services to find out if you need a blanket license.

Performance royalties also come from streaming services Exceptions apply. Keep reading Gospel USA Magazine (like Spotify), radio, TV, live concert performances and




Kst arted using Mediabase to make calculations for the Billboard Radio Songs Chart. That nownastheindustrystandard,Mediabase chart is one of the key components that is used by is a music industry service that monitors radio stations to determine airplay for songs. The radio station airplay in 180 U.S. and once popular BDS chart is no longer published. Canadian markets. Mediabase publishes BDShasnowmergedwithMediabaseandthetwo music charts and data based on the most played services have formed one new modernized user songs on terrestrial and satellite radio. platform. That new user platform provides inMediabase was founded in 1985 by Nancy and depth analytical tools for major as well as RichDeitemeyer(a.k.a.RichMeyer). independent radio and record industry personnel –includingindependentartists.

Mediabase monitors the music airplay of more than 1,800 media outlets including radio stations in Formats monitored by MediaBase include over 160 markets. They also incorporate listener Christian Top 40, Christian Adult Contemporary, behavior and reactions through Mscore from Gospel,AC, Country,Top 40, Rock, R&B, Hip Hop, Media Monitors and music influencer Spanishandnumerousothers.

HitPredictor. Mediabase charts are published To view all music charts free each week and also weeklyinPollstarandareusedonnumerousradio get more information about how to join their countdownshows. services, visit www.mediabase.com. You can

As of November 2022, Billboard Magazine alsofindandfollowMediabaseonFacebook.

radiostation playlists

RMS RADIO (Ray Manning Singers) 2611 Surrey Street, Olathe, KS 66061

816-352-6601 or 816-514-1307 or 816-547-7729

Ray & Raymond Manning, hosts “24 Hour Gospel Internet Radio Station” Listen live: www.raymanningsingers.com

WMBM-AM 1490

13242 N W 7thAvenue

North Miami, FL 33168

New Birth Broadcasting, Inc (305) 769-1100 ex 222 Greg Cooper, PD & MD "24 hours / 5,000 watts" Live: www.wmbm.com

P.O.Box25567 Columbia,SC29224 (803)730-6295 “OnlineGospelQuartetWebsite” Web:wwwglorylandgospelcom

- December 2024- January 2025 - - January 2025 -

1. Your Will / Lee Vasi Of Alabama

2. Can't Help But Praise You / Brian Dunlap & TPMC

3. Change Me / Lashon Brown Jr

4. Lovely Day 3.0 / Out of Eden

5. Grateful / Ebony Jenae

6. Change Your Mind / F. Hammond, K. Staten, M. Cole

1. About Last Night / Group Fire

2. All Yours / Kierra Sheard & Anthony Brown

3. Call His Name / Kenny Lewis & Kim Burrell

4. Change Your Mind / FK&M

5. Church Doors / Yolanda Adams

6. Clap My Way / Micah Lee

7. Deserve To Win / Tamela Mann

1. Jesus You've Been Good To Me / The Blind Boys

2. Finish Line / The Mighty Golden Wonders

3. Encourage Me / Patrick Hollis And United

4. Still Have Joy / The Lighthouse Singers

5. Right On Time / The Fantastic Spiritual Voices

6. He Made A Way / Lisa Knowles-Smith &

7. Jesus Is Mine / Kergyma Community Choir The Brown Singers

8. He Got Me / Pastor Mike Jr. & Big Boi

9. Clap / Todd Galberth

10. Smile / Jonathan Nelson

11. Oh What A Gift / Sunday Service Choir

12. Ruth And Boaz / Stevie Rizo

13. Conquerors / Kirk Franklin & Marvin Sapp

14. Hold On 2 Your Faith / Deitrick Haddon & VOU

15. Worthy Is The Lamb (Live) / Earnest Pugh

16. Redeemer / ONE HOUSE & Travis Greene

17. Live Breath Fight / Tamela Mann

18. Lord We Praise You / Ray Manning Singers

19. Give Me You / Me'Kayla

20. "Raise The Praise" Talk Show w/ Evang. Vickie


8. Don't Give Up / Earnest Pugh

9. Everything / Otis Kemp & Lena Byrd Miles

10. Fall On Me / Kim Person

11. Father In Heaven / BeBe Winans

12. Finished Work / Jonathan McReynolds

13. For A Long Time / James Fortune

14. For My Good / Timothy Rogers Aka Tim Rogers

15. Glory To Your Name / Zak Williams 1 Akord

16. God Be Praised / Charles Jenkins

17. God Did It / Mervin Mayo

18. God Don't Cancel Me / Rudy Currence

19. God Is / Melvin Crispell III

20. God Still Working On Me / Carvin Winans

7. Burdened / The Flint Cavaliers

8. I Got A Feeling / The Flying Clouds of South Carolina

9. Stop By (Live) / The Mickens

10. Lord, Thy Will Be Done / Brothers And Sisters

11. Rest A Little While / D. Morton & Gifted

12. Move Upstairs / Tim Woodson & The Heirs Of Harmony

13. I Believe / Bill Allen & The Mighty Gospelaires

14. I Got A Feeling / Pastor Austin Hill & Renewed

15. Praise Him / Kevin Thompson & The Sensational Six

16. Listening For My Name / The Rising Stars

17. How Bless You Are / Ronica & The Blazing Stars

18. Guide Me / Archie Dale & The Tones Of Joy

19. Send It On Down / Sons Of Glory

20. I Feel The Spirit / Lil David & The Bells Of Joy

Tune in to



Your 24-Hour Gospel Internet Radio Station

RMS Radio (Ray Manning Singers Broadcasting Network) is reaching souls across the world! Hosted by The Manning Brothers, Ray (left) and Raymond Manning – the popular Internet radio station plays the best in Contemporary and Traditional Gospel music & Christian podcasts 24 hours / 7 days. Listen on your computer from around the world at www.raymanningsingers.com or listen on any mobile device by downloading the Ray Manning Singers Mobile App in your GooglePlay or AppleApp store. Advertising, ministry and music program slots are available. RMS Radio is a non-profit ministry and we accept new music for airplay consideration. Call 816-352-6601, 816-514-1307, 816-547-7729 – or write to RMS Radio, 2611 Surrey Street, Olathe, KS 66061. Send e-mail to radio@raymanningsingers.com We are celebrating over 46 years on the air at KPRT 1590-AM & 106.1 FM; 20 years on the Internet; and over 50 years of ministry. Cashapp to $RMSradio Find and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. (Photos at left are the station's administrative team (l to r): Kyla Manning (PD, MD & Marketing Director), Sheila Manning (MD), Vicki-Chiney Smith (EVCS) (Community/Public Relations Associate) and Evangelist/Dr Veola Brown Manning (SpiritualAdvisor).



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director: (804) 334-7222 office: (804) 638-3419

Min. Tiger Foote, Pres. Pastor Altony Foote, Sr., GM "All gospel / 24 hours" Live: www.choice1053.com and .org

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WFSK-FM 88.1 (Jazzy 88) 1000 17thAve N. Nashville, TN 37208 Office: (615) 329-8754 / Cell: 615-479-8506

Xuam “The Xman” Lawson / PD & host of “Real Gospel with The Xman” / Live: www wsfkfm org Now heard on the Rejoice Musical Soul Food Network www.RealGospelWithTheXman.com

- January 2025 - - January 2025 - - January 2025 -

1. B.L.E.S.S.E.D. One / The Family FooteSteps

2. That's My King / CeCe Winans

1. Burdens Down / Tasha Cobbs-Leonard

2. See The Goodness / Vashawn Mitchell feat. Donnie McClurkin

1. Today / Vanessa Bell Armstrong

2. Overflow / Transformation Worship

3. Jesus Went Out Of His Way / Tim Woodson 3. God Is / Melvin Crispell, III & The Heirs Of Harmony 4. You Can Make It feat. Fridayy and Sunday

3. One True Gospel / Bobby Fann feat. Praise Beyond

4. Live Again / Kelontae Gavin

4. Only One Way Home / Mississippi Mass Choir Service / Will Smith

5. That's My King / CeCe Winans

5. Feed Me / Titus Showers feat. Fred Hammond 5. Church Doors / Yolanda Adams

6. Look At God / Koryn Hawthorne

6. Build Me Up / Pastor Henry Brown feat. Beverly Crawford 6. Pray For Me / Tina Campbell

7. Live Your Best Life! / Brent Jones

7. If God Be For Us / The Church Choir 7. Send It Down / Karen Clark-Sheard feat. Zacardi Cortez & Bryan J. Pierce

Great And Mighty / Dorinda Clark Cole

Everything / Otis Kemp


8. He's A Wonder / Chicago Mass Choir

9. Church Doors / Yolanda Adams

10. Come Jesus Come / CeCe Winans

11. Father In Heaven / BeBe Winans

12. You Carried Me / Jekalyn Carr

13. Try Love / Kirk Franklin

14. God Be Praised / Charles Jenkins

15. Reminder / JJ Hairston feat. Deon Kipping

16. My Humble Cry / The Echoaires

17. I Am Abundantly Blessed / Bishop Gerald Sylver feat. The Freedom Temple Choir

18. Home / Keyla Richardson

19. Yahweh / Jason Nelson feat. Melvin Crispell III

20. No Weapon / Todd Dulaney

8. Speak Your Name / Anthony Brown & group therAPy

9. Won't He Make A Way Somehow / Patrick Lundy

10. It's Morning / Latrice Pace

11. Church Doors / Yolanda Adams

12. Dancing In The Rain / Tony B. Dickerson & TEB

13. That's My King / CeCe Winans

14. It's Morning / Latrice Pace

15. Hear My Voice / John P Kee

16. More Than A Conqueror / Northern Delaware GMWA Choir

17. Excellent Is Your Name / Chicago Mass Choir

18. The Lord Has Made A Way / The CC Warriors

19. One True Gospel / Bubby Fann feat. Praise Beyond

20. You've Been Good To Me / Lawrence Thomison

trendinggospel artist

Oneof2025'sFast-Growing MusicMinistries

Ora Sylvester's music ministry continues to bless audiences everywhere. Her recent releases include her charting singles, "Go To Heaven," "Remember Me," "Prayer Time" and the toe-tapping, hit-bound song, "Just One Touch." All of Ora's music is available at Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Pandora andotherpopularmusicplatformsworldwide.

Recent Ora's recent appearances included a promotional tour in the Canton, Ohio area; a performance at the 2024 Lifetime Emerging Christian/Gospel Artist, Female Artist/Vocalist, Achievement Awards in Washington, NC; several guest Gospel/Religious Songwriter and Urban Inspirational Artist Of The appearances on local TV shows; a performance at the 2024 Voices Year nominations at the 2024 Gospel Choice Music Awards; Plus, Of Gospel Music Awards in Mobile, AL; and a main stage shebecameafinalistatthe2024PrayzeFactorAwards performanceatthe2024PrayzeFactorAwards inMorrow,GA.

Formoreinformationaboutthemusicministryof OraSylvester, Ora's recent award nominations and wins include: FemaleArtist radio service, interviews or booking – text or call (251) 583-0264, of the Year and also Inspirational Artist of the Year wins at the (251) 222-9186 or send email to OraSMinistries@gmail.com Be Voices Of Gospel Music Awards; a Lifetime Achievement Award suretovisitherwebsiteatwww.OraSylvester.com. win at the 2024 Lifetime Achievement Awards; CD Project,

trendinggospel band

God's Horns

The Iconic Gospel Band is Scheduled to Perform at the 2025 Super Bowl Pregame Show on Feb. 8, 2025

Virginia Beach, VA-based God's Horns continues to reach the nations. Their music releases include "God Is My Salvation," "Hallelujah," "Sweet Lord Jesus," "Everlasting Father," "Lord I Worship You" and many others. Their latest release is "JoyOfTheLord." Alloftheirmusiccanbestreamedand purchased at all popular digital music platforms, including Spotify,Pandora,AppleMusic andothers.


Their2024performancesincluded: The Apollo Theater in New York City, two events for Dr. Bobby Jones, The Artist; Urban Inspirational Artist; Emerging Christian/Gospel Artist; Rhythm of Gospel Awards, The Gospel Choice Music Awards, The Praise/Worship Artist; Instrumental Artist; Inspirational Song; NewsomeAwards,TheLifetimeAchievementAwards andothers.

Instrumental Artist; Lifetime Achievement; and others. Their music is Their upcoming performances include a being played on several popular gospel radio outlets, including Chuck live appearance at the 2025 Super Bowl Spearman'sWESLSatelliteRadio Pregame Show on February 8, 2025 in New

For more information, radio service, interviews or booking – contact Orleans.Louisiana–amongothers.

Gary Talley at the info below Be sure to follow God's Horns online at God's Horns has received several www.garytalleymusic.com,Youtube and Facebook. prestigious gospel industry nominations and awards. They include nominations for Group/Duo ; Gospel Jazz Artist; Instrumental

ATTENTION RADIO PROGRAMMERS: This chart is Gospel USA Magazine’s choice for the top 30 new Gospel songs from independent labels and artists from across the USA We recommend you give these products some play. Only products which were critiqued by us and passed our high standards for quality are listed. (See the footnote below).

January - March 2025

1. "O Taste & See" by Johnny Sanders

16. "All Of The Glory" by Shirley Caesar feat. Faith on Full (of Miami, FL) (Blonja (of Raleigh, North Carolina) (MNRK Entertainment) 786-832-2362 Records) ShirleyCaesarOutreach@gmail.com

2. "Precious Lord" (Reprise) (Instrumental)

17. "Go To Heaven" by Ora Sylvester by Reggie Grantham (of Hampton, Virginia) (of Mobile, Alabama) (Independent) (Grantham World Media) 757-949-6583 251-222-9186

3. "Just One Touch" by Ora Sylvester (of New Bern, NC) (Dawson Records) (of Mobile, Alabama) (Independent) 910-934-1950 251-222-9186

18. "In Times Like This" by Sam Dawson

4. "Joy Of The Lord" by God's Horns (of Ross (of Kansas) (Independent) Virginia Beach, Virginia) (Taleco Music) johnross544@gmail.com 757-285-4130

19. "Awesome God" by Apostle John E.

5. "Like You (Reprise)" by Mary Dailey (of Jacksonville, Florida) (of Comstock Park, Michigan) 313-207-5786 (Grantham World Media) 616-432-1071

20. "Come Back" by Bruce V Allen

6. "Right On Time" by The Fantastic (of Flint, Michigan) (independent) Spiritual Voices (of Atlanta, Georgia) 773-809-1217 (independent) 252-287-8953

21. "My Life" by The Flint Cavaliers

22. "Five O'Clock in the evening" by Bill 7. "Live Your Best Life!" by Brent Jones Albright (of Los Angeles, California) (JDI Entertainment) (Prez Party Music) 323-309-7959 jdirecords@hotmail.com

23. "I Can't Make It By Myself" by 8. "I'm Glad" by Lucy Shinn (of Eight Mile, The Palmers (of Minden, Louisiana) Alabama) (Tave Records) (independent) 318-355-1031 251-214-5532

24. "My Testimony" by Jai Reed (of New 9. "There Wouldn't Be A Me" by Shonda Orleans, Louisiana) (Independent) English (of Sumter, South Carolina) 313-207-5786 (Gospel Diva Records) 313-207-5786

10. "Let's Get This Praise & Worship (of Richmond, Virginia) (Better Vision Started" by Carolyn Moore (of Nashville, Entertainment) 804-726-0066 Tennessee) (Independent) 615-606-1721

25. "No Weapons" by Deshara Renee

11. "Praise and Worship" (Reprise) Blessed (of Miami, Florida) (Blessed (Instrumental) by Reggie Grantham (of Hampton, VA) (Grantham World Media) 757-949-6583 Records) 305-302-9002

12. "No Weapon (Live)" by Calvin Bridges

26. "If You Don't Have Jesus" by Miami's

27. "Don't Give Up" by Danielle Sunny (of Chicago, Illinois) (Pneuma Spirit Bryant (of Vineland, New Jersey) Recordings, Inc.) 773-294-9201 (Sunny Bryant Music) 856-691-0834

13. "Hallelujah" (Instrumental) by God's

28. "Listening" by Trina Sharifa Cuff Horns (of Virginia Beach, Virginia) (of Philadelphia, PA) (Independent) (Taleco Music) 757-285-4130 trinacuff1@gmail.com by The by Lucy 29. "He's Alright (Radio Edit)"

14. "Every Knee Shall Bow" Newark, New Jersey) ) Frierson Brothers (of Shinn (of Eight Mile, Alabama (J.E.F. Records) 832-269-8707 (Tave Records) 251-214-5532 by Lisa Bellamy (Instrumental) by 30. "Clarion Call"

15. "What Will It Take" (of North Haven, CT) (of North Haven, Connecticut) (Nspyre William Fluker Music Group) 855-727-5700 (Nspyre Music Group) 855-727-5700

Procedure for critiquing products: Our music chart panel reviews each qualifying song for proper industry registration, availability to the public for purchases and streams, and items such as sound quality, originality, talent, airplay received, national charting elsewhere,andwithastrongemphasisonmarketing Theresultsarelistednumerically onthischart. Onlysongsthatareorhavebeenfeaturedinthispublicationarecharted.


(Richmond, VA) PO Box 383 Sandston, VA 23150 "Brother Randy" Johnson, GM 804-873-7101 Listen at and at www getmeradio com (search Rejoice 93 7) Facebook.com (search Rejoice 93.7)

- January 2025 -

1. Keep Looking Up / Bishop Lonnie Lynch

2. Overflow / Bishop Billy Smith

3. Living Water / Ariel Fitz Patrick feat. Anike

4. I Prayed For You (Said A Prayer) / MAJOR

5. I Am Abundantly Blessed / Bishop Gerald Sylver

6. Let Ev'ry Thing That Hath Breath / Gregory Allen

7. Coming My Way / Christopher J. Watkins feat. Jason Clayborn

8. Do It / Cameron Little

9. Bless The Lord / Darryle Gayle feat. Chantee Malone

10. Only God / Deanna Ransom

11. Stop By / Dr. Juancarlos Rodriguez De Santiago & Remnant feat. Ladi Kradio

12. What A Mighty God / Izetta Thompson

13. What Will It Take / Lisa Bellamy

14. Precious Lord (Reprise) / Reggie Grantham

15. Wanna Be Used / Karen Montgomery

16. Release Control / Shekinah Glory Ministry

17. Come To Me / Samantha Howard

18. Blessing Me / Cedric Ballard

19. Get The Glory / Tia Rachelle

20. Man Of His Word / Maurice Morgan, Sr feat. Willie Banks, Jr


Heard on numerous radio outlets including iHeartRadio com, Speaker com, Spotify, WBJLRadio com and others, plus a podcast For full broadcast schedule and info, contact: PO Box 1633, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (732) 762-0317 or (908) 720-4312

– January 2025 –

1. We Need You / Thami Jay feat. S'Fiso M

2. Can't Tell It All / Paula Brion

3. Move (Remix) / Alex Sayles

4. Supa Luv / Mike Stokes

5. Green Light / Semaje

6. Power of God / B. Chase Williams & Shabach

7. Troubles Away / The Leak Brothers

8. Big God / Tim Godfrey & Fearless Community feat. Anderson

9. Grateful / Dante Bowe Fridayy

10. Clap My Way / Micah Lee

11. Until The Whole World Sings / David Frazier

12. Won't Get Blocked / Kel Mitchell

13. Decree & Declare / Jason Hendrickson

14. Throw Your Hands Up (Remix) / Carmen Brown

15. It's Never Too Late (To Change) / Torres Family

16. I Still Believe 1.0 / Edwrin Sutton

17. More Than A Conqueror / Northern Delaware GMWA Choir

18. Take Em To Church / P.I.D.

19. How Glorious / Freda Battle & Temple Worshippers

20. Just One Touch / Ora Sylvester

showcasegospel artist

feat. The Barren Specials

The Anointed Artist

Continues to Promote Her Prophetic Single, "Every Knee Shall Bow" and

Re-introduces Her Testimonial Track, "I'm Glad"

Lucy Shinn featuring The Barren Specials of Mobile, Alabama are answering the call of God through anointed singing and musical talents. Lucy's brother, Ira Barren, and the musical talents of the other musicians proclaim that God's callistheonecallthatwe all mustanswer

In 2024, Lucy and the group released their latest single entitled, "Every Knee Shall Bow" (BMI 2024). That prophetic single is a reminder that one day we all will have to answer the clarion call of Jesus Christ and acknowledge that He is "Lord of lords and King of kings." Lucy and the group

Lucy Shinn feat. The Barren Specials Includes the track: "I'm Glad"


As the group continues to become nationally known, they have been selected to receive a 2025 Lifetime Achievement Award in June also re-introduced "Do Your Soul a 2025fromGospelTrainProductionsin Favor," "So Powerful" and an inspirational Christmas song Washington,NC. Additionalawardsand entitled, "Celebrate, It's Christmas Day." recognitionsareforthcoming.

Today, Lucy and the group has re-introduced another of their For radio service, interviews, booking previously released fan favorites entitled, "I'm Glad." "I'm Glad" and more information, contact Tave is a praise-filled, testimonial track which is included on their soulful Records at 251-214-5532 or send email album entitled, Field of Miracles All of their music is available for correspondencetoshinnlb@att.net purchase, streaming or viewing globally on platforms such as

The Fantastic Spiritual Voices of Atlanta, Georgia showcasegospel group

TheFantasticSpiritualVoicescontinuetosingGod'spraises fromcitytocityandtowntotown–spreadingtheWordofGod throughmusic. TheFantasticSpiritualVoiceswereformed in 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia. They have traveled extensively and appearedwithmanylegendaryquarteticons.

In 2024, the group released their new album entitled, Quartet Dayz 1 Quartet Dayz 1 is a 12-track plethora of good gospel music. The album's tracks include "Right On Time," "I'll Rise Again," "God Did It," "All Things Possible," "Sunshine," "Put Your Hands Up," "That Man," "One Day At A Time" and four

Music by The Fantastic Spiritual more. "Right On Time" is currently being streamed and played on Voices is available at all major music outlets. Also, check them out manypopularradiooutlets. "Right On Time" recentlychartedat#5 ontheirYoutubechannel. on Gloryland Gospel Radio In addition, the group has released three videos. A new album entitled Quartet Dayz II is planned for For radio copies of all of their music, interviews and booking, releasein2025. contact Danny at 252-287-8953, Bishop Saunders at 252-5259261orsendemailtotboone61@aol.com

The Fantastic Spiritual Voices have been ministering faithfully

The members are Danny Boone, Bishop Reginald Saunders, in song for over 12 years and because of their longevity and service TimBooneandChrisBoone(DJ). AllvideoswererecordedbyEJ to the gospel music industry, Music and Film, Raleigh, NC. Haircuts by Elton Hayes of Hayes BarberShopinWilson,NC. recognitions are forthcoming. they have been selected to receive a 2025 Lifetime Achievement Award in June 2025 from Gospel Train Productions in Washington, NC. Additional awards and


NOTE: Contact each venue or event promoter to confirm event status before making travel plans or purchasing tickets

February 13th - 16th, 2025:

June 17th - 22nd, 2025:


Youth groups, gospel groups, churches and individuals across the USA who want to raise funds for a special project, or to just increase their own income can sell copies of Gospel USA at your church, to your friends or at other locations in your city. For information, call 305-234-8689.


Glory To God TV (seen over the air on Charter/ Spectrum cable channel 181 in Georgia and parts of Alabama, as well as 24-hours online streaming) has great opportunities for TV exposure for your church, music ministry or business. For details, visit www.glorytogodtv.com.


The 27th Annual Texas Gospel Music ExcellAwards will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina. ence Awards will be held at the Marriott Hotel, For voting schedule, categories, venue, itinerary, Hobby Airport, 9100 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX reservations and more info, call 210-745-5858 ext. 77017. More info at www.tgmea.org. Dr. Larry 102 or visit www.therhythmofgospelawards.com. Davies & First Lady Sharon Davies,Founders. Dr. Mark Rogers is Executive Director

February 23rd, 2025:

Rev. Dr. Brenda Boone-Smith & HPCC presents

The 17th Annual Rhythm Of Gospel Music

June 26th - 29th, 2025:

The 2025 Gospel Choice Music Awards will be A Legendary Black History Gospel Praise held in Atlanta, GA. For more information, visit Festival featuring Luther Barnes & The Sunset www.gospelchoicemusicawards.com. Jeffery E. Jubilaires, The Soul Stirrers, The Pilgrim Holmes isFounder&CEO. Jubilees, Jeffrey Newberry & The Keynotes and many others. To be held at Chesapeake

July 13th - 18th, 2025:

The Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc. Conference Center, 700 Conference Center Drive, (GMWA) will present their 58th Annual Chesapeake,VA23320. Ticketsat757-477-3828.

March 9th - 12th, 2025:

Convention TheeventwillbeheldinMontgomery, AL. For more info, visit www.gmwanational.net.

The Gospel Music Workshop of America, Inc. BishopAlbert L. Jamison, Sr isChairman. (GMWA) will present their Board Meeting 2025 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The host hotel is the Plaza

August 22nd, 2025:

The Gospel Sounds Music Awards will be held Hotel & Casino. For the itinerary, registration and at Greater Grace Church, 1945 Center Point Pkwy, more information, visit www.gmwanational.net. Birmingham, AL 35215. Visit www.gospelsounds BishopAlbert L. Jamison, Sr. isChairman. musicawards.org. Robert J. Barnes isFounder.

April 1st, 2025:

Gospel USA Magazine will release its next

September 5th - 6th, 2025:

The Gospel Music Hall of Fame presents their Gospel music compilation CD entitled, Artists 2025 Induction Ceremony & Gala in St. Louis, Favorites, Volume 36 For how to have your orig- MO. For details, visit www.mogospel.com. Dr. inal Gospel song included on this popular CD series Monica R. Butler isFounder and postal mailed to gospel industry personnel acrosstheUSA,call Cecil Brown at305-234-8689.

April 5th, 2025:

September 24th - 27th, 2025:

The Gospel Industry Network (GIN) will present their National Conference 2025.in Oklahoma City, OK. For more info, visit www.thegin.org. Bishop

The You Name It Tour featuring Shirley Caesar, Kenneth Wells isNationalPresident. Luther Barnes & The Sunset Jubilaires, The Canton Spirituals, Doc McKenzie & The Hi-Lites, The Jackson Southernaires, The Swanee

October 2nd - 4th, 2025:

The International Music Summit will be held in Quintet and The Mickens will be held at St. Philip London, England. Details at www.theinternational AME Church, 240 Candler Road SE, Atlanta, GA musicsummit.com. Carol Crawford isCEO. 30317. Formoreinfoandtickets:678-683-8125.

October 23rd - 25th, 2025: May 29th - 31st, 2025:

The 9th Annual Spin Awards will be held in Georgia. For more info as it becomes available, The 10th Annual Voices Of Gospel Music visit www.thespinawards.com. Minstrel Awards will be held at the Holiday Inn - Mobile West Appointed isExecutiveDirector in Mobile, AL. For info at www.vogma.org. Pastor Gary D. Johnson isCEO&Founder.

RMS Radio (Ray Manning Singers Broadcasting Network) has prime program slots available for churches, ministries, artists and businesses. Call 816-352-6601, 816-514-1307 or 816-547-7729 for product submission information and tune in 24/7 to www.raymanningsingers.com.


Award nominated Internet radio station Godspel Vibez/GodspelPrayzMyx96 is requesting product from labels and artists for our 24/7 Gospel & Christian Jazz (and more) station. All genres! Send material to attn: Robert T. Graves, Jr., Programming Dept., PO Box 11313, Carson, CA 90749 or call (310) 400-2373. Listen worldwide 24/7 at www.961krtg.net.


Got a new gospel video or song and want to find out about the many opportunities available for national and international exposure via streaming TV, Roku, PC, tablets and mobile phones? Then contact Milton Wallace at All Nations TV. Visit www.allnationstv.com or call 855-937-7247.


$50 for up to 40 words. Additional words are 20cents each. A word is 2-12 characters. To place your calendar of events or classified ad in the next issue, call 305-234-8689.


The advertising deadline for our Apr - Jun 2025issueisMarch26th,2025,ifadspace is still available. The issue will be distributednationallybydirectgiveawaysat selectpopularevents,bypostalmailtoallof our subscribers and to key gospel industry personnel across the USA (including radio programmers, TV & video show hosts, concert promoters, gospel award shows, conferences, record labels, artists and media) -- and also internationally via our website. Toadvertise,call305-234-8689

January - March 2025


website directory

ARTISTS / groups, choirs & duos


ANOINTED FRIENDS www.iamkierrasheard.com

Here’s where to reach your favorite Gospel music industry sources via the Internet. To advertise your web site here and stay in front of key decision makers and fans, call 305-234-8689.


NATIONAL GAG - GMWA California www.anointedfriends.com SYLVESTER, ORA www.gmwanational.net

GodspelVibez/GodspelPrayzMyx96 (Compton/Carson)

DOC MCKENZIE & THE HI-LITES www.orasylvester.com www.961krtg.net www.docmckenzieandthehilites.com WINANS, CECE Georgia ENDURANCE www.cecewinans.com


THE GOSPEL MUSIC ASSOCIATION DOVE AWARDS PRAYZEFEST GOSPEL NETWORK (Atlanta) www.musicbyendurance.com www.doveawards.com www.thepgnetwork.org


ARTISTS, soloists / male

THE NEWSOME GOSPEL MUSIC AWARDS www.youthfulpraise.org FRANKLIN, KIRK Illinois www.newsomeawards.com

THE CHICAGO MASS CHOIR www.kirkfranklin.com

THE PRAYZE FACTOR PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS www.chicagomasschoir.com HAMMOND, FRED www.synergy1radio.com www.prayzefactorawards.com

THE CLARK SISTERS www.realfredhammond.com


THE RHYTHM OF GOSPEL AWARDS Kansas www.theclarksisters.net


THE WILLIAMS BROTHERS www.brentjonessound.com www.letstalktothelordradio.international

LET'S TALK TO THE LORD GOSPEL RADIO (Wichita) www.therhythmofgospelawards.com

THE S&M GOSPEL INDIE MUSIC AWARDS www.blackberryrecords.com

JONES, CANTON www.smgospelawards.com

THE WORLD FAMOUS SOUL STIRRERS Missouri www.cantonjones.net www.3svrecords.com

ARTISTS, soloists / female


MCCLURKIN, DONNIE www.raymanningsingers.com www.stellarawards.com www.donniemcclurkin.com


RMS RADIO (Ray Manning Singers broadcasting Network (KC)

SAPP , MARVIN North Carolina

CAESAR, SHIRLEY www.thespinawards.com www.marvinsapp.com

DJ HIPRAYZE RADIO (Charlotte) www.shirleycaesar.com

ARTISTS, spoken word

CAMPBELL, ERICA www.tampabaygospelawards.com www.imericacampbell.com


THE TAMPA BAY GOSPEL AWARDS www.djhiprayze.com

South Carolina

THE TEXAS GOSPEL MUSIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS CARR, JEKALYN GLORYLAND GOSPEL QUARTET RADIO (Columbia) www.ThePoeticEvangelist.com www.tgmeahouston.mystrikingly.com www.myjekalyncarr.net www.glorylandgospel.com COBBS-LEONARD, TASHA



Tennessee www.tashacobbs.org


CHRISTIANEVENTSUSA.COM MANN, TAMELA www.yeslordradio.com www.gospelusamagazine.com www.christianeventsusa.com www.tillymannmusic.com


Cynthia Reynolds Hines

Yes Lord Radio (Nashville)

Cof the World Through Music

Spreading the Word of God to the People

ynthia Reynolds Hines was born in Gallup, New Mexico, which is also known as the "Heart of The Native American Country." She was raised in a close-knit family of four, consisting of herself and her brotherwhowereraisedbytwoveryhardworkingparents.

two anointed singles. Her first single is entitled, "Jesus Said." "Jesus Said" is a catchy song with a powerful mess-

This upbringing was what instilled such a passionate drive age on top of a mesmerizing beat. Her latest single is to achieve her goals. Cynthia started singing in the school entitled, "Full Of Grace." Both songs are worship style songs choir in middle school and that continued through her entire suitableforallages. school career. Cynthia also sang in her local church choir, as well as in the church choir in Phoenix, Arizona. Some of her "Jesus Said" and "Full Of Grace" have been played on the musical influences would consist of Patti Labelle, Selena Atlanta, GA radio station WIGO 1570 AM and the Internet (Quintanilla Perez) and Shirley Caesar,justtonameafew. radio station WHIN 100.6 on the LIVE365 app. Cynthia's music is available on popular digital music outlets every-

While as a young teenager, she would write poems in her journals, which would set the foundation for her song where,includingAmazon, Apple Music, Spotify andothers. writing. As she got older, this would eventually lead her to For radio copies, interviews, booking and more info, conLas Vegas, Nevada, where she would join a local band and do tact her management, Da' Jams Records, Attn: James Hines shows twice a week. at 214-850-7024 or jhines1@live.com. Follow Cynthia on Cynthia Reynolds Hines has now recorded and released Facebook (searchCynthiaReynoldsHines)and Youtube


Literature available from major and independent authors

Attention authors: To have your recently released or soon-tobe released book listed here, call us at 305-234-8689 for rates.

"Thank You God" by Joan Cook This book is a heart-warming poetic children's book with engaging illustrations. A fun story of gratitude from a child's perspective Written with a positive and uplifting message, this book encourages children to express their gratitude to God for all the little things in their lives Ideal for children ages 1 - 7. Four versions are available: boys, girls, boys African American, and girls African American This book is sure to put a smile on you and your child's face Purchase a copy today at www amazon com/author/joancook-sowingseedspublishing

“After My Father Died” by Rita King. Author Rita Kingremembersherfather’sadvice:“Youcanclimb and sustain the mountains when you let God lead.” The book highlights her apprentice journey from a reference point of learning to become an entrepreneur ISBN 9798474506678. Price: $22.00. For orders, visitAmazon.com. Interviews, pleasecallWPPublicityat323-445-6087.

"You Are An Overcomer" by Dr. Carl Bentley, pastor of 26 years. This Charismatic guide to Christian spiritual disciplines (274 pages) covers topics such as healing, how shouting causes Satan to loose your circumstances, musical ministry to the Lord, warfare by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, engrafting God's Word into your heart, winning the war of the flesh by fasting, and tongues as an indicator of Holy Spirit infilling. A model prayer and a bibliography for worship and spiritual warfare is provided. A good resource for growing Christians and also for pastors. ISBN: 978 0 88144 258 8. www.carlbentleyministries.org.

"Power For Living" by T.D. Jakes. How often have you cried out to God, why? Why do I struggle? Why do I have problems? Why don't people understand me? The answer: Because you are anointed! Author T.D. Jakes writes, "I used to have the wrong notion that when you are really anointed, you no longer have problems or rough times. But you show me anybody who's really Holy Ghost anointed, and I'll show you somebody who cried in the middle of the night and suffered all night long, wondering where is God." This book will help you discover how to be victorious in those times – and in life. ISBN: 9780768428384. Price: $29.99. To order, visit www.TDJakes.org. "Shunice Speaks From A Mother's Perspective" by Shunice Hill. Life often is built based on the values which are instilled as a child. Therefore, childhood rearing is so essential in building a child's character and their view of the world. The author, Shunice Hill, provides an insight on how parents can influence and "raise up" children with an optimistic outlet. This book's primary goal is to reveal parental guidance utilizing the Word of God. Available exclusively at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QBRJBSP. For review copies, interviews and booking, send email requests to shunice@ sbcglobal.net or visit her website at www.shunicehillsullivan.com.

"Not All Meets The Eye" by Samuel A. Jackson (endorsed by Pastor Sammy L. Jackson). In this truth-revealing autobiography, the author shares some of the absolutely necessary occurrences that God utilized in his life to make him the man of God that he has become today – mentally and spiritually The author's encounter with God's presence proves: (1) God exists, (2) God guides and (3) God is love. God truly sustained the author The book is slated for release in August 2023 at Amazon.com and other popular book outlets. For interviews, speaking engagements, sales locations and the ISBN, write to sammy050657@aol.com

"Deliver Us From Evil" by Deryl S. Lampkin. At the root of hurting relationships are misinformation, misunderstandings and mistrust. Deliver Us From Evil reveals life-changing principles to fix your relationships with your spouse, God and others. The lust of honey and the love of money has destroyed countless relationships because men want to get laid and women want to get paid. These powerful truths can refresh your relationships and bring you joy A must-have resource guide for conquering evil. Publication date: 11/4/14. ISBN/EAN13: 1942325010 / 9781942325017. 154 pages. Fororders:www.deryllampkin.comordslpotent@hotmail.com.

askdr. carl Dr. Carl answers your questions

Dear Dr. Carl:

As I grow older, I am experiencing more loneliness because so many of my friends and family members have died. Because I am lonely, I tend to let people walk all over me because I don't want to be by myself. Then I get mad with myself for being a pushover What should I do? – Lonely

Dear Lonely: Someone once said, "A lot of things broke my heart but fixed my vision " This is a true statement in that once we know the truth, we are made free Sometimes we don't see stuff because we don't want to see it, but it seems evident that you have recognized one part of the problem: Fear of loneliness. The second part of the problem is what to do about it I suggest that you lean on the Word of God that promises that if we delight ourselves ALSO in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4 KJV) No matter what you are doing, delight yourself ALSO in the Lord by worshipping and praising Him, and let Him fill that void that makes you feel lonely. He might just raise up some new friends for you. Remember, in ALL things, the Holy Spirit helps us with our infirmities, and heals all that hurts Blessings – Dr Carl

Dr Carl is a retired pastor of 36+ years and a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors Email your questions to askdrcarl@carlbentleyministries.org

foryour information

The Difference Between A Trademark, Patent and Copyright

DGospel USA Magazine Nominated Again!

at the 2025 Rhythm Of Gospel Music Awards being held June 17th22nd, 2025 in Charlotte, North Carolina. For the complete list of the 2025 nominees, visit www.therhythmofgospelawards.com.

Once you determine that the type of protection you need is, in fact, trademark protection – then selecting a mark is the very first step in the overall application/registration process. Not every mark is registrable with the USPTO nor is every mark legally protectable. Some marks may not be capable of serving as the basis for a legal claim by the owner seeking to o you have an idea for a new trade name, brand, or stop other entities from using a similar mark on related goods logo for your business? Do you have a new product or services. line that you want to protect? A Trademark Lawyer In addition, you must identify your mark format either as a can help you prepare, file and obtain your trademark before standard character mark, a stylized/design mark, or a sound theUnitedStatesTrademarkOffice. mark. Plus, it is critical you identify clearly the precise goods and/or services to which the mark will apply Before filing an

Trademarks, patents, copyrights, domain names, and application,youmustknowwhatyour"basis"forfilingis. business name registrations all differ, so it is important to learn whether a trademark is appropriate for you. A Always search the USPTO database to determine whether trademark typically protects brand names and logos used on anyone is already claiming trademark rights in wording/design goods and services. A patent protects an invention. A that is similar and used on related goods/services through a copyrightprotectsanoriginalartisticorliterarywork. federalregistration.

For example, if you invent a new kind of vacuum cleaner, you was shared by Jurado & would apply for a patent to protect the invention itself You Associates, P.A., based in would apply to register a trademark to protect the brand Miami, Florida. For more information, contact Attorney name of the vacuum cleaner And you might register a Romy B. Jurado, Esq. at copyright for the TV commercial and other forms of Romy@juradolawfirm.com advertisementthatyouusetomarkettheproduct. or (305)921-0976.]

[The information in this article

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