
Page 47

Creating a Building


By Aurety

of the central cylinder except some new operations like the fact of recording selections and of assigning a material to them. Here are some stages of the realization: -) Just like the cube, I pose a cylinder of 250 height and 267 of radius. I converted it into polygons (Key C) and replaced its axis in Y=0 and raises it of 125 to place it on the same level on the ground as the cube in Y=0 via the model tool. I position it in Z=-500 to place it in itscenter at the intersection of my cube. I create the same positions of lines of points of ceiling and floor to ensure a continuity of lines (Y=10 for bottom and Y = 240 for the top)... Then I begin my work of extrusion (you will find the Cylinder.C4D file with this tutorial in your goodies). (Pic13-14-15)

position them on the level of the nodes of Atom Array nodes. I extrude my edges with the bevel tool and extrude them with the Extrusion tool backwards to create my joints. (Pic18-19-20-21-22)

Picture 15

"function/split" and in menu " Selection/set the selection". A red triangle appears near the object in the object manager. I click above and rename it "Glasses" (Pic16)

Picture 18

Picture 19

Picture 16

I drag my material of glass above, then I click on the icon of the ball in the object manager, I put the name "Glasses" in the field " limit to selection". It is textured!! (Pic17)

Picture 20

Picture 13

Picture 17

Picture 14

I duplicated my cylinder for the higher stage and placed it. After extrusion on the bottom one, I make

I create a third cylinder with 12 segments of rotation, and 4 in height. I position it well on the same level that the higher cylinder and drag it into a "Atom Array " Object (Objects of modeling). That gives me the structure of my cylinder in volume. I return to my cylinder of glasses and I select in loop my edges to


Picture 20

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