My dog loves the vet! He DVVRFLDWHV WKH YHW RIÀFH ZLWK positive attention, smells to explore, and of course, treats. For some dogs, however, it’s not such a walk in the park. A dog’s fear of the vet becomes a learned behaviour after a not-so-pleasant experience. It may have been painful, overwhelming, and with a stressed-out owner in tow. Next thing you know, your next routine checkup involves you dragging your dog thru the door. Here’s a few tips for a more stress-free trip to the vet: Do your research Call around. Ask the clinic what their philosophy is on handling dogs. Ask them if they’re force free? Are the staff versed in behavioral training? Are they responsive to your dog’s needs? Are they ok if you bring some aids from home? Avoid potential problems Go at a quieter time of day to avoid a packed waiting room. For reactive dogs, have them wait in the car until the exam room is available. Look after hygiene Taking regular care of your pet’s hygiene at home such as ear cleaning, nail trims, and teeth cleaning will not only help avoid costly trips to the vet, but
will teach your dog to become familiar with being touched in more sensitive areas. Simulate a vet visit Make a trip to the vet simply for your dog to smell the building and practice going in with some tasty treats awaiting them at reception. Bring along aids Bring elements of home along for comfort. Pack tasty treats for your vet to give, your dog’s favorite toy, and their blanket/ bed for them to lie on. If biting is a concern, muzzle your dog prior to entering. It will help destress all parties.
info@dogscrossing.com 778-232-5230
www.dogscrossing.com 3676 Kensington Ave Cheer on The Clan as they host the University of Victoria Vikes in BHICL hockey ac on. Info and ckets at sfuhockey.com.
Don’t demand too much Never ask too much from your dog If they are showing visible signs of stress. This is not the time to go through your repertoire of tricks and commands. Taking a couple extra steps ZKHQ \RX ÀUVW EULQJ \RXU puppy to the vet will help instill a positive association with the vet for the rest of their lives. Of course, it’s never too late to start. If you are still struggling or your dog’s behavior at the vet is worsening, contact a professional dog trainer in your area for assistance.
Happy Tails Everyone!
Rachelle Mellanby is the Owner and Canine Trainer of Dogs Crossing: Canine Training and Pet Services in Burnaby, BC (See ad on this page) If you have a question you’d like Rachelle to answer about your pet, please email us: info@whatsonburnaby.ca
Sign up your pup today!
THUR FEB 21 – SAT FEB 23 Company 605 8 PM each night Shadbolt Centre 6450 Deer Lake Ave This new work by Vancouver’s Company 605 brings to life a new ensemble of work with virtuosic performers, powerful movement, and driving beats. Tickets online at shadboltcentre.com. FRI FEB 22 SFU Clan Hockey 7 PM Bill Copeland Sports Centre
SAT FEB 23 – SAT MAR 2 “L’Elisir D’Amore” (The Elixir of Love) 8 PM (Feb 23, 28 & Mar 2) 2 PM (Feb 25, 27) Shadbolt James Cowan Theatre 6450 Deer Lake Ave. This is a deligh ul tale of lovers’ quarrels and reconcilia ons, magic love po ons and roman c confusions. A Burnaby Lyric Opera produc on. Tickets at shadboltcentre.com.
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