York Life Newmarket March/April 2018

Page 20

health | Workout Food

Why snacking matters Consuming a mix of protein and carbohydrates pre- and post-workout not only keeps you feeling satisfied as you sweat, it helps minimize fatigue as your body undergoes strenuous activity during and after your workout, says Angela Wallace, a registered dietitian with clinics in Vaughan and Caledon. Snacking before you sweat is key because it fuels your body for the task ahead. “Snacking on protein supports muscles through impending activity, but also leaves you feeling satisfied and able to complete the workout, while consumed carbs break down into glucose, which feeds muscles during activity,” she says. “The body also stores some of this glucose as glycogen, which can be used during more intense activity — on a long-distance run, for example.” Post-workout, refuelling with carb- and protein-rich foods is necessary to help replenish energy while also helping muscles recover and repair. “You need to eat after you work out for a few reasons,” Wallace says. “You need to build up your stores of glycogen that may have been used during your workout, replace the calories you’ve burned, and feed your muscles with protein, especially after a weight-training session.” Here’s what you should nosh on before and after your sweat session.

20 | York Life March April 2018

Before a light yoga class… A banana or apple with nut or seed butter yields the perfect balance of carbohydrates and protein your body needs to feel energetic and satisfied throughout the workout, Angela Wallace says.

Before an intense weighttraining class… Oatmeal is one of your best options before a tough workout because it’s digested very slowly, allowing for a gradual release of glucose into the blood stream. Before a quick gym workout or run… A small fruit/nut butter/wateror-milk smoothie can deliver the perfect carb-protein mix. This helps your body maintain its endurance while providing support to your muscles during the activity, Wallace says. After a killer spin class… A simple Greek salad with chicken

provides the fibre, protein and other important nutrients your body needs following a sweaty workout. Need an extra jolt of energy? Wallace suggests adding a small smoothie (for example, ½ banana, ½ cup of berries, almond milk, plus 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds) to the mix. After hot yoga… A veggie omelette with avocado offers a great combo of protein, complex carbs and healthy fats that will both satisfy hunger and feed your muscles. After a total-body training session… Try grilled or broiled salmon with sweet potatoes and veggies. Loaded with protein, complex carbs and healthy fats, it’s a great way to help your body refuel and recover. Worked your muscles extra hard? Wallace suggests adding beans to your meal for more protein benefits.

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