Reflection Spring 2013

Page 37

Sentry: Because this man is well-known. Napoleon: Yes, I’m sure he is to English man, being an English man himself. But I’m no English man and so how can you expect me to recognize his image if he came to this island? Sentry: Because he is well-known. Napoleon: Well-known to an English man. But see here I’m a French man and your country’s familiarity with this man is completely relative. Sentry: Who’s to say it’s relative? Napoleon: I am. Sentry: But that itself is relative, is it not? Napoleon: No, it isn’t. It is an objective statement in defense of relativism. Sentry: But relativism is subjective, and subjectivity implies that there is no objectivity. Napoleon: Subjectivity implying that there is no objectivity then implies that there is a universal rule about subjectivity. Sentry: So then where does this leave us? Napoleon: I want my last two questions back. Sentry: Can’t do. Question seventeen. Napoleon: Agh, what’s the use? Forget it. Question seventeen, you said? [Checks his pocket watch.] Sentry: Yes. Now it’s eighteen. Napoleon: Eighteen? What are you talking about? You can’t count that last one as a question for the game. Sentry: I know, I know. I’m only kidding. Go on. Question seventeen. Napoleon: [Begins pacing; in deep thought.] Let me see. If the Englis man would recognize this man’s image, then…Is he of nobility? Sentry: No. Napoleon: Well if he’s not a military figure or someone of the arts or even someone of nobility but he’d be recognizable to the public then he must


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