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K: Olivier, since in Israel we don’t stand in formality, let me tell you that our readers are many and are impatiently awaiting this article, that concerns them in many ways. Let’s remind them who you are before getting to the subject at hand. OR: I was born in France 55 years ago. My father was 4 years old when he escaped the mass arrests of Vel d’Hiv, but his mother, sister, and brother were all gassed at Auschwitz. Only my grandfather came back. My mother was hidden with her family under a fake name in a village in Saone-et-Loire. Today my father lives in Israel. I did my Alya when I was 19. I did the army: an incredible experience. Then I worked as a chalyah for 3 years for the jewish agency. I also directed, and then I was called back by Tsahal for a year, before becoming the representative of KKL in Belgium. I was promoted to colonel as a reserve in 2012. I am a military expert analyst for the media, and I direct an expert society in communications and crisis. Lastly, a few weeks ago I accepted a mission. YK: exactly, what is your mission and whom does it involve? OR: I accepted a position to become the adviser to the deputy-minister of Alya and of integration, Sofa Landver. When I was issued my mission I was suppose to give her a report on French Alya: facts followed by propositions. YK: would you like to share some of your input and future propositions? OR: let’s start with fast facts. French Alya adds up to about 40 000 people in 10 years. This year will be about 3800 people. There has been an increase

since the year 2000. You need to know that the second revolt and the impact of the Mohamed Al Dura affair enflamed the spirits of a large part of the French Muslim community, followed by a huge wave of anti-Semitism, of which many French Muslims have suffered. They then fed on the Israel-Palestinian conflict to argue and act against the French Jews. For about 20 years Islam has climbed, to a point that it has become more and more difficult for the European French community to live in peace. To encourage the Jews to « return home » there is still so much to do in Israel. YK: like what? Our friendly readers need facts, they need to know if we understand them. OR: well, The geographical division of the Olim for example. New cities need to be in the choices for future Olim, like Carmiel, Nazareth Elite, Akko, Afoula, Bersheeva. Cities that have never been presented as attractive, but make it easier to find work and less expensive lodgments. There isn’t only Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashdod, or Natanya as a choice of living.Because of this we need to stop prejudjements which have serious consequences in Israel. We cant be a rich state because Israel is going through many difficulties, and is counted among us as poor jews. We can also find one of the lowest solution in terms of longment. YK: Do others exist? OR: actually, entrepreneurs are building hyper luxurious buildings. I know of an apartment in Tel Aviv which reaches up to 200 million shekels! What is the use of that if there aren’t any accessible constructions of apartments in the same region? We need to press that an entrepreneur comes to build a luxurious building in which the rent is affordable. It would be a big relief not only for the Olim but for all the Israelis who have difficulties finding homes, and that will benefit from this law in which the Olim are responsible of putting in affect. This should be an obligation, a law that applies to all entrepreneurs. It is important to take care of the Olim. They are the mirrors in which everybody in Israel can recognize themselves, because almost everybody here was an immigrant at one time or another. To not respect the Olim, is to not respect Israel’s history. We should not repeat the same mistakes.

YK: it is true that it is difficult for the Olim, finding a home, the language, the contacts, and people in admistration, but thankfully they eventually succeed. OR: it is essential that we approach the Olim in order to iron out our differences and to erase the disparities. For example: an Ola Hadacha that helps Olim and earns 1850 shekels per month that is not normal. She cannot live off that salary. The Alya is the strength of Israel, let us never forget that. 44% of the worlds Jews live in Israel. It is not enough. Do we need other catastrophes in Europe to happen? In regards to granting the equivalences, progress still needs to be done. The minister of Alya and the Superior Scientific Community are rapidly working on it. Israel has great need for high tech specialists, And French engineers and technicians receive a very high education in France. Israel also needs engineers in oil and gas research. We take care of those who have no formal particular talents as well and we do it better and better. They have every right and a place to be here. For better work, Israel needs to switch their focus more in all that is Alya. French Alya is the first of mass Alya coming from the west, without a doubt pushed by radical islamists. This Alya needs to be better in hand. There is still a lot of improvements to be done. At the same time, I don’t approve of those who critique the Alya process. Furthermore I don’t like negative nay-Sayers. For sure, we are not yet at the top, but we are getting there. YK: Olivier, what about the young people? This untapped potential? OR:I was just getting to that. We absolutely need to encourage Alya for the young people. It is thanks to Tsahal that they compare to others become better integrated. For instance, integration for the young people in the army is not exactly done the right way, or is not done at all. Why? First, some people think that serving the army is a sin against the Torah and they try to keep the young people from joining, which is actually a formidable integration system that helps them succeed in their social and professional lives. So yes it’s true, I blame certain rabbis who don’t encourage this great generation that, thanks to the Tsahal, receive base needs from the state of Israel by meeting other Israelis and perpetuating a powerful momentum of Zionists in Israel. Since young Olim Hadachim enrolled in Tsahal will read you, I want to tell them here that I salute and embrace them. GOLDA mag


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