How the best leaders lead proven secrets to getting the most out of yourself and others mantesh

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2. 3. Be prepared to reorganize continually, whenever you get new information or the market changes unexpectedly. 49. How could you restructure to shift more of your time and resources into the top 20 percent of activities that account for 80 percent of your profits? 1. 2. 3. Whatever changes you would make to ensure survival sometime in the future, do them now. Focus on cash flow, on sales and revenue generation, and the most profitable use of your time and resources. 50. Imagine that your business burned to the ground today. What products, services, and activities would you start up again immediately? Which customers would you immediately target for acquisition? 1. 2. 3. 51. What products, services, or activities would you not start up again today if your business burned 216

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