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Golf in Dyrehaven (The Deer Park)
History is present when you play golf at the Royal Copenhagen Golf Club. The course runs through a landscape where the Danish king and his court since the 17th century hunted deer, riding to hounds. As part of the UNESCO World Heritage, the area is protected. Yet it is possible to play golf all year round in quiet natural surroundings on the course of Scandinavia’s first golf club, established in 1898.
The Course
In the late 1920s the task of creating a golf course on the open plains of the Royal Deer Pak was given to an today unknown British golf course architect. He placed the golf course in the existing landscape, thus making the most of the natural surroundings. The greens obtained their outlines from their placements, and the gently undulating fairways are reminiscent of the Scottish links. The result was a natural course, adding the sight of red deer, fallow deer and sika deer roaming at will in the open landscape. The racing track of Copenhagen Racecourse, abolished in 1910, was incorporated into the golf course, and golfers had to play over the grandstand of the racecourse.
Today the track is used by horseback riders. The old oak groves, Chr.IX’s chestnut avenue and remains of pre-historic barrows are all part of the course. At first members played on a small nine-hole course south-west of the castle. On three holes the golfers had to hit their tee-shots over some small ponds. One of these was the old village pond of Stokkerup.
Golf in Dyrehaven (The Deer Park)
The Club
In 1898 Copenhagen Golf Club was founded as the first golf club in Scandinavia and allowed to play on the old common, Lammefælleden, pending that the holes were covered up each evening after play. In 1899 the club moved to Eremitagesletten. Until 1917 there was a summer restaurant in connection with the nether regions of the Eremitage Castle. Here the golf club had the use of some small rooms for storage and changing, and the restaurant was a kind of unofficial club house. Later the club made use of a tiny pavilion, to the north of the castle. There was, however, room for a billiards table.
When moving to the new 18-hole course in 1928, the club house was established in a cosy, former summer cottage. It was blown up during WW II and the members lost their equipment. They rceived help from other Danish golf clubs and by 1951 the present club house was finished and the historic golf club was ready for a new era and a rapid development in the game of golf.
The Present Course
In 2008 and 2009 an extensive restoration of the course was carried out by the famous Scottish golf course architect, Tom Mackenzie, from the firm of Mackenzie & Ebert. As a result, the course continues to challenge and attract golfers of all levels. It is the hope of the Committee that our members and guests will enjoy their round of golf in the unique nature in the Deer Park.
The Board
Golf i Dyrehaven
Københavns Golf Klub er stiftet i 1898 og dermed Skandinaviens første, Klub nr. 1. Omgivelserne er historiske, med banen placeret i et parforcejagtområde fra 1600-tallet, der er udpeget som verdensarv af UNESCO. Alligevel kan man spille golf hele året i den unikke natur, fri for støj i det fredede område.
Det var en ukendt britisk arkitekt, der i slutningen af 1920´erne fik til opgave at skabe en golfbane på den åbne Eremitageslette i Dyrehaven. Han lagde banen “oven på landskabet” og udnyttede de naturlige muligheder optimalt. Greens fik en naturlig kontur alt efter, hvor de blev placeret, og de let bølgende fairways minder om de skotske Links. Resultatet blev den naturbane, som stod klar i 1928, hvor også Dyrehavens smukke kronhjorte, dådyr og sikavildt færdes frit i det åbne landskab. Hertil kommer de gamle egelunde, Chr.d. 9´s kastanieallé og oldtidsminderne.
Den første bane var en lille 9-hullers sydvest for slottet. Her spillede medlemmerne frem til 1910 hen over tribunen på Kjøbenhavns Væddeløbsbanes brede pist, der i dag bruges af fritidsrytterne. På tre huller blev der drivet over små vandhuller. Et af dem var Stokkerups gamle gadekær, og på de bløde bakkedrag kan vi også i dag se spor af den nedlagte landsbys højryggede agre.
Golf i Dyrehaven
Da Københavns Golf Klub blev stiftet i 1898, fik medlemmerne lov at spille på den gamle Lammefælled, nuværende Fælledparken, på betingelse af at de dækkede hullerne til, når spil og dagen var omme. Året efter flyttede klubben til Eremitagesletten, hvor der var sommerrestaurant i Eremitageslottets underetage. Her havde klubben nogle små lokaler til opbevaring og let omklædning, mens restauranten var et slags uofficielt klubhus, siden fik klubben en lille pavillon, dog med plads til billard. Med den 18 hullers bane blev klubhuset flyttet og indrettet i et tidligere sommerhus, der blev sprængt i luften under 2. verdenskrig. Medlemmerne mistede deres udstyr, men fik hjælp fra landets øvrige golfklubber. I 1951 stod det nuværende klubhus klar til en ny tid og en rivende sportslig udvikling i den historiske golfklub i Dyrehaven.
Nutidens bane I 2008 og 2009 har banen gennemgået en omfattende genopretning designet af den berømte skotske golfbanearkitekt Tom Mackenzie fra firmaet Mackenzie & Ebert. Banen kan derfor fortsat udfordre og tiltrække spillere på alle niveauer og det er Bestyrelsens håb, at medlemmer og gæster vil nyde deres golfrunde i den helt enestående natur i Dyrehaven.
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Local Rules for Copenhagen Golf Club
Distance markers:
Indicate distance from the middle of the tee to the middle of the green.
Penalty area:
Red markings/plates
Yellow markings/plates
Ground under repair: Blue lines
Ground under repair, play prohibited: Blue lines with green dots
Out of bounds:
On or beyond the road from Hjortekær to Rådvad, the fenced enclosure to the right of the green on the fifteenth hole and the fence behind the green on the eighteenth hole. When a ball is out of bounds or lost, the player may take relief according to model local rule E-5 (see full text on the noticeboard in the clubhouse/ website), for two penalty strokes by dropping a ball within two club lengths on the fairway, not nearer the hole than the reference point where the ball last crossed the OB boundary or is estimated to be lost on the course. “Fairway” means any area of grass in the general area that is cut to fairway height or less, including the tee-ground of the hole.
Please notice:
This local rule does not apply in competitions unless specified in the conditions by the committee.
Local Rules for Copenhagen Golf Club
Fences and embedded stones: Fences around individual trees and embedded stones which indicate distance or directions are immovable obstructions. Relief according to Rule 16.1.
Paths: All paths are integral parts of the course.
Penalty for breach of a local rule:
Match play: loss of hole. Stroke play: two penalty strokes.
Approved by the Danish Golf Union January 2019
Etiquette and behavior on the course: Players are requested to show the utmost consideration toward the general public and the deer on the course. Please repair pitchmarks on green and replace divots. For further information see Rules of etiquette on
Stones marked with yellow/black markings indicate 150 meters to the middle of the green.
Lokale regler for Københavns Golf Klub
Målt fra midten af teestedet til midten af green.
Strafområder: Røde plader Gule plader
Areal under reparation: Blå mærker/striber.
Areal under reparation med spilleforbud: Blå mærker/striber med grøn plet.
Out of bounds: Den banenære kant af: Hjortekærvej, Rådvadvej og Chausséen samt hegnet syd for 15. green samt bag 18. green angiver out of bounds grænsen. Drop af bold på fairway ved bold out of bounds eller mistet: Når en bold er out of bounds eller mistet, må spilleren med 2 strafslag efter Standardlokalregel E-5 (se opslag i klub/ hjemmeside) droppe en bold indtil to køllelængder inde på hullets fairway, ikke nærmere hullet, end hvor bolden krydsede OB grænsen eller skønnes mistet. “Fairway” er græs i det generelle område, klippet til fairwayhøjde eller lavere, inkl. hullets tee områder.
Bemærk: Denne lokalregel gælder ikke i turneringer, med mindre det fremgår af betingelserne for den enkelte turnering, som er fastsat af Komiteen.
Lokale regler for Københavns Golf Klub
Hegn og jordfaste sten: Hegn omkring enkeltstående træer samt jordfaste sten med banehenvisninger er ikke flytbare forhindringer. Lempelse efter Regel 16.1.
Stier: Alle stier er integrerede dele af banen.
Straf for overtrædelse af lokale regler: Hulspil: tab af hul Slagspil: 2 strafslag
Godkendt af DGU januar 2019
Ordens- og Etiketteregler på golfbanen: Der skal udvises den allerstørste hensynsfuldhed over for Dyrehavens publikum og hjortevildt Ret nedslagsmærker på greens og læg turfs på plads. I øvrigt henvises til klubbens ordens- & etiketteregler på
Sten markeret med gul/sort mærke indikerer 150 meter til midten af green.