GLANCE Magazine October 09

Page 49

tabata jewell photo credit : Nazzko Shan //by Patty Cortes

Hello! I’m curious to know when you realized you wanted to become a fashion designer ? 6W\OLQJ P\ RXWÀWV IRU GLIIHUHQW VKRZV WKHUH ZDV DOZD\V VRPH KDLUVW\OH LQ P\ PLQG , FRXOG QRW ÀQG LQ 6/ VR , GHFLded to try to make it myself and it worked! What does fashion mean to you ? )DVKLRQ LV D ZD\ RI OLYH IDVKLRQ LV DQRWKHU ZD\ WR H[SUHVV yourself, fashion is art! +RZ ZRXOG \RX GHÀQH WKH VW\OH RI \RXU FROOHFWLRQ " , ZRXOG GHÀQH P\ KDLU FXWV DV GDULQJ DQG QRQ FRQYHQWLRQDO IRU DYDWDUV ZKR OLNH WR H[SHULPHQW DQG WDNH VRPH ULVNV ZKHQ VW\OLQJ WKHLU RXWÀWV What are some of your accomplishments as a model ? And as a designer ? As a model I have been part of the most important agencies in SL, I have a very personal style that I think has been the key of my succes as a model, showcasing ethnic looks has also helped my success. As a designer... well I think it is too early to say. But from the feed back I have got so far, customers like those unusual and unique hair styles. Do you consider yourself as an artist ? I do, any kind of creation is art, anything that involves LPDJLQDWLRQ DQG H[SUHVVHV \RXU IHHOLQJV RU QHHGV LV DUW WR me. How do you prepare for a fashion shoot or fashion show ? , OLNH WR KDYH P\ RXWÀWV LQ DGYDQFH FDXVH L UHDOO\ VSHQG lots of time styling them, I don’t stop till i say perfect. I do a lot of research on accessories to have always the SHUIHFW RQH IRU WKDW RXWÀW , WU\ WR PDNH WKH RXWÀWV XQLque and catch the audience’s glance by doing a good styling. trends report - tabata jewell - 48

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