George Kazazis ArtWorks TiLL Today

Page 30

Els Hanappe Underground Gallery 2001

From the Press Release for the individual show of George Kazazis at the Els Hanappe Underground, June 2001. Text by Els Hanappe, Art Historian The large size canvases of George Kazazis are colorful, attractive, and superfluous. Their subject matter directly refers to the sleekness of advertisements and their ethereal quality wherein the object becomes an excuse for a depiction that breathes excessive consumerism, reflecting the current obsession with neverending trends, hype, and novelty. Images have been lifted from glossy magazines and the Internet, manipulated and projected with the help of a computer, and transferred into smooth acrylic surfaces. The rich and decorative patterns borrowed from designs and colors as imposed by the current fashion scene, are juxtaposed with stylish technological items. Technology, once a prime example of functionality, has turned into a series of desirable but redundant objects, so called "gadgets". The resulting luxury of color, of line, of pattern, and of texture, takes advertising to the top and parodies its near perfection that in reality sadly bypasses most people. One wonders how much further we can go to turn our lives into an increasingly aesthetic but also shallow and superficial set of values. George Kazazis' joyful paintings celebrate a newfound hedonism, while all along questioning this newly created class division between those who can afford and those who cannot.

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