Inspire Magazine - 2023 Annual Report

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Building for the Future Creating the New Straub Benioff Medical Center


FROM LEFT: Sunshine Topping, HPH senior vice president of human resources and organizational effectiveness; Ray Vara, HPH president & CEO; and Dawn Dunbar, HPH senior vice president of Philanthropy.

including talent shows, country markets and a tempting array of food sales, one community was on many people’s minds. The monthlong Employee Giving Campaign launched just weeks after wildfires devastated Lahaina, so HPH designated 10% of the money raised — $100,090 — for the Hawai‘i Community Foundation’s Maui Strong Fund. E M P L O Y E E G I V I N G C A M PA I G N The employee gifts also went to emergency department funds for Pali Momi and Straub Benioff Medical Center, the Child Life and Teen Resiliency programs at Kapi‘olani, and funds at Pali Momi and Wilcox that help provide patients in need with medical equipment, transportation and medicine. “I see a lot of impact,” said Danita Narciso, a clinical pharmacist at Wilcox. “I speak with many patients who are getting ready to be discharged, and they have a list of new medications that THE ROOTS OF HAWAI‘I PACIFIC Giving Campaign was especially they are not able to afford. We are able HEALTH RUN DEEP INTO THE fitting — “Our Care is Rooted in to provide them with the medications HISTORY OF HAWAI‘I COMMUNITIES. Our Communities.” they need to stay healthy.” Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women More than 4,000 HPH doctors, “Our employees are passionate & Children opened in 1890. In 1921, nurses, technicians, leaders and about caring for their patients and are Dr. George F. Straub opened The staff donated $1,009,060 in personally committed to helping our Clinic, just 17 years before Wilcox September to support patient communities,” said Dawn Dunbar, HPH Medical Center began as a hospital programs and services. It was the senior vice president of Philanthropy. for Līhu‘e plantation workers. And in seventh year in a row that the “We are extremely proud and humbled 1989, almost 100 years after Kapi‘olani annual campaign raised more than by their gifts. These donations will got its start, Dr. Joseph Nishimoto $1 million. touch local families realized his vision for Pali Momi Medical While HPH in Lahaina, as well Center, which was created for families employees as people across S C A N to see how outside of Honolulu. made the state through some HPH employees dug into giving Each of HPH’s medical centers was fundraising our mission to through volunteering. created to serve their neighborhoods. fun through create a healthier So, the theme of the 2023 Employee events, Hawai‘i.”

A Community of Caring




Dear Hawai‘i Pacific Health Supporter, IT’S OVERWHELMING TO SEE THE INCREDIBLE EXCITEMENT THAT THE STRAUB BENIOFF MEDICAL CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT IS GENERATING ACROSS OUR STATE. Lynne and Marc Benioff’s transformational gift of $100 million to Hawai‘i Pacific Health, which is the largest private donation in HPH history, has created significant momentum for the redevelopment project. The new health care campus of the future is a commitment to ensure high-quality care for our patients for generations to come. The Benioffs‘ gift will help us triple the size of the existing Straub Benioff facility and provide the space, tools and resources necessary to impact all aspects of patient health, from prevention and treatment to access and affordability. In addition to the gift to HPH, the Benioffs donated $50 million to the Hilo Benioff Medical Center to build out critical areas of care, including a state-of-the-art family birthing center, an intensive care unit and neurosurgical program, as well as behavioral health services. Hilo Benioff, Straub Benioff and San Francisco-based UCSF Health will work together to expand

clinical expertise and bring specialized care in areas such as oncology and neurology to more residents on Hawai‘i Island and across the state. With partners like Lynne and Marc, who have been members of our Hawai‘i community for many years, we are well positioned to achieve our goal of strengthening the state’s health care safety net and addressing the needs of Hawai‘i residents who are underserved due to gaps in infrastructure, distance from facilities and shortages of medical professionals. We are truly grateful to the Benioffs and everyone who continues to support our efforts to make the new Straub Benioff Medical Center a reality. Together, we are creating a healthier Hawai‘i.


Ray Vara President & CEO Hawai’i Pacific Health



Contents 202 3 ANNUAL REPORT O N THE COVER: A groundbreaking ceremony for the Straub Benioff Medical Center’s health care campus of the future was held in May 2024. FROM LEFT: Dr. Leslie Chun, Hawai‘i Pacific Health

Medical Group CEO; Lynne Benioff; Marc Benioff; and Ray Vara, Hawai‘i Pacific Health president & CEO.

MPLOYEE GIVING CAMPAIGN 2 EEmployees give for patients and a community coping with a devastating fire. message from Ray Vara, Hawai‘i 3 APacific Health president & CEO. A message from Dawn Dunbar, 5 HPH senior vice president of Philanthropy.


S TRAUB FOUNDATION A gift toward the health care campus of the future makes history; and the state’s only specialized Burn Unit team mobilizes to care for patients in the wake of tragedy on Maui.

PALI MOMI FOUNDATION 10 Remembering a visionary community physician many knew simply as Dr. Joe; an ‘Aiea woman‘s medical journey leads to a gift for cancer care; and bouquet making, massages and mammograms at a festive girls’ night out.

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W ILCOX HEALTH FOUNDATION A son‘s gift to his community honors the compassionate care given to his father; and why going nuclear will help even more Kaua‘i patients with early diagnosis. K API‘OLANI HEALTH FOUNDATION A gift from a tūtū to her beloved grandson that will help families for years to come; teams from a popular Hawai‘i eatery serve up fun and inspiration for pediatric patients; and Kapi‘olani’s young leaders go back to prom for a worthy cause.

NFL quarterback Marcus Mariota surprised Kapi‘olani pediatric patients in summer 2023. The local boy and his Motiv8 Foundation are supporters of the medical center and the Kapi‘olani Radiothon for Kids. Read more about the record-breaking Radiothon on page 26.

MIR ACLE NET WORK 22 CHILDREN’S A little girl who is all heart is named Hawai‘i’s Champion; the Kapi‘olani Radiothon for Kids smashes two records, thanks to supporters; and a local bakery’s favorite box of crackers receives an inspiring remake featuring a spunky Hilo girl.





Aloha, Friends of Hawai‘i Pacific Health, WHENEVER WE RUN TO THE GROCERY STORE, ON AN ERRAND OR JUST GO FOR A WALK, chances are we will bump into someone we know. It’s a wonderful part of living in Hawai‘i. The fact that so many of our lives intertwine makes our communities strong, and we are even stronger when we work together. We feel that every day at Hawai‘i Pacific Health. We are fortunate to serve so many communities and to be able to see the true strength of our system when we collaborate. We see this incredible integration in so many stories from local families. A Hilo woman experiencing challenges from a congenital heart defect has a first-inHawai‘i valve replacement at Kapi‘olani. A Kaua‘i mom of three battling both esophageal and breast cancer undergoes chemotherapy and radiation at Wilcox, then surgery at Straub Benioff. A mom and grandma with Stage 4 colon cancer is one of the first in Hawai‘i to undergo an innovative, targeted procedure at Pali Momi in partnership with Kapi‘olani. No matter who the patient is or what the diagnosis, HPH responds as a team. Together, our physicians, specialists,

nurses and health care team members are there to provide efficient and seamless care during a scary and uncertain time. The HPH network is indeed powerful and ensures a smooth experience through health care teams that are all on the same page and share the same goal — a healthy recovery for patients. Your contribution makes this all possible. Every gift to our medical centers is truly a commitment to every person in our community who needs our care. Thank you for partnering with us for a healthier Hawai‘i.

With gratitude and aloha,

Dawn M. Dunbar Senior Vice President Philanthropy Hawai‘i Pacific Health


for the stories of four inspiring patients.


A Straub Benioff Redevelopment project groundbreaking was held May 16, 2024. FROM LEFT: Kahu Kordell Kekoa; Dr. Todd Miller, Straub Benioff chief of staff;

Marc Benioff; Ray Vara, HPH president & CEO; Lynne Benioff; and Dr. John Mickey, Straub Benioff internal medicine physician.





Kahu Kekoa asked attendees to hold out their hands to catch the “blessings that were falling” along with the rain that morning.



A Purpose Found in Paradise Marc and Lynne Benioff have long been committed to helping Hawai‘i for all that the aloha spirit has meant to their family. Health care has always YEARS BEFORE HE been a top priority for the BECAME ONE OF THE Benioffs, representing a MOST SUCCESSFUL significant part of their TECH ENTREPRENEURS more than $1 billion in IN THE WORLD, MARC family philanthropy. In 2024, BENIOFF DEVELOPED A the Benioffs made one of SPECIAL CONNECTION the largest single private TO HAWAI‘I. He first fell in donations in Hawai‘i’s love with the islands during a history. Hawai‘i Pacific Health family vacation when he was received $100 million from just 10 years old. Decades the Benioffs to support the later, the chair, CEO and Straub Benioff Medical Center co-founder of Salesforce FROM LEFT: Dan Brinkman, Hilo Benioff Medical Center CEO; Redevelopment project, often recalls the sense of Lynne Benioff; and Dr. Leslie B. Chun, Hawai‘i Pacific Health which will create a health care happiness and peace he felt Medical Group CEO. campus of the future. Another every time he returned. Little $50 million went to Hilo did Marc know then that the Benioff Medical Center to create a wife, Lynne, distinguished director of aloha spirit he experienced as a childbirth center, intensive care unit the Board of Overseers of the UCSF kid would become a way of life and neurosurgery program. Foundation and the former chair of for him and an integral part of the “We need to do more to improve the Presidio Trust Board. company he would one day found. “Hawai‘i is our home,” Marc said during access to the highest quality care for Today, Marc often incorporates everyone, where they need it and his remarks at the groundbreaking for traditional Hawaiian blessings at when they need it,” Marc said at the redevelopment of Straub Benioff Salesforce events, has created the event. “My mother lives with us Medical Center. “It’s where we have a community ‘Ohana Floor at on Hawai‘i Island and is an amazing chosen to raise our family.” Salesforce offices around the woman. She’s beat cancer five times. Marc and Lynne became part of the world and encourages his 72,000 Like so many people who care for Hawai’i community nearly 25 years ago employees to see each other their kūpuna, I think of her health and brought with them a strong desire as family. But it’s more than every single day.” to make a difference. company culture for Marc and his 7


Marc and Lynne’s gifts to Hawai‘i health care go beyond investing in new buildings and facilities; they are an investment in a continuum of care that stretches from Hawai’i Island to O‘ahu to California. The Benioffs are inspired by the possibilities of a collective model that partners providers from different medical centers to build upon care that is available closer to patients’ homes. As part of its commitment, Straub Benioff will work with Hilo Benioff to better serve Hawai‘i Island patients when they need further specialized care. When patients and providers in Hawai‘i need additional support, Straub Benioff will also collaborate with UCSF Health in San Francisco, a partnership that is further enhanced through the Benioffs’ donation. The Benioffs are also major contributors to UCSF Health, including UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals in San Francisco and Oakland, which are among the leading children’s hospitals in the nation.


“Lynne and Marc Benioff understand the importance of world-class health care in our communities,” said Ray Vara, HPH president & CEO. “They also recognize that you have to become part of the core fabric of the community in which you live.” The Benioffs are deeply committed to their community and hope to inspire others to give as well. Some of their other contributions in Hawai‘i include funding for state-of-the-art medical helicopters and fire trucks in Hilo, and more than $2 million for Maui wildfire relief efforts. They have also donated hundreds of acres of land on Hawai‘i Island, including 440 acres to a nonprofit, Hawai‘i Island Community Development Corporation, for affordable housing. To date, the Benioffs’ total philanthropy in Hawai‘i is more than $250 million. “We all have to pull together to make progress like this,” Marc said.

HPH honored Lynne and Marc’s gift by renaming Straub Benioff Medical Center. A special groundbreaking was held in May 2024 to celebrate the start of construction on the first phase of the multi-year redevelopment project. The ceremony was held on the site of the new 1,600-stall Parking Building, which is slated to be completed in 2026. “We are truly grateful to the Benioffs for their generosity, which will help us build on the medical center’s more than 100-year legacy of providing exceptional care for our patients,” Vara said. “This is not only a gift for Straub Benioff Medical Center, it’s a gift for Hawai‘i.” For the Benioffs, it’s a full circle moment. They’re changing the health outlook for generations of families in Hawai‘i. It’s the same place where Marc, as a child, discovered the joy of caring for one another in the spirit of aloha.

“We all have to pull together to make progress like this.” – MARC BENIOFF Marc and Kahu Kekoa sharing breath at the ceremony.

S C A N H E R E to see the Straub Benioff groundbreaking ceremony.


Healing & Hope After Maui Wildfires THE FLAMES HAD SPARED THEIR HOME. One day after wind-whipped wildfires forced thousands on Maui to evacuate, Judy McCorkle and her husband returned to their Kula neighborhood. The 70-foot-tall cypress trees that had graced their yard for 20 years were uprooted. Judy walked through the yard to check for damage. “I stepped on what I thought was solid soil,” she said. “My foot sank into a hot spot.” In seconds, burning vegetation smoldering just below the surface badly burned her feet. “I thought I was going into shock. I couldn’t stop shaking.” Judy was medevaced to Straub Benioff Medical Center’s Burn Unit. She was one of nine people from Maui who needed the specialized care at Straub Benioff — the most patients ever from a single event in the Burn Unit’s 40-year history. A Maui physician called a colleague there and said, “Lahaina is gone.” “We immediately set up, getting our census of intensive care unit beds and determining where to put patients,” said Dr. Robert Schulz, medical director of the Burn Unit. When Dr. Schulz joined Straub Benioff in 1977, severe burns could not be treated in Hawai‘i. Some patients did not survive the journey to mainland specialists. That is why Dr. Schulz co-founded the Burn Unit in 1983.

Amy Chong, RN, Straub Benioff Burn Unit supervisor (in back), with Kula patient Judy McCorkle and her husband, Tom Reed.

“They get tearful when they leave because of what the unit means to them.”

Today, about 100 team — DR. ROBERT SCHULZ, members are Burn Unit Medical Director certified in the intricate, complex care burns require. They work with psychologists, physical and occupational therapists, and others to help patients through what can be a painful and often emotional recovery. The days following the fires were difficult. Some Burn Unit team members cared for patients while grappling with their own family’s losses in Lahaina and Kula. Still, Judy says their compassion helped her through. “They are just unbelievable,” Judy said. After 19 days, Judy returned home. She left behind an indelible mark. She and her friends helped raise nearly $100,000 for the Burn Unit, which depends on donors. So far, the gift has helped acquire technologically advanced equipment that cleans wounds and gathers skin grafts. But Judy’s other great gift, like many other burn survivors, has been her indomitable spirit, which continues to inspire those who cared for her. “Treating them day-after-day creates extraordinary pain, but they get tearful when they leave because of what the unit means to them,” Dr. Schulz said.


Dr. Joe attended every Doctors’ Day event at Pali Momi, including this one in 2022. FROM LEFT: Dr. Joe; Dr. Charles Kim, Pali Momi urologist; Dr. Jason Isa, Pali Momi chief of staff; and Dr. Huidy Shu, HPH chief of medical subspecialties.

Dr. Joe (right), Gov. John Waiheʻe and other dignitaries at the opening of Pali Momi Medical Center in 1989.

Pearl City Medical Associates physicians in 1989. FRONT ROW, FROM LEFT: Dr. Benjamin Chang and Dr. Edward Kagihara. BACK ROW, FROM LEFT: Dr. Alan Masuda, Dr. Alvin Fuse, Dr. Fred Tanabe,

Dr. Michael Mihara and Dr. Joe. 10






Remembering Dr. Joe Dr. Joseph Nishimoto was committed to his patients in Central and West O‘ahu, and he turned his passion into purpose with Pali Momi Medical Center. HUMBLE BEGINNINGS. needs. He even delivered babies.” That is how Dr. Joseph Dr. Joe knew that the growing communities outside of town Nishimoto described his life. needed a full-service hospital. It’s also the same way many would At first, state officials voted describe his efforts to build Pali unanimously against the idea. Then, Momi Medical Center. Dr. Nishimoto in 1983, Dr. Joe and his wife, Maude, — known affectionately by many as tried a different approach. They ”Dr. Joe” — passed away Dec. 1, helped collect 13,000 signatures on 2023, at age 96. a petition urging state officials to Dr. Joe was raised on a allow a state-of-the-art hospital in plantation camp where health care ‘Aiea. That made the difference. was not readily available. When In 1989, Pali Momi opened as a he was 9, he tragically learned the Dr. Joe and his wife, Maude. 116-bed hospital and medical office importance of access to care when building on a 3-and-a-half-acre lot. his father died without receiving Lifesaving services were now minutes away for those “out the medical attention he needed. Those years growing in the country,” as Dr. Joe would say. up in Waialua left a lifelong impression on him. Today, Pali Momi continues to be inspired by its founding The little boy became the man of the house and physician. Doctors are honored with the Dr. Joseph Nishimoto supported his mother and four siblings with after-school Distinguished Service Award for extraordinary dedication jobs. He continued to work through college to make to the health and well-being of Central and West O‘ahu enough money for tuition and graduated from medical communities. For more than two decades, employees have school at the University of Cincinnati. When he returned also furthered their medical education through a scholarship home, he received offers from practices in downtown created by Dr. Joe and Maude. Honolulu, but turned them all down to become the first Aaron Taylor, who is the manager of Pali Momi’s Emergency physician to open an office in Pearl City. Dr. Joe and his Department, used his Nishimoto scholarship to complete his partners established Pearl City Medical Associates in master’s in nursing leadership and administration. 1965 and soon had a thriving practice. “Dr. Joe had to work extremely hard to get to where he “I am indebted to Dr. Joe for his contributions was, and he never forgot that,” said Dr. Michael Mihara, a to Pali Momi and its employees,” Taylor said. “His legacy primary care physician at Pearl City Medical who Dr. Joe will live on through his name, his achievements and hired in 1988. “Dr. Joe would sometimes his generosity.” see more than 100 patients a day. He was Pali Momi staff and the community S C A N H E R E to will forever remember Dr. Joe with committed to the practice of medicine, see Dr. Joe reflecting humble appreciation — the plantation although it meant working long hours, on the history boy who grew up to lead a fulfilling making house calls or opening the office behind Pali Momi. and purposeful life. at night to see patients with urgent 11


Girls’ Night Out LOCAL FLOWERS, DELICIOUS BITES AND FEMALE-FORWARD ACTIVITIES created a fun night of pampering and preventive care at Pali Momi Medical Center’s Girls’ Night Out. In July 2023, the event at the Women’s Center returned for the first time since 2019. Women from Central and West O‘ahu filled the rooms with laughter and conversation as they crafted flower

votives, mini floral bouquets and lei po‘o, pedaled the blender bike, and sat for mini manicures and chair massages. The night also included preventive screenings, including mammograms and skin cancer checks. Girls’ Night Out wouldn’t have been possible without Hunt Development Group, First Hawaiian Bank, Swinerton and other supporters. Gloria Brooks (left), Pali Momi chief operating officer; Robyn Kalahiki (second from right), Pali Momi vice president of patient services and chief nurse executive; and Courtney Wagner (far right), Pali Momi development officer; with employees from Girls’ Night Out sponsor Hunt Development Group. Some of the Women's Center staff who planned all the festivities and fun.

The First Hawaiian Bank team took a spirited picture at the photo booth. Donations from First Hawaiian Bank’s Kōkua Mai employee-giving program consistently support Pali Momi’s Women’s Center.

Tammy Edwards (right), Women’s Center medical assistant, helped women create fragrant flower charms from local blooms.


Following Unexpected Paths LIFE NEVER GOES AS PLANNED. David Arita knows that too well. He earned his degree in engineering, but then a friend shifted his interest and soon, they were opening a carpet business. The investment paid off. David created American Floor & Home, which marks its 50th anniversary in 2024. From the beginning, the company culture has always been to help others. “I believe in giving back because the community supported us, plus we want to share the joy of giving with our employees,” David said. “We have done everything from community trash pickups to giving away free carpet to teachers for their classrooms.” The tradition of giving became personal for David a few years ago. After an accidental fall forced his wife, Chris, to postpone a mammogram appointment, she did her own self-check and discovered

something was wrong. “There was a real thick, hard feeling in my right breast,” Chris said. She was stunned to learn that she had Stage 2 breast cancer. Fortunately, she could receive treatment just minutes away from their ‘Aiea home at Pali Momi Medical Center. Chris was among the first patients treated at the Dr. James T. Kakuda Cancer Center. She underwent surgery, radiation and 17 rounds of chemotherapy. “We never expected she would have cancer,” David said. “What Pali Momi did taking care of her was amazing. We just felt a bond with the team there.” American Floor & Home Foundation made a significant donation to Pali Momi, which named two multispecialty rooms at the cancer center after the family business. “These are rooms where physicians who are involved in your treatment

David Arita, founder of American Floor & Home, and his wife, Chris.

“It gives a little peace to the patient to be in one room with all the people in charge of your treatment. We thought that was important.” — C H R I S A R I TA

come together and speak with you,” Chris said. “It gives a little peace to the patient to be in one room with all the people in charge of your treatment. We thought that was important.” The room dedications were only part of the Aritas’ celebrations in 2023. That same year, Chris marked five years of being cancer-free. Being in remission is the one part of this unexpected journey that she feels blessed for every single day. 13

Some of the Wilcox team that cared for Marc Wilmot. F R O M L E F T: Dr. Christine Janke, internal medicine hospitalist;





Noemi Cortado, clinical assistant; Dr. Luke Fornari, internal medicine hospitalist; and Miranda Padilla, nurse case manager.



Leaving a Lasting Impression Marc Wilmot taught his kids many lessons as they grew up on Kaua‘i. Now, a gift in his memory will benefit the community Marc loved. THERE’S SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT KAUA‘I. From its picturesque beaches and seemingly countless acres of undeveloped land to majestic mountain views, the Garden Isle has features that cannot be found anywhere else. It’s easy to see why avid surfer, artist and musician Marc Wilmot loved the island. He even worked for the County of Kaua‘i as a maintenance supervisor. But a few years after he retired, he started experiencing heart problems. His son Ryan said that in 2022, Marc had heart valve surgery on O‘ahu, but then developed a serious infection. Marc went to Wilcox Medical Center for treatment. “Everyone we interacted with showed genuine compassion toward my dad, making him feel well cared for and in good hands during a challenging time,” Ryan said. “The staff at Wilcox provided detailed explanations about the care he was receiving and the reasons behind it.” Marc spent about eight weeks in the Intensive Care Unit at Wilcox, dealing with various health conditions. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2023. Although the Wilmot family was devastated by the loss of their patriarch, the compassionate care

Marc Wilmot (left) at his son Ryan's wedding.

they received left a lasting impression. “The medical team did everything possible to support my dad and his failing organs,” Ryan said. “The Wilcox staff was exceptionally supportive throughout my familys ordeal, which highlights their dedication and passion.” The Wilmots understand the importance of quality health care and the role it plays in the wellbeing of communities, especially on Kaua‘i. Wilcox is a state-of-the-art acute care facility and the first Level III Trauma Center verified by the American College of Surgeons in the state of Hawai‘i. “I‘ve witnessed firsthand the critical role Wilcox plays in our community,”

Ryan said. “From birth through all of lifes stages, everyone on the island benefits from having access to world-class medical facilities during the most challenging moments.” Growing up on Kaua‘i, Ryan always knew about the island’s largest medical center, but the care his father received inspired him to give to Wilcox. Marc had a big presence in Ryan’s life. His unwavering support and encouragement allowed Ryan to start several technology companies over the years. He launched his first just three years after graduating from Kapa‘a High School; it’s still rooted on the Garden Isle today. Though he now lives in California, Kaua‘i will always be home so, in honor of his dad, Ryan made a $100,000 gift to Wilcox. It will help provide care for the community he loves and that his dad cherished. “Whether its for treatment or to visit a patient, nearly everyone I know has been to Wilcox at some point, and many have received lifesaving care there,” Ryan said. “The daily impact of the medical center’s work is palpable and inspiring.” 15

Wilcox nuclear medicine technologist Greg Hawk prepares to conduct an exam. Nurse Aide Program students in clinical training at Kapa’a High School.

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New Chapter of Nuclear Medicine IN TODAY’S WORLD OF MODERN MEDICINE, THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO SEE INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY using CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds and more. But there’s another method you may not have heard of — nuclear medicine imaging. While it may sound intimidating, nuclear medicine is a safe and effective form of imaging that can help detect life-threatening diseases and conditions. Soon, Wilcox Medical Center will be able to expand this care. Instead of assessing how your organs look, like with other forms of imaging, nuclear medicine uses small, safe amounts of radioactive tracer material to analyze how well your organs are working. “Nuclear medicine is valuable for detecting conditions prevalent both nationally and in communities like Kaua‘i,” said Greg Hawk, nuclear medicine technologist at Wilcox. “This includes cancer, heart disease, chronic conditions and acute disorders such as gastrointestinal bleeds.” Wilcox performs about 650 nuclear medicine exams annually. Now, work is underway to renovate and expand Wilcox’s Nuclear Medicine Unit to serve even more people across Kaua‘i. This

"Nuclear medicine is valuable for detecting conditions prevalent both nationally and in communities like Kaua‘i. This includes cancer, heart disease, chronic conditions and acute disorders such as gastrointestinal bleeds." — G R E G H AW K Nuclear Medicine Technologist

includes acquiring a new imaging camera and renovating the hot lab, which is where radioactive medicines are prepared for exams. Hawk, who has been with Wilcox for well over a decade, is excited for what’s to come. With the upgrades, Wilcox will be able to conduct nuclear medicine exams with greater efficiency so more patients can be examined on Kaua‘i instead of traveling to O‘ahu. The new equipment will also provide clearer images, streamlining the process of diagnosing patients. This project was made possible through two major grants. The Atherton Family Foundation awarded Wilcox $100,000 while the state of Hawai‘i provided $350,000 through the grant-in-aid program. “We are truly grateful for this investment in the future of health care on Kaua‘i,” said Jen Chahanovich, Wilcox president and CEO, and CEO of Kaua‘i Medical Clinic. “Imaging is a critical tool for taking care of our community now and for generations to come. Upgrading our Nuclear Medicine Unit will further enhance the imaging capabilities at Wilcox and strengthen the island’s health care infrastructure.” 17

INSP IR E MAGA ZIN E FROM LEFT: Diane Ono; her daughter, Mari Galiher Martin; Owen Martin; and Daren Martin.

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A Gift for Families A new laundry room for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit is a touching tribute to a miracle baby from his beloved tutu. ON MARI GALIHER MARTIN’S 30 TH BIRTHDAY, SHE RECEIVED NEWS PARENTS NEVER WANT TO HEAR. "Our son would likely not be alive for much longer," she said. "They were bringing in palliative care, and we needed to brace ourselves for the absolute worst." Little Owen Martin was just a few days old. It was not a journey anyone had anticipated. Mari and Daren Martin’s first pregnancy had been joyful and largely uneventful. Then, the day before Mari was scheduled to be induced, she noticed a little bleeding. Her doctor told her to go to Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children as a precaution. Mari’s placenta had ruptured, so she was induced and went into labor. At one point, her baby’s heart rate dropped, and the Kapi‘olani nurses immediately called for more resources. When Mari began bleeding more than expected, they asked her to push. “Twenty minutes later, Owen was out and he was completely lifeless. We were stunned,” Mari said. Owen was resuscitated and taken immediately to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). For the next few weeks, his condition was precarious. At 2 weeks old, he finally was stable enough for a brain scan to assess any lasting damage. Amazingly, none was found. Still, the next few weeks were challenging. Through it all, the Kapi‘olani team was there for the entire family. Neonatologists Dr. Alexandra Ramnath and Dr. Melanie

“Whenever I look at him, I have such a debt of gratitude for everything Kapi‘olani did for our family.” — DIANE ONO

Jacobson explained every step. Lactation and other specialists, including psychologists, checked on them regularly to provide support. Kapi‘olani security greeted Daren every time he returned. The NICU nurses were amazing, Mari said. One evening, after she had left Kapi‘olani, she returned and was touched to find NICU nurse Tiani Fabro holding and rocking Owen. “She provided the extra level of care and love that you really don't have to in your job,” Mari said. Owen went home after 33 days in the NICU. He continued treatment at Kapi‘olani for kidney damage and heart conditions, but he outgrew them. Today, he is a healthy, happy, talkative and, as many will attest, very active toddler. Mari and her family keep in touch with many at Kapi‘olani whose dedication gave Owen a real chance at life. In 2023, Mari’s mother, Diane Ono, donated a NICU laundry room. The space with a washer and dryer is a blessing for families — especially those from neighbor islands — who spend days, weeks or even months at Kapi‘olani. The room is named after Owen as a gift from his beloved tūtū in tribute of his care, and as a sign of hope for other families. “They refer to Owen as the miracle baby; nobody believed that was going to be his outcome,” Diane said. “Whenever I look at him, I have such a debt of gratitude for everything Kapi‘olani did for our family.”



Serving Up Smiles

Panda Express associates ran games and activities for keiki at Kapi‘olani.

BELIEVE. DREAM BIG. These words are on the the healing journey for the families and kids at these walls in the Panda Cares Center of Hope at Kapi‘olani hospitals,” said Peggy Cherng, Ph.D., co-founder and Medical Center for Women & Children, but they’re co-CEO of Panda Restaurant Group. more than just words. They serve as inspiration for the To recognize Panda Cares‘ years of support and pediatric patients who use the room to play with toys, $5 million overall commitment to Kapi‘olani, a symbolic video games, board games, and arts and crafts. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in the Panda Cares space is more commonly referred to as the Playroom. Center of Hope in August 2023. Dozens of Panda Express It’s a place where kids can just be kids, and it’s made associates toured the space, which serves as a central hub possible in part through the fundraising efforts of for keiki and supports their physical, emotional, mental Panda Cares, the philanthropic arm of Panda Express. and spiritual needs through play. Panda Cares raised $401,525 in 2023 for programs Panda team members also served up smiles for the and services at Hawai‘i’s only kids they raise money for at a Children’s Miracle Network carnival-themed celebration (CMN) hospital. The Panda at the medical center. Express location at Moanalua Employees engaged with Shopping Center again children in ring-toss games, generated the most funds of face painting, a fun photo any Panda Express restaurant booth and more. in Hawai‘i, raising $33,529. “Our associates are All of the funds raised went to extremely passionate about supporting Kapi‘olani’s Child helping,” said Richard Life team and The Mitsui Kakuni, Panda Express area Family Pediatric Heart Center. coach of operations. “All FROM LEFT: Michelle Cherng Lee, family adviser, Panda “We are proud to partner the donations and proceeds Charitable Family Foundation; Dave Underriner, HPH executive with Kapi‘olani, a Children’s benefit associates and local vice president of O‘ahu operations and Kapi‘olani CEO; Haumea Friel, 2022 National CMN Champion; Peggy Cherng, Miracle Network hospital, to communities, so they feel like co-founder & co-CEO of Panda Restaurant Group; Ray Vara, bring the vision of the Panda they have a direct hand in HPH president & CEO; Gidget Ruscetta, Kapi‘olani chief Cares Center of Hope to life supporting their neighbors, operating officer; Teri Nestel, former CMN CEO; and Dawn Dunbar, HPH senior vice president of Philanthropy. and are proud to be part of families and friends.”


Kapi’olani Health Foundation Young Leaders Board members (from left) Marissa Suehiro, Lindsay Kosasa, Dana Harvey, Doug Shimokawa, Emalia Pietsch Hogan, Jason Morgan, Kawika Fiddler and Gregg Yamauchi.

Throwback Prom Night THEY’RE CALLED THE YOUNG LEADERS, BUT THEY KNOW HOW TO THROW AN OLD-SCHOOL PARTY. In November 2023, the Kapi‘olani Health Foundation’s Young Leaders Board hosted its ‘90s Prom Night in Kaka‘ako, its first in-person event. As more than 200 guests walked through a massive balloon arch, they were transported back in time to when MTV defined cool and brick phones were all the rage. Dressed in quintessential ‘90s fashion

trends — from plaid miniskirts to leopard-print suits — they stopped by the Glam Station, entered raffles and celebrated raising money for the future Martha B. Smith Cancer & Infusion Center. After-dinner entertainment was all that and a bag of chips, thanks to the tunes of cover band Saved by the ‘90s, which kept the dance floor packed with iconic hits, including “I Want It That Way” and “I’ll Be There for You.” The event was a huge success, raising $278,225 for Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. The night was especially meaningful for Emalia Pietsch Hogan, event co-chair and Kapi‘olani Young Leaders Board member. Her 6-yearold son, Keahi, was

Guests danced to music from cover band Saved By the '90s.

born with a rare genetic disorder. Over the years, during numerous trips to Kapi‘olani, Emalia became friends with Martha, Kapi‘olani’s late CEO. One day, Martha told Emalia that she wanted to create a new board of young professionals who shared a passion for supporting Kapi‘olani. “I told her I would love to be a part of it,” Emalia said. “Kapi‘olani has been a part of our lives, and we want to support them anyway we can.” Martha’s visionary leadership is still inspiring the board she created, and Emalia and the team were proud to dedicate the unforgettable night toward the center bearing Martha’s name. “It has come full circle. To be able to support a vision that Martha had and a cause that meant so much to her, it means a lot to me.” 21







Heart of a Champion She’s one of the most loving little girls you’ll ever meet. But problems with Leila-Rose Coloma’s heart almost cut her life short. AN AVERAGE ADULT HEART BEATS 60 TO 100 TIMES A MINUTE. An average newborn’s heart rate is 70 to 190 beats per minute. When she was nine months pregnant, Kayley Coloma’s doctors discovered her baby’s heart was racing at 265 beats a minute. Something was wrong. It was a terrible shock for the Colomas. Kayley’s pregnancy had been normal. She and her husband, Jared, were planning to welcome their first child in a few weeks. Instead, doctors performed an emergency cesarean section and Leila-Rose was born at Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. She had a challenging path ahead of her. Leila had a rare heart condition. Ebstein’s anomaly is a defect of heart valves that makes it difficult for oxygenated blood to circulate in the body. In addition, Wolff-ParkinsonWhite syndrome left her heart beating rapidly. “When the heart is beating that fast, it is not able to adequately pump blood to all the vital organs,” said Dr. Sadie Kim, Kapi‘olani neonatologist. “We had to put a breathing tube into her airway, and even with 100% oxygen flowing directly into her lungs, her oxygen levels were not where they needed to be.” “It was clear she needed complex heart surgery,” said Dr. Andras Bratincsak, Leila’s cardiologist who

is now director of The Mitsui Family Pediatric Heart Center at Kapi‘olani. “But first, we needed to stabilize her heart rate.” It was not a simple task. Medical teams consistently battled to keep her heart rhythm consistent. She received nitric oxide to increase the flow of blood through her little body and several intravenous medications to slow her heart rate down and keep her sedated. She was so fragile that Kayley and Jared couldn’t hold their baby girl until she was more than a week old. Leila spent her first three months of life in Kapi‘olani’s Neonatal and Pediatric intensive care units. “We had to keep her as calm as possible because if she cried, her heart rate would go up and we would have to call the team in,” said Maddy Fernandez, RN, manager of Kapi‘olani’s pediatric surgery program who cared for baby Leila. “Every day, we were taking care of not only the baby, but we were also supporting the family — sharing tears, holding hands, hoping for the best and being there through the worst times.”

SCAN HERE to learn more about Leila’s inspiring story.

“At one point, I remember Leila was on the highest dose of two heart rhythm-control medications I’ve ever experienced,” Dr. Bratincsak said. “We knew she needed the operation as soon as possible.” Kapi‘olani’s specialized Critical Care Transport Team flew Leila and Kayley to California for the infant’s open-heart surgery. Leila-Rose was just 5 months old. “It was the longest day of my life,” Kayley said. Surgeons repaired the valve and also performed a cardiac ablation. The procedure creates tiny scars in the heart that block irregular electrical signals, helping to restore a normal heartbeat. When the Colomas returned home, Dr. Bratincsak and the rest of the Kapi‘olani team continued her care through consistent checkups. As Leila grew into an active, effervescent toddler, her parents noticed she was starting to experience a familiar problem. “If she ran around or played a lot, she would breathe heavily and it would take a while to get her heart rate back to normal,” Kayley said. “There were a few instances when her lips turned a little bluish purple, before returning to their normal color.” “It was evident that her repaired valve was still not functioning well. It was not growing with her,” Dr. Bratincsak said. “She needed a second surgery.” 23


The then-3-year-old girl had her second open-heart surgery. This time, Dr. Bratincsak was able to make the repairs at Kapi‘olani, where the Colomas were surrounded by the support of family, friends and the medical team that cared for the little girl they had watched grow. “It was such a huge relief,” Kayley said. “It was still very stressful, but I felt comforted knowing we would be home. Our familiar team of Kapi‘olani doctors, nurses and staff constantly asked if we needed anything, made sure we understood what was happening and reassured us all along the way. “We have been to other hospitals, and it is not like that everywhere. Kapi‘olani is special.” Leila is now 7 years old and is in the second grade. She loves to dance, play basketball, and run around with her friends and her 2-year-old brother, Liam. She is an inspiration to so many at Kapi‘olani, and her story continues to touch many more across Hawai‘i and the nation as the 2024 Kapi‘olani Children’s Miracle Network Champion. “To see her now, a smart, bright, beautiful little girl who runs around with so much energy, she is what drives us all to keep doing the work we do today,” Fernandez said. “I’m ecstatic to see her represent all the children we take care of at Kapi‘olani.” Leila’s connection with Kapi‘olani will continue throughout her life.

Leila with her parents, Kayley and Jared Coloma.

She will need more surgeries as she grows. Thanks to generous donors, she will not have to leave Hawai‘i. Kapi‘olani’s recently opened Pediatric Heart Center includes a new cardiac catheterization lab that enables Dr. Bratincsak and the cardiac teams to offer the latest lifesaving procedures Leila with her doctor, Kapi‘olani pediatric cardiologist Dr. Andras Bratincsak. alongside the heartfelt care and compassion that Kapi‘olani has provided families for decades.

“We’re just very grateful to donors for this new technology that will help us through Leila’s journey,” Kayley said. “I have two children myself, but I always say that my patients at Kapi‘olani are my kids, too,” Dr. Bratincsak said. “You touch all their lives, so they become your children, and their families become my family as well. I regard them truly as my ‘ohana.”

“I have two children myself, but I always say that my patients at Kapi‘olani are my kids, too." – DR. ANDRAS BRATINCSAK

Kapi‘olani Pediatric Cardiologist 24








Change for a Good Cause

The Secret to Success

Walmart associates in Hilo celebrated their recordbreaking year during a visit from 2023 CMN Champion Kalley-Mae Yee and her family.

HILO WALMART HAS A SECRET. It’s the reason for the store’s record-breaking success. For the second year in a row, the store on East Maka‘ala Street shattered the national Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMN) fundraising record for a single Walmart store — and the Hilo team had a lot of fun doing it. Each donation was celebrated with a cowbell, and sometimes lucky customers were even treated to a show with associates displaying their vocal skills and dance moves while dressed up in inflatable costumes. The $131,194 raised in 2023 will go toward cancer care and a new retinal imaging system at Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. So, what is the store’s big secret? “It’s our people,” said Mark Roberts, Hilo Walmart store manager. “Our entire team is passionate about helping Kapi‘olani because many of them know someone who has received care there. The Hilo community is so generous.”

IF YOU GREW UP IN HAWAI‘I, chances are you grew up eating Diamond Bakery’s graham, animal and Kalley-Mae soda crackers. After all, the company has been shows off the around since 1921 and is one of Hawai‘i’s most new Diamond well-known brands. But in 2023, Diamond Bakery Bakery soda cracker box with changed its iconic soda cracker box for the first Butch Galdeira, time in 30 years for a good cause. Shoppers saw Diamond Bakery the smiling face of Kalley-Mae Yee, Hawai‘i’s president. 2023 CMN Champion. It’s a visible and adorable sign of the bakery’s partnership with Kapi‘olani. “I know many families who have needed the services at Kapi‘olani,” said Butch Galdeira, Diamond Bakery president. “If there’s a way we can bring a smile to a child’s life during their time in the hospital, it’s worth it for us.” For every box of soda crackers sold, Diamond Bakery donated 25 cents to Kapi‘olani. Through this campaign, the company is hoping to raise $15,000. Diamond Bakery believes this is just a small taste of future projects to support Kapi‘olani’s CMN.

Press Play PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY. MILK AND COOKIES. KIDS AND VIDEO GAMES. It seems GameStop associates at as if you cannot have one without the other. Kapiʻolani in 2023. So when GameStop partnered with CMN Hospitals nationally in 2018, it was the perfect match. “Video games provide a brief escape from our everyday lives,” said Chris Nonaka, GameStop Hawai‘i district manager. “Kapi‘olani uses video games in the healing process, taking a child’s mind off what they’re going through, which is fantastic.” Local GameStop team members helped create the popular gaming station in the Panda Cares Center of Hope. In October 2023, several updated and set up video game systems and virtual reality headsets for Child Life and rehabilitation patients. Each time team members help out at the medical center, GameStop donates in honor of their volunteer hours. The register campaigns have been the most successful fundraisers. Over the past three years, GameStop stores in Hawai‘i and Guam have raised nearly $7,700 for Kapi‘olani.



Record-Shattering Radiothon ON THE EVENING OF NOV. 8, 2023, AN AIR OF ANTICIPATION FILLED THE DINING ROOM OF KAPI‘OLANI MEDICAL CENTER FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN. The room was transformed into a radio studio and phone bank for one of Kapi‘olani’s marquee events — the Kapi‘olani Radiothon for Kids. After two days of spirited fundraising broadcast live on KSSK, the final numbers were in. Before a crowd brimming with curiosity, a group of children lined up in front of the KSSK stage. They faced away from the crowd, each holding tightly onto a signboard as KSSK radio personality Curt Williams took to the microphone: “Kapi‘olani patients ring a bell at the end of their cancer treatment as a sign of victory,” Curt shared over the air. “Tonight, we’re reminded of all the incredible little fighters, the heroes at Kapi‘olani and the awesome generosity of the community.” As Curt rang a cowbell, the children turned around, revealing the total amount of donations as the room erupted in cheers. The $820,130 marked a new record in Radiothon’s 17-year history, shattering the previous record of $575,651 from 2021. This feat wouldn’t have been possible without UHA Health Insurance. On the first day of the Radiothon, UHA unveiled a huge surprise on KSSK with the help of Marcie Dela Cruz and her





$820,130 marked a new record in Radiothon’s 17-year history, shattering the previous record of $575,651 from 2021.

SCAN HERE to experience the excitement of the 2023 Kapi‘olani Radiothon for Kids.

quintuplets, all of whom were born at Kapi‘olani in 2015. Her five adorable children revealed UHA’s gift with T-shirts that spelled out “$250K.” “Incredible!” shouted Michael W. Perry of KSSK’s “Perry & The Posse.” UHA’s gift is Radiothon’s single largest donation ever and will support the future Martha B. Smith Cancer & Infusion Center at Kapi‘olani. “We are profoundly grateful that we can help honor our longtime friend Martha Smith, a visionary health care leader who dedicated her life to creating a healthier Hawai‘i,” said Howard Lee, UHA president and CEO, who is also on Kapi‘olani Health Foundation’s board. “As Hawai‘i’s only physician-founded health insurer, we hope our gift allows cancer patients to receive high-quality care right here at home, surrounded by their loved ones. I imagine Martha would have liked that.” The swell of support continued into Day 2, which kicked off with a triplematch hour from another longtime Kapi‘olani supporter, D. Suehiro Electric, Inc. Later in the day, HMSA presented a $25,000 donation for Kapi‘olani’s Fetal Diagnostic Center to help promote safe pregnancies. Then, the local Hyundai dealers arrived with a $35,000 gift, bringing their lifetime donation to Kapi‘olani to $1 million. The 2023 Radiothon marked another milestone. Since it began in 2007, the Kapi‘olani Radiothon has raised more than $4 million for countless programs and services at Kapi‘olani.


1. An adorable crew of Kapiʻolani’s current and past Children’s Miracle Network Champions, and other young supporters, revealed the largest-ever Kapi‘olani Radiothon total.




2. Celebrating UHA Health Insurance’s record-breaking donation.

FRONT ROW, FROM LEFT: Marcie Dela Cruz with her son Makaio;

quintuplets Kamali'i, Kapena, Kupono, Keahi and Keolu; and husband, Ray Dela Cruz. MIDDLE ROW, FROM LEFT: Dawn Dunbar, HPH senior vice president of Philanthropy; Suzanne Eugenio, UHA Health Insurance director of marketing and communications; Stevette Santiago, UHA senior vice president and chief human resources officer; Gidget Ruscetta, Kapi‘olani chief operating officer; Dave Underriner, Kapi‘olani CEO; and Ray Vara, HPH president & CEO. BACK ROW, FROM LEFT: KSSK radio personalities Karen Keawehawai‘i, Michael W. Perry and Sweetie Pacarro. 3. Sweetie Pacarro accepts a gift from a young donor. 4. Keely Tamayose and her mother, Dayle, answer phones during Radiothon to accept call-in donations. 4


A Huge Mahalo to Our Generous Donors Gifts help our medical centers provide health care services and specialty care in the community; expand medical research; create education and training programs for our teams; fund essential capital improvements; and sponsor public health initiatives. The following list recognizes contributions and pledges of $250 or more in support of Kapi‘olani Health Foundation, Pali Momi Foundation, Straub Foundation and Wilcox Health Foundation between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023. * The Foundations of Hawai‘i Pacific Health honor the memory of these individuals.


Kapi‘olani Health Foundation Donors $1,000,000 & Above Ms. Poomaikelani Kawananakoa*

$100,000-$999,999 Anonymous (3) Carol and Larry Larson Jones Family Trust Costco Iwilei Costco Kona Costco Maui Costco Wholesale Estate of Robert James Boulette Four Seasons Resort - Maui at Wailea Hyundai Hope on Wheels Kosasa Foundation Maurice & Joanna Sullivan Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pietsch The Superhero Project, Inc. Tobacco Prevention & Control Trust Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Tradewind Group Foundation Turner Farm Foundation Walmart - Hilo 28



Anonymous (various) The A.C. Kobayashi Family Foundation American Savings Bank Samuel N. and Mary Castle Foundation Costco Hawaiʻi Kai Costco Kapolei Costco Waipiʻo D. Suehiro Electric, Inc. First Hawaiian Bank Foundation Hawaiʻi Ace Hardware Retailers Ko Olina Resort Frederick* and Mary* Lyman Marriott’s Ko Olina Beach Club MW Restaurant Myra W. and Jean Kent Angus Foundation Tony Smith Trailsend Foundation Walmart - Honolulu Walmart - Kapolei

$25,000-$49,999 Ace Hardware Foundation Mr. John Arrillaga and Mrs. Justine Stamen Arrillaga Bank of Hawaiʻi Bank of Hawaiʻi Foundation Ms. Catherine W.S. Chung Costco Kauaʻi Dr. Shirley J. Daniel George P. & Ida Tenney Castle Fund Hawaiʻi Dental Service Hawaiʻi Medical Service Association Hawaiian Electric Industries Charitable Foundation Koa Capital Partners, LLC


Mrs. John H. Magoon, Jr. Marriott’s Maui Ocean Club Nordic PCL Construction, Inc. Ms. Diane T. Ono PAMCAH-UA Local 675 Trust Funds Panda Express - Kamehameha Panda Express - Moanalua Sam‘s Club Keʻeaumoku Sam‘s Club Pearl City Spirit Of Children Stephen and Susan Metter Family Fund Steve and Marilyn Katzman Philanthropic Fund The Joseph & Vera Long Foundation The Westin Nanea Ocean Resort Villas The Westin Princeville Ocean Resort Villas Mark and Karen Polivka University of Hawaiʻi Foundation Walmart - Kahului Walmart - Kailua Kona Walmart - Līhuʻe Walmart - Mililani Walmart - Pearl City

$10,000-$24,999 Anonymous (1) Ace Hardware - Kamuela Ace Hardware - Kapaʻa Ace Hardware - Lahaina Gateway Ace Hardware - Pukalani Albert & Betty Ota Children’s Foundation AlohaCare Alternate Energy, Inc. Cal-Nev-Ha Children’s Fund Constructors Hawaiʻi, Inc.

CO-OP Financial Services D. Otani Produce, Inc. Dogan Family Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable Mr. Jarrod and Celi Dogan Dr. Pauline G. Stitt Charitable Trust Ms. Geraldine H. Dunstan* Ernst & Young, LLP Farmers Insurance Group Fighting Eel Gather Federal Credit Union George Mason Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Hawaiʻi Building & Construction Trades Council Hawaiʻi Community Federal Credit Union Hawai‘i Cord Blood Bank Hawaiʻi Credit Union League HDR, Inc. Heydon Charitable Trust Holokai Catamaran IBEW Local Union 1186 Island Ace Hardware J&M Distributed Solutions, LLC Jeff and Loan Arce Family Foundation of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Kaʻanapali Ocean Resort Charitable Trust Foundation Kauaʻi Ace Hardware & Crafts Ms. Stella S. Lock Marian C. & Walter G. Chuck Foundation Marriott ‘s Kauaʻi Beach Club Marriott‘s Waiʻohai Beach Club Matson Foundation Dr. Wallace J. Matthews and Dr. Sherry W.H. Loo Ritchie and Sunny Mudd

David and Kellyn Okabe Mr. and Mrs. Jayson L. Pahlmeyer Panda Express - ʻEwa Panda Express - Hilo Panda Express - Hōkūlei Village Panda Express - Kaʻahumanu Panda Express - Kailua Panda Express - Kāneʻohe Bay S/C Panda Express - Kapolei Panda Express - Kapolei Ka Makana Ali‘i Panda Express - Kauaʻi Village Panda Express - Kīlauea Ave. & Kūkūau St. PX Panda Express - King Panda Express - Makala Panda Express - Mililani Panda Express - Pākaula Panda Express - Wahiawā Panda Restaurant Group, Inc. Sorenson Family Fund Stanford Carr Development, LLC Steve and Gloria Gainsley Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Steven C. Ai Charitable Trust The Jones Family Charitable Fund The Kanikapila Project Veterans United Foundation Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa Walmart - Waipahu William K.H. Mau Foundation

$5,000-$9,999 Anonymous (3) A&V Holdings, LLC Ace Hardware - Captain Cook Ace Hardware - Hilo Ace Hardware - Kīhei


A Caring Community

gifts to increase the impact for community organizations, including Kapi‘olani, which received $92,387 for Child Life and Educational Liaison programs. In total, the Kahiau Program has donated more than $969,000 to YOU SEE THEM Kapi‘olani since 2011. ANSWERING PHONES “Community is at the heart of AT THE KAPI‘OLANI everything we do, which is why RADIOTHON, CELEBRATING American Savings Bank is honored AND SUPPORTING THE to be a longtime supporter of KAPI‘OLANI SOIRÉE, AND the Kapi‘olani Health Foundation CARRYING BOXES OF American Savings Bank team members donating to Santa’s Workshop and Kapi‘olani Medical Center TOYS TO GIVE TO SANTA’S at Kapi‘olani in December 2023. for Women & Children,” said WORKSHOP. American Michelle Bartell, ASB‘s senior Savings Bank employees vice president and director of community advancement, who not only give their time to Kapi‘olani Medical Center for is also a Kapi‘olani Health Foundation board member. “Our Women & Children, they also generously donate through 1,000 teammates continue to go above and beyond to support ASB’s Kahiau Giving Campaign. Hawai‘i’s families through ASB’s annual Kahiau Campaign, In 2023, nearly 94% of the ASB team participated in the Kapi‘olani Radiothon for Kids, Santa’s Workshop Toy Drive and bank’s annual workplace giving program, raising the most more, helping to build a stronger, healthier Hawai‘i.” money in the Kahiau program’s 12-year history. ASB matches

Ace Hardware - Waikoloa Allied Builders System Aloha Pacific Federal Credit Union Aloha Petroleum, Ltd. Altres, Inc. Big Island Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Chaiko Bob Ching and Colleen Wong Clinical Laboratories of Hawaiʻi, LLP Coca-Cola Bottling of Hawaiʻi Coco Moon, LLC Cosco Inc. dba Cosco Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. DeLuca Elite Mechanical Elite Parking Services EPIC Ben and Yvonne Godsey Goto-Saiki Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hahn Honolulu Star-Advertiser Insight EEG, LLC Ivena M. Ziegenhein Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation James Haruji Tamura and Fumiko Tamura Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation James D. Swoish, Inc. Jhamandas Watumull Fund Roger and Jennefer Jones Kai Hawaiʻi, Inc. Ms. Flora Kawasjee Keiki Injury Prevention Coalition Ms. Leni A. Knight Locations Foundation Lynn & Jeff Watanabe Family Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation MacNaughton

Marriott Vacations Worldwide-Hawai‘i Regional Office Marriott's Kauaʻi Lagoons Golf Club Marcus and Cheryl Merner Million Dollar Round Table Foundation MNE Holdings, Inc. Motiv8 Foundation Dr. Kenneth T. and Karen Nakamura ʻOhana Health Plan Mark and Allison Ohigashi Mr. Sanford Ota Ms. Lee Oung Ms. Sophie Overend* Panda Express - Downtown Panda Express - Hawaiʻi Kai Panda Express - Kāhala Mall Panda Express - Kapahulu Panda Express - Kapolei & Kamokila Panda Express - Kīhei Panda Express - Lumiaina Panda Express - Makolu Panda Express - Royal Hawaiian Panda Express - Uptown Panda Express - Waipiʻo/ Laniākea Panda Express - Windward Mall Mr. and Mrs. Cleighton K.W. Pang Patrick and Kris Kobayashi Foundation Pioneer Ace Hardware Haleʻiwa Pioneer Ace Hardware - Lāʻie Anthony and Jillian Poon Dr. Angela M. Pratt Residence Inn Maui-Wailea

Sapp Fitness Mr. John Sauer Ms. Patricia W. Sheehan Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa Mr. and Mrs. Daryl S. Suehiro Swinerton Foundation Mr. Fred S. Takara, Jr. The Malulani Group, Limited The Michael J. Marks Foundation Mr. Frederick Towfigh and Mrs. Risako Stegmayer Trinity Real Estate Investments, LLC Vizient Watanabe Floral, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey N. Watanabe Mrs. Frances S. Wong WorkStar and Max Clini

$1,000-$4,999 Anonymous (16) AC Hotel By Marriott Maui Wailea Ace Hardware - Atlas Building Supplies Ace Hardware - ʻEleʻele Ace Hardware - Keaʻau Ace Hardware - Keaʻau Pāhoa Ace Hardware - Kona Ace Hardware - Marmac Alamaha Ace Hardware - Nāʻālehu Ace Hardware - Rancho Ace Hardware - Waiākea Mr. Michael Adamson Mr. Kauhi K. Ahana Air Central, LLC Air Conditioning Unlimited Ms. Maria Lourdes J. Akagi Mr. Ryan Akkina

Patricia and Bryan Akui Alexander & Baldwin Amazon Construction Mr. Jay A. Asertista Kenneth M. Ash, MD Associated Crane & Service, LLC Rafael Baez Dr. and Mrs. V. Balaraman Ms. Teresa A. Ballesteros Big Island Candies Big Island Hyundai Mrs. Kristen K. Bonilla Ms. Marilyn R. Bonilla-Luna Andras Bratincsak, MD Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brooks Nancy B. Burnett Ms. Thelma A. Cabato-Cadiz Cades Foundation Ms. Carrie S. Caeton Clarence and Ruth Reyes Mr. Bertram L. Carvalho Dr. Daniel Cheng Child’s Play Charity Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Choy Mr. and Mrs. Roland K.C. Chun Ms. Karyn M. Church Clint and Suzy* Churchill CKW Financial Group, LLC CoCo Ichi Hawaiʻi, Inc. Commercial Plumbing Ms. Lori G. Conley John and Chris Constable CU Direct Corporation Mr. Robert Curran Mr. Michael G. Dau Dean and Laura Ushijima Fund at Schwab Charitable Sean and Brooke Dee Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Del Carmen

Dr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Dela Cruz Mr. Bruce Dereschuk Diamond Bakery Diamond R. Ranch, LLC Dispute Prevention Resolution Mr. and Mrs. James N. Duca Peter and Sara Dudgeon Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Dugay David and Dawn Dunbar Mr. Joseph Dunkle Dr. Robert C. Durkin and Ms. Paraluman Stice-Durkin Edith Tamayo Miyahara* Trust Mr. Robert Eggleston Mr. Keith Emerson Mr. David I. Emert Enterprise Mobility Mr. and Mrs. William R. Feldner Ms. Lena Fernandes First Insurance Company of Hawaiʻi Charitable Foundation Mr. Frank Floro Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forst Eric and Lori Fujimoto Steven T. and Louise K.N. Fukumoto Mr. and Mrs. Randal Furomoto Ms. Octobela A. Gamata Garden Island Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Art Gladstone Glenn and Susan Shea Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable Goodfellow Brothers, Inc. Mr. J. Wayne Graves Hala Charitable Foundation Hana Koa Brewing Mr. Eric E. Hannum Mr. Charles H. Hao 29


Brain Station Goes Global FROM LEFT: MOST DAYS, CARRIE SHIRAKI-SAKAINO, Shay Parpana, PHD, AND HER TEAM FOCUS ON TEACHING Kapi‘olani-based KIDS — Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & educator; Matthew McCurry, Hospital Children patients who cannot go to school. But School South Australia in 2023, Shiraki-Sakaino, Kapi‘olani’s educational principal; and Carrie Shiraki-Sakaino, Kapi‘olani liaison, and Kapi‘olani-based teacher Shay Parpana educational liaison taught teachers from around the world. with Child Life. The two presented at the HOPE Congress in Milan, Italy, a global conference of hospital educators. “They were so engaged,” Shiraki-Sakaino said. “We were hoping to inspire them to replicate Kapi‘olani’s Brain Station so that more students around the world could benefit.” Shiraki-Sakaino began the program in 2015 to provide a robust education and curriculum for patients. The experienced educator with a background in cognitive rehabilitation knew the impact it could make. Patients can keep up with schoolwork, and many regain a sense of normalcy by attending classes with other students. Matthew McCurry met Shiraki-Sakaino and Parpana in Italy. Four months later, the principal of Hospital School South Australia flew to Hawai‘i to observe the unique program. “There is a fantastic, collaborative relationship between education and health here,” said McCurry, who oversees schools at three hospitals. “Many speak about wraparound care, where the young person is at the center of what we do. Not everyone does it authentically, but I see it at Kapi‘olani.” Kapi‘olani medical teams give Shiraki-Sakaino and her educators daily updates about each child. Brain Station staff adjust activities for kids who are not feeling well or may even have a boost of energy. Thanks to generous donors, Brain Station has evolved. In 2023, Parpana launched a new STEAM program — science, technology, engineering, arts and math — which was inspired by the HOPE Congress. Kids learned about the science of germs, then designed educational signs that are now posted at Kapi‘olani handwashing stations. In between eight different programs for preschoolers, elementary school kids, teens and even college students, Shiraki-Sakaino collaborates with a hospital in Romania that is about to launch its first curriculum. She hopes it brings kids more than 7,800 miles away the same comfort and cheer she sees at Kapi‘olani. “It is a joy to see the the patients,” Shiraki-Sakaino said. “Just the fact that they choose to leave their rooms to come brings sparkles to my eyes.”





Alex D. Ribeiro, DArch, and John J. Harrington, III, MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison Hawaiʻi Rx Card HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union HEMIC Foundation Ms. Shanell W. Hesia HFS Federal Credit Union Hickam Federal Credit Union Mr. Craig I. Higa Carl and Kristina Hinson Ms. Blyth A. Hirata HMSA Employees‘ Federal Credit Union Ms. Ann C. Ho Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hogan Honolulu Beerworks Ms. Barbara L. Hudman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hughes Hyundai of Maui Dealership Mr. Geoffrey Michaelson and Ms. Flora Ii-Michaelson Mr. Peter Y. Ines INPAC Wealth Solutions, LLC Robert and Jennifer Irvine Mr. Colin K. Ishikawa Jerry V‘s Honolulu Hyundai Sidney Johnson, MD Ms. Emma Kaahaaina Ms. Jesha Mae B. Kalahiki-Gasper Mr. Kyle Kamakura Stacy K. Kanayama-Trivedi, MD Ms. Joan E. Kanemori Mr. Glen A. Kaneshige Ms. Lori R. Kaneshige Mr. Allen W. Kapali Mrs. Sarah Kennedy-Smith Mr. Damien T.K. Kim Ms. Carolyn Kobayashi Mr. Davis Kobayashi Malcolm* and Carol Koga Mrs. Mary E.O. Kondo Mrs. Joy S. Kono Kualoa Ranch Hawaiʻi, Inc. Kubota Foundation of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation Kūhiō Auto Group Ms. Deborah R. Kula Craig, Emily and Grant Kuraoka Ms. Tate H. Kuroda Wade T. Kyono, MD Mr. Ron Labanon Ms. Bridget Lai Rhiana L. Lau, MD Ms. Jodie K.D. Laurito Mr. Christopher Lee Mrs. Johanna A. Leiato Mr. David Leith* Bryan and Traci Li James Lin, MD Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred L. Liu Ms. MaryLou M. Loualhati Mr. and Mrs. Steven C.H. Loui In Memory of Camren Lu Ms. Lorrie Luke Mrs. Marian A. Lung Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Lyons Mr. Patrick McFadden and Mrs. Helen MacNeil Ms. Brenda A. Maglasang Mr. Romano Magaoay and Mrs. Cheryl Ann Acorda-Magaoay

Mallow Hawaiʻi Mr. and Mrs. Easton T. Manson Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Marx Keith and Eileen Matsumoto Matthew and Jodie Emerson Family Fund at Schwab Charitable Mrs. Marion L. Maunakea Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mesick Mr. Joseph A. Miller Keith Miyashiro Mr. and Mrs. Ross Morishige Mr. Alan T. Morita and Ms. Irene M. Donnelly Ms. Kiele Muraco Mr. and Mrs. Nelson M. Muraoka Nā Hōkū 2 and Manu Kai Catamaran Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nagai Mr. Cary Nagano Mrs. Euphemia E. Nagashima Mr. Michael K. Naito Ms. Ketly C. Nakamura Ms. Gail C. Nakatani Charles R. Neal, MD, and Ms. Maria Felix-Neal Ms. Catherine Ngo and Mr. Bob Hines Camnhung Nguyen, MD Mr. and Mrs. Victor K. Nichols Susan Nonaka Mr. George R. Norcross Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ocasek Oceanit Mr. Dennis T. Okada Okahara and Associates, Inc. Mr. Toshiaki Okawa Sada Okumura, MD, and John H. Drouilhet, MD Mr. Dennis S. Oshiro Mr. Kevin Oshiro Ms. Kimberly A. Oshiro-Tunick Ms. Mary E. Oyadomari Pacxa Foundation Ms. Sharon P. Padilla-Hu, RN Ms. Ashley Paluck Panda Express - Ala Moana Panda Express - Keawe Panda Express - UH Paradise Poke Hawaiʻi, LLC Shilpa Patel, MD Pearl Hawaiʻi Federal Credit Union Performance Trust Mr. Michael W. Perry Peter Vincent Architects Michael R. Pharaon, MD Ms. Monica A. Pierce Bart Pillen, PhD Pioneer Ace Hardware Wahiawā Rainbow Drive-In RE/MAX Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. Erik and Brandy Rhinelander Ritz-Carlton Residences RNDC-USA Steve and Ros Robertson Mr. Michael J. Robinson Rochdale Paragon Group, LLC Ms. Kate Rodriguez John and Maile Romanowski Mrs. Linda E. Ross Rough Riders Motorcycle Group

2023 DONOR LISTING Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ruscetta Mr. and Mrs. Chad R. Sakumoto Mr. Felipe S. Sales Mr. Harry A. Saunders, III Mr. Ahmed Sheikh Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shigemura Mr. Doug Shimokawa Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.P. Sia Mr. Mark R. Simao Sodexo, Inc. & Affiliates Kekuala Souza Ms. Jessica E. Sphar Mrs. Shereena M. Spragling Mr. David R. Squeri, III Standard Commercial Steven Equipment, LLC Timothy Stoddard, MD Mr. James O. Striker Mr. and Mrs. David E. Stumbaugh Mr. Kelly Sueda and Dr. Alexandra Sueda Mr. Kevin T. Suehiro Ms. Jane Sugimura Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn M. Suzuki Swinerton Builders T. Yoshimura Contracting Marti Y. Taba, MD Ms. Eludrizza U. Tabisola-Nuesca Mr. Kyle S. Tadaki Mr. Bradley M. Takamori Ms. Fern S. Takemoto Ms. Aurea L.S. Tam Tamura Super Market Dr. Terri Tanaka and Cary Tanaka Mr. and Mrs. Mel Tanioka Tanioka‘s Charity Foundation Mr. Dean H. Tateyama Ms. Verna Tavares TBA Insurance Group, LTD

Mr. Robert M. Terry The Beall Corporation The Howard Hughes Corporation The Robbins Burkert Charitable Fund The Westin Kaʻanapali Ocean Resort Villas Ms. Kathleen K. Thomas Title Guaranty of Hawaiʻi and Title Guaranty Escrow Services, Inc. Claire Tong Tony Hawaiʻi Automotive Group Ms. Sunshine Topping Dena Towner, MD, and Mr. Robert Greer Mr. and Mrs. Tyson T. Toyama Ms. Jodie L. Toyota Mr. Wallace K. Tsuha Sid and Carrie Ann Tsutsui Ms. Donna Tsutsumi-Ota Mr. Bradley Turner Dr. and Mrs. Michael D.S. Uechi Mr. David Underriner Unicold Corporation United Tire Recapping Valley Isle Community Federal Credit Union Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Vara, Jr. Randal and Candace Wada Ms. Mahealani W. Wailehua Waipahu Intermediate School Walgreens - Kailua

Walgreens - Kalanianaʻole Walgreens - Keawe Mrs. Marion M. Walker Walmart Walmart - Distribution Center Mr. Bryce K. Watanabe Mrs. Myra H. Watanabe Ms. Kristin L. Wauke Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Weston Windward Dodge Chrysler Jeep Hyundai Ms. Linda J. Woo Robert Wotring, MD Mr. and Mrs. Mark Yamakawa Kara Yamamoto, MD Ms. Pearl Yamanouchi Kelly Yamasato, MD Akiko Yazawa, MD Mrs. Kathleen Yee Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Yee Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Yee Julie R. Yukimura Charitable Foundation Ivica Zalud, MD Mrs. Malia Zannoni

$500–$999 Anonymous (17) Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M. Abe Mr. Duwayne F. Abe Mr. Keith H. Abe Ace Hardware - Marmac - Laa Ace Hardware - Yamashiro‘s Building Supplies ʻAiea Bowl

Ms. Janet M. Alania AmazonSmile Foundation Ms. Hazel D. Andres Mei-Ling M. Aranio Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Ms. Stephanie S. Asahan Mr. Tyler J. Asuncion Mr. and Mrs. Miles Baidack Ms. Roxane L. Bajet Ms. Grace M.T. Balderas Ms. Michelle C. Bartell Ms. Patricia Begonia Ms. Tiffany Y. Bom Ms. Cheryl Borges Mr. John K. Brash Ms. Teresa L. Brink-Wong William R. Brown, Jr., MD, MPH, FAAP Ms. Shei-Yu Bunch Mr. and Mrs. Ian Burchell Will Burke and Leslie Crow Mr. Blaise C. Cabael Mr. Jason C. Cabastas Mr. Geoffrey L. Cacatian Ms. Julienne A. Campos Matthew J. Careskey, MD Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Casey Ms. Helen H. Cayetano Mr. Mark A. Cerda Ms. Kolea F. Chong Christian Bosse Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Ms. Rona A. Chung Ms. Deanna M. Cleaves Mr. Keoki L. Clemente Ms. Elisabeth A. Contrades Ms. Gail Y. Cosgrove CU*Answers, Inc.

Ms. Lisa M. Dau Jennifer R. Di Rocco, DO Peter J. Di Rocco, MD LeAyn Dillon, MD Mr. and Mrs. Michael Doran Dru Y. Miyata, LLC Ms. Daniza Marie O.R. Duquez Ms. Marsha L. Durbin Mr. David K. Egeland Elite Pacific Contructions, Inc. Mrs. Judith Y. Endo Ms. Leni English Frank and Angela Estrella Ms. Jeela G. Faria Pamela & Fred Ferguson-Brey Mr. Aes Giuliano J. Ferrer Ms. Carla J. Franks Mr. Harry Freitas Carol A. Fujiyoshi, MD Sidney and Aileen Fuke Mrs. Lei L. Fukuhara Ms. Madelyn R. Fukuhara Mr. Kevin K. Fukushima Mr. Joel Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Fune, Jr. Mr. Hugo R. Gebauer Mr. Darrin Gee Kandie George, MD Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gibson Peter Gitto Darryl Glaser, MD, and Desiree Medeiros, MD Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey W. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. William D. Golz Ms. Rosa Gomes Ms. Jeruzel D. Gonzales Sarah Grekin, MD Ms. Audrey L. Gutierrez

Creating a Safe Space

Program going. Gifts provide everything from the 85 life jackets that the program gave to not-forprofit Nā Kama Kai’s popular keiki ocean clinics, to bike helmets Dau and her team took to Leeward SHE WORKS TO MAKE children, to car seats they provide SURE ISLAND KEIKI ARE year-round to families in need. SAFELY BUCKLED IN THE “To see kids’ faces light up, or to CAR; that new parents babyhelp a family with something that proof their homes; that little could potentially save a child’s life, kids wear bicycle helmets and FROM LEFT: Amanda Price, HPH director of Philanthropy; William it’s those moments that make my are never, ever left unattended “Speedy” Bailey, Keiki Injury Prevention Coalition Board president; CeeCee Simmons, Patsy Sheehan’s daughter; Lisa Dau, RN; Laura Bonilla; day,” Dau said. in the water. As Kapi‘olani and Emily Naula, Kapi‘olani senior development officer. Dau is the 25th recipient of Medical Center for Women the honor established by Patsy & Children’s Injury Prevention Sheehan, great-granddaughter of Albert and Emma Kauikeōlani Program coordinator, Lisa Dau’s dedication to Hawai‘i kids Wilcox. In 1907, the couple helped found Kauikeōlani Children’s never ends. In 2023, co-workers nominated the registered Hospital, which eventually joined Kapi‘olani Maternity Home to nurse for the prestigious Emma Kauikeōlani Wilcox Award, become Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. which recognizes outstanding commitment to pediatric care. Patsy has continued her family’s legacy as a donor and a past “Parents, some who have lost a child, often tell us, ‘You member of the Kapi‘olani Health Foundation board. She returns don’t know what you don’t know.’ That is why we are always every year to recognize the award honoree whose work, like Dau’s, getting information out there to help those who can’t help ensures her great-grandparents’ vision endures — providing highthemselves,” Dau said. quality and compassionate care for the community. Donations and grants keep Kapi‘olani’s Injury Prevention 31


A Perfect Day IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SPRING AFTERNOON. Laughter filled the air as kids ran, dug holes in the sand and somersaulted on the beach at Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa. The 2023 Ko Olina Children’s Festival was a day of fun with a purpose — to raise money for Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. Kids played games, danced hula with Mickey and Minnie, transformed into princesses and superheroes at the face-painting station, and created art with Hawai‘i Walls founder Jasper Wong. As the sun set, a boy came on stage with his family. Cruz Bitanga survived a battle with bone cancer. That evening, the 8-year-old had a question for the crowd. “Do you want to hear a pizza joke?” “Yes!” the audience replied. Cruz waited a beat, then said: “Never mind. It’s too cheesy.” The little boy loves telling jokes. Throughout his treatment at Kapi‘olani, Cruz never lost his sense of humor. Since 2014, the Ko Olina Children’s Festival has been helping raise money for patients

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Haia Ms. Sharon M. Hamamoto Hanalani Schools Ms. Jody M. Hanamoto Harland Clarke Ms. Dana Harvey Ms. Liwayway R. Hattal Hawaiian Body Products, LLC Hawaiian Electric Company Hawaiian Financial Federal Credit Union HawaiiUSA FCU Foundation Mr. Richard Hedlund Mr. Cameron M. Heide Ms. Emyline M. Hiraki Mr. Eric T. Hirano Mrs. Dayle N. Hirayama Mr. Mike Hogan, Jr. Mr. Rhonnie Y. Ibarra iHi Photography Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Ikeda Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd D. Ioli Ms. Lori N.H. Isara Denis and Ella Isono Mr. Alfred S. Itamoto Lynn Iwamoto, MD Mr. Jon S. Izumigawa John M. Nagamine, MD, Inc. Jon H. Morikawa, MD, LLC Ms. Jennifer J. Jones JTG, LLC Ms. Lillian P. Kaaumoana Ms. Jasmine P.H. Kadoishi Mrs. Chong S. Kajiwara Ms. Donna M. Kamakana




Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Kawamoto Ms. Rojealyn E. Keen Ms. Jan K. Kelii Ms. Cyndi L. Keller Mr. and Mrs. James P. Keyes Niall and Melody Kilcommons Susan and Michael Killion Mrs. Annette Y.M.L. Kim Ms. Eryn M. Kim Jennifer King, DO Jeremy L. King, DO Mrs. Elizabeth L. Kinsler Mr. Travis Kochi Ms. Sarah J. Kodama-Ikei Ms. Linda K. Kohagura Mr. Wayne H. Koide Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Kokubun Ms. Lindsay Kosasa Ms. Mavis K. Kubo Sheree Kuo, MD Mr. Kelvin Kurisu Mae Kyono, MD Ms. Nancy Lam Mr. and Mrs. Jason H. Lau Ms. Violet L. Lau Mr. and Mrs. Dan Laukala Laulima Foundation Ms. Debbie Lazur Mr. Jonathan G. Lee Ms. Penni C.Y. Lee Ms. Susan Lee Mr. and Mrs. William S. Leong Ms. Stephanie R. Liu-Antonio Local Union No. 3


FROM LEFT: Dawn Dunbar, HPH senior vice president of Philanthropy; Gidget Ruscetta, Kapi‘olani chief operating officer; Chynna Stone Showe, vice president of The Resort Group and Kapi‘olani Health Foundation board member; and Kapi‘olani cancer patient Cruz Bitanga and his father, Ed Bitanga.

like him who bravely face incredible challenges. The 2023 festival raised $50,000 for the new Martha B. Smith Cancer & Infusion Center. “I am humbled to see how our partnership with Kapi‘olani has inspired such a rewarding event,” said Chynna Stone Showe, vice president of The Resort Group and a Kapi‘olani Health Foundation board member. “We are grateful for our resort and community partners, corps of volunteers and especially our festival attendees who made this donation possible.” After the excitement, families settled into the sand to watch Disney’s “Encanto.” It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

Ms. Allison L. Lopes Ms. Maria Nina B. Lopez Ms. Sarah E. Lukela Ms. Rachel A. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Noelani Macatiag Mr. Todd D. Madden Ms. Catherine R. Maiava Ms. Sovita Maiava Mr. Mark M. Maruyama Mr. Kent A. Matsuzaki Ms. Sharlene L. Mau Mr. John McNamara Ms. Deborah A. Medeiros Mr. Linc-Alan K. Medeiros Mrs. Lynette D.A. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Meyers Mrs. Ann S. Mitchell Mrs. Debra S. Miura Ms. Nancy J. Miyake Ms. Amy S. Miyamoto Mr. Dru Y. Miyata Mr. Kevin Mizuno Mr. and Mrs. Rikio R. Mizushima Mr. and Mrs. Curtis K. Monma Mr. Jeffrey Y. Mori Ms. Rachel A. Morrison Mr. Ricky K. Murata Ms. Rochelle V. Nabal Ms. Leah M. Nahale Mr. Frank S. Nakamoto Mr. Jared Nakamoto Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Nakashima

Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Nakasone Ms. Eleanor M.M.J. Naone Mr. William Nehman Ms. Joann F.A. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Nishigata Mr. Randall Nishimura Ms. Joyce R. Nishita Mrs. Lorraine T. Noda Mr. Rodney H. Nohara Drs. Patrick and Maura O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Ogomori Mr. Ian Okamoto and Mrs. Lee Higa-Okamoto Mr. and Mrs. Anson T. Okimoto Ms. Karen T.H. Okuhara Ms. Barbara Osurman Mr. Jeffrey Overton Mr. Stanley Y. Oyama, Sr. Ms. Deborah Ann Y. Pang Ms. Nenita R. Paranada Mr. Robert L. Pascua Mr. and Mrs. Lionel A. Payes Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Kirsten Pennaz Mr. Benny Y. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Phillips Premier Kauaʻi Vacation Rentals, LLC Marc and Amanda Price Ms. Lisa N. Pritchard Ms. Louisa A. Pu

Devin Puapong, MD RE/MAX Aloha Homes Mr. John J. Reilly Ms. Loryne L. Richbow Mr. Anacleto I. Rivera, Sr. Ms. Michelle C. Robbins Rocky Bog Fund - Adirondack Foundation Ms. Coral-Lynn N. Rodrigues ROSES Systems Solutions Mr. Bryan J. Rubio Ms. Aiza D. Sacriz Sakamoto Consulting, LLC Ms. Tiare Salassa Ms. Delight K. Sato Mr. Stephen T. Saure Mrs. Fariyal Savio Schofield Federal Credit Union Mr. Timothy Sciulli Servco Pacific, Inc. Servco Toyota Ms. Shannon D. Severance Ms. Yaqi Shi Lisa Shigemura, MD Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Shimabukuro Dr. and Mrs. George Shimomura Ms. Karin M. Shinkawa Shirley Shirai Carrie Shiraki-Sakaino, PhD Ms. Jessica Shull Ms. Annette K. Snyder Ms. Suzie C.H. So-Miyahira George and Jeannie Stewart Mr. Donald I. Stoddard Mr. Keith Suehiro Mrs. Kristine M. Suehiro


Ms. Marissa Suehiro Mr. and Mrs. Scott H. Sugai Ms. Carie K. Sumida Mr. Kenneth Y. Sung Ms. Dawn Takamoto Mr. Clyde F. Takatsuki Mr. Gregg Takeuchi Ms. Nona T. Tamanaha Ms. Clara E. Tamashiro Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tamayose Ms. Kassandra-Anne Tanabe Mr. Len K. Tanaka Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Tanaka J.C. Taosaka Mr. David M. Taylor The Ron and Carol Cox Charitable Fund The Tabuchi Family DonorAdvised Fund Ms. Jennifer E. Thieme Ms. Dixie J. Thompson Tomco Corp. Ms. Kimberly K. Toyomura Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Scarlett Mr. Franklin S. Tsuji Ms. Marie L. Tuifao Mr. Kirk Uejio Scott and Margaret Ushijima Vango Express Courier, LLC Mr. Lawrence L. Vegas Ms. Julie Wade Wahiawā Ryusenji Fujinkai Waikīkī Beach Marriott Resort & Spa Walgreens - ʻEwa Walgreens - Kahului Walgreens - Kāneʻohe Walgreens - School Walgreens - Waiʻale Ms. Wilette E.U. Walter Ms. Maria M. Warren Ms. Karen Wascher Mr. Randy Weber Dr. David Wei and Mrs. Chuang-Wei West Hawaiʻi Concrete Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Wood Mary L. Worthen, MD Ms. Laurie S. Yamamoto, RN Lori L. Yamanaka, MD Mr. and Mrs. Ian K.P. Yee Ms. Kelly K. Yeung Mr. Hiromu Yogi Mr. Kyle Yokoyama Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Yokoyama Mrs. Joyce O. Yoshino Geri Q.L. Young, MD, and Robert J. Teichman, MD* Zalopany ʻOhana

$250-$499 Anonymous (41) Ace Hardware - Kaimukī Ms. Kristine Mae S. Aceret Mr. John-Carl H. Adarna Adventure & Play By ART Mr. and Mrs. Gerry R. Agag Mrs. Rosalee B. Agas-Yuu Ms. Phyllis I. Aguiar Mr. Remars J. Agustin Ms. Rexie K. Ah Chong Mrs. Debbie Ahina-Oka Mr. Emilio Ajala, Jr. Ms. Lori Ajifu

Ms. Hiroko Akagi Ms. Arleen T. Akamine Ms. Leah M. Akana Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Akiona Akshatha, MD Ms. Danielle K. Alefosio Mr. Maligi A. Alefosio Mr. and Mrs. Brennan Alexander Ms. Darlene K. Alfonso Ms. Angelyn A. AlladoRacca Mr. Alan Aloiau Ms. Ingrid Alvarico Mrs. Rebielynn A. AmasolTanoura Mrs. Lei T. Amoroso Ms. Muriel A. Anderson Ms. Jannell C. Andrade David S. Ansdell, MD Ms. Carol-Ann Y.H. Antoku Mr. Kurt H. Anzai Ron K. Aoki Ms. Shawlea Aona Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Arai Mr. Dyson R. Arakaki and Mrs. Michelle T.K. PayneArakaki Ms. Janice F. Arakaki Ms. Jennifer P.B. Asperilla Ms. Shanthally M. Atacador Ms. Christina Austria Mr. Gerard H.W. Auyong Ms. Sherri A.L. Azuma Mr. Matthew Max S. Bajet Mr. Erwin Baldugo Ms. Jeanette E. Balino Ms. Christina N. Ballesteros Ms. Tracy A. Barbadillo Ms. Myra P. Barrientos Mrs. Ana Barth Ms. Sherry A. Bates Mr. James B. Bautista Ms. Jeanne M. Baverstock Ms. Larraine J. Baxa Mr. and Mrs. Rodelio S. Baysa Ms. Pearlynn Beaut Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bediones Ms. April L. Belaski Mrs. Diane H. Bennett Mr. Joshua A. Benton Mr. Robert R. Bentz Ms. Sarah N.A. Beppu Ms. Kelly Berganio James R. Best, MD Ms. Neijean K. Bonner Ms. Brandy J. Boyce Ms. Yvonne T. Boyd Ms. Alice Y. Brooks Mrs. Ally Brown Dr. Jason H. Brown Ms. Nadine H. Brown Ms. Laarnie Ann A. Buccat Ms. Ellen Howard Burton Ms. Taylor Love C. Cadiz Ms. Marites D. Calad Ms. Amy D. Caliboso Mr. and Mrs. John Cambareri Mr. Chancy R. Cameron Mr. Giovanni J. Camuso Ms. Maria N. Cancino Mr. Jonas G. Carbon Mrs. Barbara J. Cargill Ms. Donna M. Carlos

Feeding the Future MICHELLE KARR-UEOKA IS PASSIONATE ABOUT FEEDING PEOPLE. “A lot of why I enjoy cooking and the restaurant industry is asking, ‘How can I serve you? How can I help you?’” she said. “That is what brings me the most joy — helping people through food.” Michelle and her husband, Wade, bring joy to others through their award-winning MW Restaurant. Food brought them together; they met as chefs at Alan Wong’s restaurant. And it was through food that the couple first began their partnership with Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children in 2015. “It started off with us catering the first Kapi‘olani Soirée, and that relationship and friendship just kept growing,” Michelle said. So did their family. In 2022, Ryeland Ueoka was born, with the help of Dr. Thomas Kosasa. Wade and Michelle gave birth at Kapi‘olani, the same medical center where they were born. “Ryeland is a miracle baby. He has been a six-year dream come true,” Michelle said. “The amount of love and joy he brings to us is nothing we could have imagined.” Even as new parents, Wade and Michelle continued to cater Kapi‘olani events. As their team created and

LEFT: Michelle Karr-Ueoka, chef and MW Restaurant co-founder; Kathy Kawashige, MW Restaurant executive manager; and Wade Ueoka, chef and MW Restaurant co-founder. RIGHT: Wade and son Ryeland pounding mochi.

served succulent miso-braised short rib entrées and perfectly crisp chocolate “Viennetta”-style desserts, they all learned about the specialized services the medical center provides women and children in Hawai‘i. They wanted to do more. So, when MW Restaurant approached its 10th anniversary in 2023, Michelle and Wade celebrated with a fundraiser for Kapi‘olani. Foodies were treated to bites and sips from some of Hawai‘i’s best chefs and mixologists. MW raised $50,000. Today, the eatery feels a little different from when it first opened, especially when little Ryeland delights everyone by visiting to greet guests and “set the tables” with toddler-friendly plastic cups set aside just for him. But his parents’ commitment to Kapi‘olani and the community will never change. “When you think of sustainability, everyone always just thinks about the environment. For me, it is also about the people of Hawai‘i,” Michelle said. “If you don’t support the businesses and organizations and the people of Hawai‘i, we lose what makes Hawai‘i so special.”

HAWAI‘I PACIFIC HEALTH FOUNDATIONS Michael E. Carney, MD Ms. Judith G. Caro Mr. and Mrs. Brad Carter Catalyst Corporate FCU Ms. Donna L. Cazinha Ms. Zandra W. Chan Barbara and Marvin Chassin Mr. Kiu Chor F. Cheng, PE Ms. Cecily P. Cheung Mrs. JoAnn E.T. Cheung Mr. and Mrs. Rex K.K. Cheung Kelley Chinen Okimoto, MD Natascha Ching, MD Ms. Cheyenne W. Christenson Mrs. Pamela A. Christopher-Saito Valerie and Randy Chun Mrs. Kayley Y. Coloma Ms. Michele Costales Ms. Ilona M. Crabbe Mr. Robert S. Crawford, Jr. Ms. Victoria Cuba Ms. Jennifer K. Dacumos Ms. Jessirae H. Dacuycuy Dairy Queen - Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikīkī Beach Resort Dairy Queen - Kona Commons Dairy Queen - Waikoloa Ms. Tracy A. Damitio Ms. Mary-Claire R. Dang Mr. Merton D. Davalos Ms. Shirley Dayton Ms. Helen De Coite Ms. Leah Claire P. De La Cruz Ms. Kimberly M. De Lara Ms. Rachel H. DeFeo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Deguair Ms. Beverly Dela Cruz Mr. Jose M. Delacruz Ms. Marjorie DeSantis Mrs. Kealani B. Dilliard Ms. Nicolette K. Domingo Ms. Lisa Donaldson Mr. Robert Doucet Mr. Russell Sugai and Ms. Marie L. Duby-Sugai Ms. Lisa S. Dudgeon Ms. Donna C. Dullaga Mr. Paul S. Dumas Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael Durant Ms. Shirley M. Durham Mr. Chad Eckart Ms. Feluchi G. Encee Ms. Natalie A. Eva Mr. Michael Fagundes Marissa Fakaosita, MD Admiral and Mrs. Thomas B. Fargo, USN, Ret. Mr. Brandt G. Farias Ms. Malama F. Faumuina Mr. Paul J. Fenwick Ms. Madeline Fernandez Lulumafuie Fiatoa, MD First Insurance Company of Hawaiʻi, Ltd. Mr. Jesse J. Fonseca Ms. Cheryl L. Fontes Ms. Valentina Forcella Mrs. Colette Forcier and Mr. Brandon Glenn Mr. Dennis R. Fortna Ms. Desiree H. Fortunato Mr. Caleb Freitas-Fields Ms. Kathleen Fujihara-Chong Harold and Lorenne Fujii Ms. Layna S. Fujimoto Ms. Ashley A. Fujinaga Mrs. Rachel Fujioka




Ms. Wanda C. Fujioka-Logan Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Fujita Ms. Lorelei K. Fukuda Ms. Jonelle H. Fukumitsu Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Furukawa Ms. Kelli N. Furushima Mrs. Anne Y. Furuuchi Ms. Leilynn E. Gabriel Ms. Cassie L. Gaea Gaillard Family Ms. Anne F. Galios GameStop - Corporate Ms. Dorothy C. Ganhinhin Mr. Peter V. Garcia Ms. Vicki L. Gaynor Ms. Cheryl C.R. Gibson Mr. John A. Gibson Christopher Gibu, MD Ms. Kelly Rae K. Gibu-Oshiro Mr. Russell M. Gifford Mrs. Nina M. Giovanetti Ms. Rose Marie K. Glover Mr. Mark R. Gnabasik Lee Goerner, MD Mr. Brian Gold Mr. Gary Goodrich Ms. Stephanie A. Goroza Ms. Carolina M. Gose-Pascual Mrs. Melissa K. Goto Alan and Annabel Gottlieb Mr. Robert G. Graham Ms. France Reina Graves Ms. Tania A. Guerrero Mrs. Victoria Gutierrez Ms. Kristy R. Guzman Ms. Belle M. Hager Ms. Jacy M. Hanagami Colby and Narissa Hanley Mr. Mike Hanohano Nelson and Valerie Harada Mr. Tokio B. Harada Ms. E. Doanie Hare Mr. Kazushi Haruyama Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Hastert Mr. Clark G. Hatch Hawaiʻi Central Federal Credit Union Hawaiʻi Federal Credit Union Hawaiʻi State Federal Credit Union Ms. Tina Y.T. Hayashi Mr. and Mrs. Eric N.S. Hee Mr. and Mrs. Sean K. Heely Dr. and Mrs. Eric Helms Ms. Emma L. Henderson Ms. Jeanne Herbert Mr. Jason Hessom Mr. Nicholas L. Heuermann Ms. Taryn M. Higa Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Higaki Ms. Lucille J. Hill Justin M. Hino, MD Ms. Harriet H. Hirata Ms. Norine M. Hisashima Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Hoke Honolulu Federal Credit Union James Hori, DDS Ms. Melanie U. Hubbard Mr. Julian W.Y. Hui Ms. Britt K. Hurley Ms. Leonidez A. Hyde Mr. Melvin M. Ige Malissa H. Iida-Takashima, MD, and Mr. David Takashima


Ms. Miki Ikeda Ms. Thalia Ildefonso Mr. Emery R. Inafuku Mrs. Dana K. Ing Ms. Sharon H. Inouye Integration Technologies, Inc. Ms. Wreignna Joie S. Irreverre Mr. Kerry K. Ishihara Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Ito Mr. James Itokazu Ms. Mildred M. Iwamuro, RN Ms. Riki H. Iwanaga Ms. Lisa Izutsu Ms. Denica A. Jacinto Richard A.C. Jack, MD Ms. Kam Fa S. Jager-Lo John E. Janikowski, DO Ms. Lori A. Jansen Ms. Miki L. Jay Ms. Nicole M. Jenkins Ms. Nicole M. Johnson Ms. Christine A. Johnston Ms. Blossom G. JoloninoPantohan Ms. Aileen Marie V. Jordan Ms. Caroline A. Justo Fiesta Ms. Candyce A. Kaaiai Ms. Gwendolyn Kaauwai Ms. Nadine N. Kaeo Kāhala Children’s Medical Group Dr. Terri E. Kakugawa and Mr. Colin Tamashiro Ms. Tennille C. Kalama Ms. Grace B. Kam Ms. Sally K. Kamae Ms. Leanora C. Kamai Ms. Mitzi I. Kamau Mrs. Celestine P. Kamihara Mr. Craig M. Kamihara Ms. Melodi K. Kaneshiro Ms. Sandra M. Kaneshiro Mr. and Mrs. John H. Katahira Ms. Joelle Y. Kawahara Lt. Col. Wesley K. Kawakami Ms. Elizabeth Kawana Ms. Cathy K. Keaulani Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Kelii Mrs. Laura Y. Keller Ms. Briana Rane K. Keo Mr. Kukiet Kerdmee Ms. Angela Kim Ms. Heekum Kim Ms. Chieko Kimata Mr. Nathan Kina Ms. Joyce Kinoshita Mrs. Kathryn C. Kirley Ms. Allison K. Kishida Ms. Shanna J. Kobayashi Ms. Terri-Ann K. Koike Ms. Jenni T. Komine Mr. Eric T. Komoda Mr. Kerry A. Kopp Jessica S. Kosut, MD Ms. Erin M. Krayeski Mr. David Kucic Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Kuhns, III Mr. and Mrs. Alton T. Kuioka Mr. William Kumalaa Kent Kumashiro, MD

Ms. Cynthia L. Kunishige Dorene and Shannon Kunishige David K. Kurahara, MD Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Kurasaki Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Kurisu K. Kuroda Ms. Yvonne Kuwaye Ms. Julia C. Kwan Ms. Tracey A. Laciste Mr. Frederick G. Lagapa Ms. Susan T. Lamb John Lamberti, MD Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Lamerson Lance & Jillian Inouye Donor-Advised Fund Mr. Adam Landeroz Ms. Kim S. Lau Ms. Shawnalynn M. Lavatai Mr. Jared G. Lazo Ms. Cassie Leanio Ms. Annette B. Lee Ms. Elizabeth A. Lee Ms. Eun-Kyung Lee Ms. Jayna K. Lee Kit Shan Lee, MD Ms. Leinaala M. Lee Ms. Pat Lee Ms. Shannon K. Leoiki Mr. Clifford W.C. Leong Ms. Jessica M. Lewis Mr. Peter J. Lewis Ms. Irene Q.X. Li Mr. Jesse Luiz B. Lima Ms. Donnabelle T. Longboy Ms. Lanie E. Lopez Mr. David M. Louie Mr. Don Lucas Ms. Kawailelenani C. Luce Ms. Dawn M. Lyon M. Toguchi Body Shop, Inc. Ms. Russiane D. Macalutas Ms. Joy G. Machado Mr. Jonathan Mack Ms. Aiza O. Madelo Mr. Peter K. Maglidt Mr. Ron Magrin Ms. Enette K. Makalii Bird Mr. John W. Malingdan Ms. Mary-Ruth C. Manding Dayanand Manoli Ms. Leilani Joy T. Manuel Uganiza Mark Donation Fund at Schwab Charitable Ms. Melanie Marvell Mr. Tad T. Matsubara Ms. Deidre M. Matsuda Ms. Suzanne S. Matsuda Ms. Sheryl Matsumoto Mrs. Shirley K. Matsumoto Mr. and Mrs. Corey Matsuoka Maui Teachers Federal Credit Union Maui Toyota Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.M. May Dr. and Mrs. Richard McCartin Ms. Maria A. McCausland Mr. Gregory McClelland Mrs. Jessie J. McMorrow Ms. Myrna Medeiros

Ms. Dianne K. Medina Ms. Zeny G. Mendez Ms. Tamar Mersberg Ms. Tierra A. Miguel Ms. Jennifer Y.H.K. Mikami Mike Sapp Fitness Mrs. Chelsae J. Millard Mr. Michael F. Miller Ms. Natasha R. Miller Elliot and Ruth Mills Ms. Cristina B.C. Mina Mr. Edwin C. Mina Ms. Suzy Mitchell Mr. Gary S. Miyamoto Ms. Patricia S. Miyamoto Mr. Yasuo Miyasato Mr. Lawrence K. Miyazono, Jr. Barry M. Mizuo, MD Ms. Jenneill Y.L. Mizushima Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Moon Ms. Pearl B. Mori Ms. Kathleen C. Morioka Ms. Alena A. Morris Mr. James R. Morris Ms. Robyn J. Morse Ronald Morton, MD Mr. and Mrs. Miki R. Moylan Ms. Mary T. Mullis Ms. Dory Muncal Mr. Gerold B. Nacapuy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Nagamine Ms. Gloria A. Nahina Mr. Matthew K. Nakama Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Nakamae Ms. Diana A. Nakamura Mr. Kurtis Y. Nakamura Mr. Wayne Y. Nakamura Col. and Mrs. George M. Nakano, USAF, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Nakashima Ms. Eydie H. Nakasone Mr. Harry K. Nakayama Mr. Satnam Narang Mr. Elmer C. Navarro Ms. Patricia A. Needham Ms. Evelyn F. Neth Ms. Mary Nguyen Mr. Scott Y. Ninomiya Mrs. Cecelia Nirei Ms. Kori K. Nishida Ms. Lena Victoria D.J. Nishikawa Mr. Francis Nishimura Mrs. Amy Nose Ms. Joyce O‘Brien Ms. Shelby M. Oda Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. Ogata Mr. Ronald S. Oi Ms. Yoshiko Okahiro Jeffrey Okamoto, MD Mr. Brian Okazaki Mr. Jarrett K. Okihara Ms. Jennifer Okimoto Mr. Alan K. Okinaka Mr. Robert T. Okuda Alison and Jason Okumura Ms. Kathryn M. Omine Ms. Arlyne L. Orioste Ms. Sunny X. Orlandini Ms. Latonia A. Ornellas Mr. James W. Orr Ms. Kiyomi Oshiro Mr. Wayde T. Oshiro Mr. Richael V. Pacson Ms. Brendalee B. Paderes Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Padilla

2023 DONOR LISTING Mr. Anthony A. Padua Ms. Cindy Paguyo Mr. Jeremy K. Pahukoa-Malia Ms. Britnelyn H. Palacio Mr. Conrad Pang Ms. Jennifer T. Pangelinan Mr. Royden S. Pascual Ms. Jessica B. Pasion Ms. Bonnie L. Patelesio Mr. Jordan Paulachak Mrs. Misha K. Pelekai Mr. Gino Pellecchia Ms. Lisa H. Phan Mr. Thai Phan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Philpotts, Sr. Ms. Jaymie H. Pinho Mrs. Robyn Polinar-Pascua Ms. Kristi N. Rakta-Manongdo Mr. and Mrs. Emerson A. Ramelb Ms. Myleen B. Ramento Ms. Christine J. Ramos Mr. Dennis M. Ramos Mr. Jay Arthur J. Ramos Mr. Regan C. Ramos Ms. Lilian Rebamonte Ms. Laura A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ritter, Jr. Ms. Lindsey J.N. Rocheleau Mr. Patrick Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ruiz Ms. Jaclynn L. Ruiz Ms. Aubrey Rupinta Mrs. Lisa M. Sadaoka Jiro Saegusa, MD Ms. Megumi Sakae Ms. Jacqueline B. Salinas Mr. Berney B. Salomon Mr. Bennet G. Samson Helen and Charles Sanpei Ms. Linda R. Santiago Ms. Priscilla A. Santiago Ms. Karen F. Saoit Mr. Gilmore G. Sarmiento Ms. Anna Sasaki Sasaki Endowment Fund, a Donor-Advised Fund of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Mr. Matthew Sasaki Ms. Dawn G. Schaffrick Mr. Robert J. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schulte Ms. Christie L. Searle Mr. Robert J. Seki Ms. Linda D. Sekiya Noreen K. Seubert and Mr. Richard L. Schubert Ms. Alexis K. Shaner Mr. Rivera L. Shigetani Ms. Dee A. Shimamoto Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Shinagawa Ms. Sharon H. Shinkawa Mr. Scott T. Shiraishi Ms. Amy L. Shiroma Ms. Shelby K. Shitabata Ms. April D. Shounk Ms. Lynell Shove Ms. Georgia K. Silva Ms. Lauren A. Silva Ms. Niki A. Silva Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Y. Skelton SMARRT Properties Nancy J. Smiley, MD Ms. Sharon A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jon Snook Ms. Sherri A. SommerCandelario

Ms. Marilyn S. Soo Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy K. Sosner Ms. Colette H. Sowers Ms. Deborah Y. Spangler Ms. Tracy Dawn F. Stanley Mr. Jesse L. Stetson Mr. David W. Sugawa Mr. and Mrs. Dean Sugiyama Ms. Wendy C. SumidaKano Ms. Jennifer SurWatanabe* Mr. and Mrs. Wes T. Suwa Ms. Susan S. Suzuki Mr. Charles Sykes Mr. Greg Taba Mrs. Kelli Taboada Ms. Lisa L. Tachibana Mr. Jon Taguchi Mrs. Taea M. Takagi-Jones Mr. Carl E. Takamiya Lance and Cheryl Takamiya Mr. Roy R. Takamune Ms. Julie A. Takanobu Mr. and Mrs. Brian Takara Mr. Sidney Takara Ms. Linda Chu Takayama Ms. Tamlyn M. Takeno Ms. Sachiko Taketa Ms. Bernice H. Takushi Ms. Cordelia V. Talia Ms. Nicole R. TamakiNatividad Ms. Heather M. Tamaye Ms. Betty W. Tamayo Ms. Tiera Tamayo Ms. Tricia L. Tamayose Okamura Ms. Vivian M. Tamayose Ms. Lloyda P. Tamboa Paul Tanaka, DDS Ms. Tracieann A. Tancayo Ms. Michelle Tang Mr. Randy S. Taniguchi, RN Ms. Gail T. Tashima, RN Ms. Natasha M. Taumua Ms. Chastity P. Tavares Ms. Honey Taylor Mr. Jason Taylor Mr. Michael E. Taylor Ms. Winifred Tenno Ms. Valerie Christine V. Teopaco Ronnie B.N. Texeira, MD The Smoking Boar and the Coconut Ms. Amy R. Thomas Ms. Nadja J. Thompson Mr. Gregg Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Tinay, Jr. Mrs. Michelle F. Toa Ms. Sharon V. Tolentino Mr. Lowell K. Tom Ms. Adrienne P. Tomas Ms. Chanelle O. TomasAlconcel Ms. Aimee A. Tomimoto Mr. Michael S. Toyama Ms. Dawn A. Trang Ms. Frances N.K. Trowbridge Ms. Jennifer T. Tse Dick and Cassandra Tsuda Mr. and Mrs. Stanley N. Tsumoto

Ms. Vernita J. Turpin Ms. Renna L. Tuupoina Mr. Robert F. Ubersax Robert and Elise Ueoka Mrs. Jamie M.I. Uesato UNITE HERE Local 5 Drs. Greg and Kristine Uramoto Steve and Liz Uyehara Ms. Maelyn T. Uyehara Annie Valentin Mr. Scott Valentino Mr. and Mrs. Isidro F. Velasco Ms. Leslie Ann Mari V. Verona Ms. Karana M. Vierra Ms. Joy Ann G. Virtudes Waiākea High School Key Club Mr. and Mrs. Thad K. Wakasugi Walgreens - Beretania Walgreens - Wahiawā Walgreens - Waipahu Ms. Jennifer Walker Ms. Diana K. Walters, RN Ms. Carmela S. Watanabe Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Watanabe Ms. Lia Watanabe Mr. Yoshihiko Watanabe Ms. Janna WatanabeHiromasa Ms. Darrilyn R. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Kaoru C. Weightman Ms. Corinne Wells Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wells Kimberly Wheeler Ms. Dori-Lee K. Wiley Mr. Tarek T. Willeby Ms. Dianne Winter Brookins Ms. Brenda D. Wong Ms. Dina Wong Kara Wong Ramsey, MD Russell Woo, MD Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wood Carol Jean Yakuma Mr. Blayne T. Yamada Albert T. Yamamoto, DDS Mrs. Ethel T. Yamamoto Gregg and Chelsea Yamauchi Ms. Kathryn I. Yanagisawa Ms. Shandell K.K. Yancey Ms. Jane H. Yano Dr. and Mrs. Eric K.S. Yee Ms. Marsha Yee Ms. Priscilla Yee Mr. Walter T. Yogi Mr. Rayner Yokoi Mr. Scott T. Yokota Mr. Edwin J. Yokoyama Ms. Angela M. Yonamine, RN Ms. Sue Yoon Ms. Christi A. Young Mr. Fletcher S. Young Mr. and Mrs. Terry Young Mr. and Mrs. William L. Yuen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Yuh ZestFinance, Inc.

Pali Momi Foundation Donors $100,000 & Above City and County of Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.S. Lee

$25,000-$99,999 Anonymous (various) Bank of Hawaiʻi Foundation D. Suehiro Electric, Inc. Jams World Mr. Ronald K. Migita

$10,000-$24,999 American Cancer Society Hawaiʻi Community Foundation Henry‘s Equipment Rental & Sales, Inc. Par Hawaiʻi, Inc. The Schuler Family Foundation

$5,000-$9,999 Anonymous (2) Aaron and Debbie Akau Castle & Cooke Homes Hawaiʻi, Inc. Mrs. Rochelle G. Day Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Dumayag EPIC First Hawaiian Bank Kōkua Mai Campaign Gentry Companies Ms. Fumiko J. Horii Hunt Development Group Mrs. Patricia Kurisu NAPA Auto Parts Gordon and Anita Nihei David and Kellyn Okabe Ms. Michele L. Otake Ms. Stacy H. Philippou State of Hawaiʻi - Dept. of Health Yuaikai Medical Foundation

$1,000-$4,999 Anonymous (2) Air Central, LLC Ms. Maria Lourdes J. Akagi Mr. and Mrs. Teodoro V. Andam Mr. Daniel and Dr. Torey Arita Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Armacost Ms. Teresa A. Ballesteros Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brooks Drs. Robert and Monique Canonico Ms. Charlotte P. Carahasen Bob Ching and Colleen Wong Coffman Engineers, Inc. David and Dawn Dunbar Mrs. Lei L. Fukuhara Dr. and Mrs. Alvin Fuse Mr. and Mrs. Wade S. Gesteuyala

Ms. Audrey N. Gima Mr. and Mrs. William D. Golz Ms. Jocelyn L. Granier Russell N. Harada, MD Hawaiʻi Bio-Waste Systems, Inc. Mrs. Dayle N. Hirayama In Memory of Dennis K. Ikeda Mr. and Mrs. Melvin K. Ikeda Mr. Ronald H. Ishikawa Jhamandas Watumull Fund Robyn K. Kalahiki John Kao, MD Joel E. Kobayashi, MD James C. Lai, MD, and Rosalyn Cheng, MD Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lam James Lin, MD Mr. and Mrs. Calvin K.H. Loo Mr. Mathew C. Loughlin Dr. and Mrs. Bryan M. Matsumoto Ms. Rachel N. McElwain Mrs. Tracy J. Methered Keith Miyashiro Sterling and Amy Morikawa Mrs. Merle Morita Moss & Associates Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nakamura Susan Nonaka Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Oishi Ms. Jessica K. Onaga Mrs. Ruby T. Otake Ms. Angela N. Preza Ms. Priscila D. Rayray Mr. Michael J. Robinson Ms. McKenzie U. Robledo Mr. Allen M. Shimabukuro Steven and Merle Shimabukuro Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Sorayama Ms. Jane Sugimura Swinerton Builders Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Y. Tango Ms. Jasmine Tanioka Mr. and Mrs. Tad T. Tashiro The Raymond and Ann Wee Fund The Robbins Burkert Charitable Fund Claire Tong Mr. Darryl K. Turner Mr. David Underriner Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Vara, Jr. Ms. Courtney M. Wagner Mr. Roy H. Watanabe Mrs. Ellen H. Yamashita Luke Yeh Anne Yoshioka

$500-$999 Anonymous (5) Ms. Joanne H. Abe Mr. Kauhi K. Ahana Ms. Grace M.T. Balderas Ms. Alicia Bertulfo Big Island Candies Will Burke and Leslie Crow Nancy B. Burnett Ms. Darla F. Camp Ms. Marcelina R. Carlos Mr. Keoki L. Clemente Mr. Claude Crawford, Jr. Netley J. D‘Souza, MD Ms. Veronica E. Fitzgerald


A Colorful Cause

A glimpse at Jams World's ʻĀkala print for 2024.

JAMS WORLD HAS BEEN SYNONYMOUS WITH COLORFUL, PLAYFUL PRINTS SINCE DAVE ROCHLEN LAUNCHED THE CLOTHING LINE IN HIS SURFBOARD SHOP IN 1964. But every October, the local company goes pink to benefit Pali Momi Medical Center. The ‘Ākala (Pink) Collection made its debut in 2018, just one year after Pali Momi opened the doors of its new cancer center. Jams World’s limited edition line featured the company’s stylish, hand-painted original art on breezy women’s dresses and pieces, men’s shirts, and children’s and home accessories in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Jams World has released a new ‘Ākala print every year since, raising more than $100,000 in total for Pali Momi’s James T. Kakuda Cancer Center. “We are so honored to be a part of supporting Pali Momi’s patients in their battle with cancer. I have seen cancer affect our family and friends of all ages,“ said Heather Rochlen, Jams World vice president. “Seeing and hearing how our support has been able to help these patients over the years inspires us yearround.“ In 2023, Jams World designers created a dreamy watercolor Monstera print. In 2024, the seventh year of the collection, fans can enjoy a splashy floral in vibrant hues as a stylish way to support cancer care.





Mr. Felix Ceasar C. Guieb Harold and Yvonne Hashizume Ms. Sui Tong Ho Beth and Jim Hoban Ms. Amy Ikeda Mr. Walter B. Kahalehoe Mr. Rupert Kealoha Ms. Lynn R. Kikuchi Mrs. Shirley F. Kitamura Ms. Michelle L. Kubota Ms. Jasmin C. Lara Ms. Lorrie Luke Ms. Frances K.Y. Lum Mr. Todd D. Madden Mr. Matthew K. Mailo Aurora Mariani, MD Mr. and Mrs. Curtis K. Monma Mr. and Mrs. James E. Nakamura Ms. Norah N. Nightingale Mrs. Rebecca Owens Mrs. Summer R. Ozaki Ms. Sharon P. Padilla-Hu, RN Ms. Charlene V. Prieto Ms. Asterlou S. Raquel Mr. Ernesto C. Razon Ms. Loryne L. Richbow Ms. Kristi L. Sakai Ms. Dorothy Shepherd Ms. Glenda A. Shibata Ms. Marian K. Shimizu Ms. Jessica E. Sphar Ms. Judith A. Stitley Mr. Gordan M. Sugimura Mr. Steven Y. Takushi Mrs. Sunhui C. Tamanaha Mr. Dean H. Tateyama Ms. Crystal M. Theel Ms. Francesca M. Thomas Ms. Kathleen K. Thomas Mrs. Mary-Antonette Ting Ms. Lourdes Tolosa Ms. Sunshine Topping Sid and Carrie Ann Tsutsui Mr. and Ms. Victorino Tubon, Jr. Ms. Daisy Vaz Maria R. Ver, MD Ms. Melissa M. Watson Ms. Kristin L. Wauke Mr. Gordon I. Yamashiro Mikela Yarawamai, MD

$250-$499 Anonymous (2) Mr. Keith H. Abe Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Adona Ms. Nhelda J. Aguda Ms. Gwen A. Akimoto Ms. Annette G. Almarez Hallums Ms. Caryn H. Amii Ms. Desiree M. Apo Ms. Bessie Asato Mrs. Jeannine A. AsiaticoCabuena Mr. Tyler J. Asuncion Ms. Jill M. Baisac Dr. and Mrs. V. Balaraman Mr. Donald Batliner Ms. Sarah N.A. Beppu Mr. John Martin Bninski

Mrs. Kristen K. Bonilla Mr. Christopher S. Bryan Ms. Joan M. Bunting Ms. Glynnis D. Cabral Ms. Marichee B. Calzo Mr. Michael P. Canite Ms. Jesica Vanesa N. Carabio Mr. Charles D. Card Ms. Judith G. Caro Ms. Marguerite L. Carvalho Dr. Julie A. Chang and Dr. Christopher McEvoy C. Galen Choy, MD Mr. Christopher J. Collier Ms. Gail H. Crosson Ms. Suzanne M. Cuarisma Ms. Jennifer K. Dacumos Ms. Princess Diana Del Valle Ms. Judith A. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Distiso Ms. Lynette Y. Doi Ms. Xyrene P. Faavi Mr. Jerry T. Ferreira Ms. Deena Marie C. Flores Ms. Gail K. Fujimoto Mr. Winston M. Fujinaka Mrs. Gayle N. Fukuda Ms. Darlene I. Garcia Ms. Alohalian U. Giraldi Mr. Mark R. Gnabasik Ms. France Reina Graves Ms. Deborah R. Hashimoto Ms. Lori L. Hata Ms. Emma L. Henderson Ms. Mildred M. Higashi Ms. Emyline M. Hiraki Mr. Mark L. Hodgson Ms. Lisa M. Holloway Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Hoshino Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Ichinose Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred T. Ikemoto Mr. Emery R. Inafuku Ms. Vanessa L. Izumi Ms. Lori A. Jansen Ms. Kayla E. Kashima Emily Khaw, MD Charles O. Kim, Jr., MD Mr. and Mrs. Akimichi Kimura Masayoshi and Emma Koshiro Mr. and Mrs. James T. Kubo Mr. Stephen Kuraoka Ms. Joel-Marie N. Kusunoki Lance & Jillian Inouye Donor-Advised Fund Mr. Reyan Lapitan Mr. and Mrs. Dan Laukala Michelle Lee Paula S. Lee, MD Mr. Peter J. Lewis Mr. Collin C. Ling Ms. Barbara Luke-Boe Ms. Sarah E. Lukela Ms. Stacia M. MacMurray Ms. Paulette L.B. Maglaya Ms. Catherine R. Maiava Ms. Sasha J. Mak Mr. John W. Malingdan Ms. Mary-Ruth C. Manding Ms. Joyce B. Manes

Ms. Carol M. Masuda Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Matsumoto Mr. Keaookalani Mattos Mr. Domingo Matute Dr. and Mrs. Richard McCartin Mr. John McNamara Sakhone Mendigorin Mr. Jose A. Miranda Mr. Yasuo Miyasato Mr. Anthony W. Moiso Mr. Kyle G. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Seichi Nagai Mrs. Leocadia P. Naone Ms. Ja-Ann D. Novan Mr. and Mrs. Roland H. Ohata Ms. Audrey C. Pagala Mr. Joshua B. Pananganan Mr. Royden S. Pascual Ms. Delores F. Paz Ms. Linh T.K. Pham Ms. Sheri D. Preitauer Ms. Joyce L. Saelua Ms. Lisa Salazar Mr. Alvin L. Santos Mr. Matthew Sasaki Mr. Garnet R. Saupan Ms. Karen T. Shigaki Mrs. Kay M. Shigeta Mr. Scott T. Shiraishi Mr. Mark K. Shiroma Ms. Shelby K. Shitabata Dr. Huidy Shu and Ms. Lalita Suzuki Ms. Roxanne M. Sivalop Sneha Sood, MD Cedric Strong, MD Ms. Analin P. Supapo Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Takahashi Mrs. Cindy A. Taketa J.C. Taosaka Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Tato Mr. Leni Taumua Mr. Aaron C. Taylor Mr. Abraham A. Tengan Ms. Jennifer E. Thieme Ms. Tiffany Lei P. Tibunsay Mr. Gregg Timmons Sandy and Kurtis Tsuha Ms. Renna L. Tuupoina Mr. Claude M. Uehara Robert and Elise Ueoka Steve and Liz Uyehara Dean R. Uyehara and Jocelin F. Uyehara Mrs. Ruth R. Wakimura Matthew M. Wells, RN Mr. Donald H. Wilson and Ms. Agnes T. Tauyan Ms. Paula C.O. Wilson Mr. David M. Yamaguchi Keri-Ann K.N. Yasuhara Dr. and Mrs. Eric K.S. Yee Mr. Michael T. Yoneshige In Memory of Gary Yoshioka Ms. Cammy Louise K. Young Ms. Christi A. Young Geri Q.L. Young, MD, and Robert J. Teichman, MD* Mrs. Karie L. Zane


A Morning of Gratitude THE SUN HADN’T EVEN RISEN AND THE COURTYARD AT PALI MOMI MEDICAL CENTER WAS BUSTLING. In October 2023, the outdoor space was transformed into a lively dining room to celebrate and thank some of Pali Momi’s longtime supporters. This appreciation breakfast, in many ways, felt like a reunion. Almost all of the guests had their own stories of how they joined the Pali Momi ‘ohana. Some worked at Pali Momi for years. Some had been patients themselves. Others were grateful for the care Pali Momi provided for their loved ones. For ‘Aiea native Wendy Golz, it is all about family. In 2022, her father passed away from a neurological condition. The following year, she bid farewell to her mother, who had

Straub Foundation Donors $1,000,000 & Above Kenneth B. Robbins, MD, and Clarissa T. Burkert, MD

$100,000-$999,999 Anonymous (2) Bank of Hawaiʻi Foundation The Clarence T.C. Ching Foundation First Hawaiian Bank Foundation IBEW Local Union 1186 John Venizelos Levas Trust McInerny Foundation Michael and Judy Pietsch Stephen and Susan Metter Family Fund Ms. Sharon C. Twigg-Smith Eileen and Rich Wacker

$50,000-$99,999 Clinical Laboratories of Hawaiʻi, LLP Mrs. Alice F. Guild* Island Insurance Foundation

Clyde T. and Holly R. Kaneshiro Rotary District 5000 Foundation Tradewind Group Foundation Frances and Jack Tsui The Weinman Foundation The Wo Family WorkStar and Max Clini

$25,000-$49,999 Anonymous (various) American Heart Association, Inc. Chia-Ling Chang Charitable Foundation Drs. Leslie Chun and Susan Lin Mr. Stephen Dung and Ms. Adelia Chung Alvin Chung, DDS City Mill Company, Ltd. / Chung Kun Ai Foundation Clint and Suzy* Churchill D. Suehiro Electric, Inc. Ellen M. Koenig Memorial Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Mr. Peter Gehring Colbert and Gail Matsumoto Anthony and Rosina Sun The ATEL Foundation


dementia. She takes comfort in knowing that they were provided the best possible care by neurologist Dr. Huidy Shu and the entire Pali Momi team throughout their treatment and final days. “My parents were treated so well,” Wendy said. “I’m so grateful for Dr. Shu and his team for being there for us.” Wendy has long supported Pali Momi as vice president of Tanioka’s Charity Foundation. In 2022, the foundation won a $25,000 national grant and donated the entire amount to Pali Momi’s ‘Ohana Fund, which helps patients who need financial assistance. “Pali Momi is crucial to this part of the island,” she said. “It’s so important to have a major hospital for the people of Central and West O‘ahu.”

$10,000-$24,999 Anonymous Tony and Wendy Crabb Mr. and Mrs. Art Gladstone Growney Family Fund of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hartman IBEW Local Union 1186/ Electrical Contractors Association of Hawai‘i Jhamandas Watumull Fund Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kim Marvin and Sandra Fong Family Foundation Mr. Arthur T.S. Shak Mr. and Mrs. Jon Snook Steve and Marilyn Katzman Philanthropic Fund Mr. Richard E. Tanaka Ms. Ina G. Tateuchi The Dods Foundation Thomas Gottlieb & Carol Kirsh Schwab Charitable Fund Helen*, Jack and Kent Wakumoto

$5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Ms. Joanne H. Abe*

L iz Tango, Anita Nihei and Merle Morita share a laugh at Pali Momi’s donor appreciation breakfast.

Bob Ching and Colleen Wong Mr. David Douglass and Dr. Nanette LaShay EPIC Florence Y. & Samuro Ichinose Foundation Mr. Lawrence M. Johnson Kiewit Building Group, Inc. Patrick and Kris Kobayashi Ms. Stella S. Lock Mr. Doug Miller Myles & Kathy Inouye Family Foundation Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Sandra Noon, DO David and Kellyn Okabe Mr. and Mrs. George M. Schmeltzer Ms. Abelina Madrid Shaw Mrs. Katie A. Shigemitsu Jonathan H. Shun, MD Singer Foundation for the Advancement of BioMedical Science The Compass Foundation Mr. Frederick Towfigh and Mrs. Risako Stegmayer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wong

$1,000-$4,999 Anonymous (13) Adam‘s Miracle for Burn Survivors T. Michael and Carol Ai May Steven C. Ai

Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Armacost Ms. Joya Ayano Mr. Taylor B. Ayers Mr. James R. Bolan Ms. Simone A. Borisov Mr. Dylan Bothamley Mr. and Mrs. J. Frisbee Campbell Mr. Richard Vierra and Mrs. Nohea Chang Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Cherry Mr. Travis Clegg D. Lau Family Fund of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation Ms. Tracy A. Damitio Mr. John C. Dean Dr. Robert L. and Adelaide M. Kistner Gift Fund David and Dawn Dunbar Ellsworth & Carla Peterson Charitable Foundation Empowerment Fund of Honolulu Rebekah S. Fu, MD Ms. Susan Y. Fujita Mr. Juro Fukuda Steven T. and Louise K.N. Fukumoto Ms. Octobela A. Gamata Erica M. Garcia, MD Mrs. Sheri Gleason Dr. and Mrs. Dale M. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Goldcamp, III Ryan T. Hagino, MD 37

In Memory & Gratitude SINCE THE MOMENT THEY MET IN THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I LIBRARY, Virginia and Barry Weinman did everything side-by-side. After they married in 1963, Virginia followed her husband through his deployments to Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. When Virginia founded her own software company, Barry left his job to become her salesperson. They were united in life and in their dedication to their community. Barry and Virginia were especially passionate about health care in Hawai‘i. The Weinman Foundation supported many initiatives, including annual medical school scholarships at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Hawai‘i Pacific Health’s Summer Student Research Program (read more about SSRP on page 39), the expansion of neuroscience services at HPH and, especially, oncology research and clinical trials. In 2020, they gave $1 million to cancer care at Straub Benioff Medical Center, which was the most significant donation to oncology in the history of the medical center. It resulted in the expansion of clinical research and new procedures at Straub Benioff as well as a deeper relationship with the University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center, where the couple had created the Weinman Symposium to foster collaboration and advance research. “Through clinical trials, doctors determine whether new treatments are safe and effective and work better than current treatments,” Virigina said that year. “Clinical trials also help us find new ways to prevent and detect cancer, and they help improve the quality of life for people during and after treatment.” Virginia passed away in 2023, Barry less than a year later. Their commitment continues to change lives. In October 2023, a Straub Benioff patient was the first in Hawai‘i to undergo groundbreaking CAR T-cell therapy, which utilizes a patient’s own cells to battle some of the most challenging cancers. That patient is now in remission, thanks in big part to a husband and wife who championed the care of others.





Mr. Frank K. Hamada Mrs. Dora F. Hayashi Ms. Tracey L. Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Masami Hironaka Mr. and Mrs. Wallace T. Hirouji Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hornik Mr. Wayne Ikeda Mr. Jon B. Jacques Ms. Robin R. Johnson Francis Jusuf Ms. Jesha Mae B. KalahikiGasper Mr. Glen A. Kaneshige Mr. Leslie T. Kawakami Darcy Kessler Malcolm* and Carol Koga Rob Kuntz and Marrie Schaefer Akemi and Misako Kurokawa Ms. Richanne T. Lam Ms. Carol M. Lee James Lin, MD Ms. Lorrie Luke Lonna Maile Ms. Robin C.L. Mann Mr. and Mrs. John R. Marihart Manfred M. and Jeanette C. Masuda Matsuura Charitable Fund John V. Mickey, MD, and Enid Lynn Rayner, MD Keith Miyashiro Mr. and Mrs. Michael M.H. Moon Sterling and Amy Morikawa Ms. Ann Morimoto Mr. and Mrs. Nelson M. Muraoka Mr. and Mrs. Jason Nagai Matthew J. Nims, MD Susan Nonaka In Memory of Tsuyako Nonaka Barbara and Gary North, Jr. Sada Okumura, MD, and John H. Drouilhet, MD Ms. Kathryn M. Omine Mr. Franklin Pang James H. Penoff, MD Phoenix Foundation Ms. Laura G. Pladson Steve and Lyssa Reese Mrs. June S. Reinwald Steve and Ros Robertson Mr. Michael J. Robinson Mr. Hiroharu Sawada Mr. Samuel Schafer Robert W. Schulz, MD Ms. Gail L. Semans Mrs. Sandra O. Stoner Mr. and Mrs. J. Hans Strasser Mr. and Mrs. David E. Stumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Sunahara Dr. Delle S. Swindale Marti Y. Taba, MD Mr. Alvin A. Tanaka Dr. Terri Tanaka and Cary Tanaka The A&R Donn Gifting Fund The Rebecca W. Carter Trust Claire Tong Mr. David Torres, III Mrs. Melissa A. Totherow Sid and Carrie Ann Tsutsui Mr. David Underriner

Mr. Robert H. Urquhart Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Vara, Jr. Carol and Gaylord Wilcox Mr. Elton Wong Dr. and Mrs. Sidney B.W. Wong Ms. Tracy Lynn Wong Mr. and Mrs. Winston K.Q. Wong Ms. Ethel S.K. Yamaguchi Cheryl Y. Yamane Mr. Warren M. Yamauchi K. Albert Yazawa, MD Dr. and Mrs. Eric K.S. Yee Ms. Meagan Yoneshige Ms. Connie F. YoshiokaKinoshita Allen Zecha

$500-$999 Anonymous (4) Ms. Erminia M. Aflague Ms. Lauren E. Agena Mr. Kauhi K. Ahana Dr. and Mrs. Cedric K. Akau Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Akita Ms. Aitulagi E. Ala Mr. Bruce J. Alcaraz, RRT Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Anbe Ms. Valerie Anderson Mrs. Marian T. Au Dr. and Mrs. V. Balaraman Dr. and Mrs. John F. Balfour Ms. Gloria J. Brooks Will Burke and Leslie Crow Mr. and Mrs. Traver G. Carroll Ms. Rona A. Chung Ms. Lois Claggett Mr. Keoki L. Clemente Mrs. Vicky M. Crowder Netley J. D‘Souza, MD Edmond & Mildred Ayling Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Samuel J. Evans, MD Ms. Judith W.C. Felipe Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Fong Mr. and Mrs. Garret H. Furukido Vivian S. Gardner, DDS Ms. Diane K. Gibbons Christopher J. Haig Ms. Wendy F. Hamamoto Drs. Gregory and Chari Hart Ms. Lauren M. Hasha Ms. Rosemary E. Herwig Ms. Jan Higa Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Hoshide Mr. Lyle S. Hosoda Mr. Seiki R. Ifuku Shane Inoue, MD Mr. and Mrs. Daryl A. Ito Mr. Miller A. James Ms. Blossom G. JoloninoPantohan Ms. Jennifer J. Jones Mrs. Karen K. Kamimura Ms. Irene T. Kato Mr. Brian N. Kawano Ellen K. Kaye and Michael D. Kaye, MD Ms. Lynn R. Kikuchi Mr. Rodney T. Kodama and Mrs. Karen Cook-Kodama Mrs. Marcia Kodani



Preparing the Next Generation

pediatric infectious disease specialist at Kapi‘olani Medical Center for Women & Children. SSRP helped bolster Shane’s determination. He graduated from the University of Hawai‘i at THE PATH TO BECOMING Mānoa’s John A. Burns A DOCTOR IS LONG AND School of Medicine, CHALLENGING. For many then completed his aspiring physicians, moments residency and fellowship of self-doubt and questions of at prestigious mainland whether they’ve made the right hospitals. decision can test their resolve. Today, Dr. Shane Wo Inspiring them to continue Dr. Shane Wo with his wife, Dr. Laura Wo, and their son, James. is a pediatric emergency on that noble journey is the medicine physician at goal of Hawai‘i Pacific Health’s Children’s Hospital Colorado. One day, he hopes to move Summer Student Research Program (SSRP). Started in 1986 by back home so that he and his wife, who’s also a doctor, the Straub Foundation, SSRP gives undergraduate students can care for the children of Hawaiʻi. interested in pursuing medicine the opportunity to join HPH Dr. Wo’s father, Ric, couldn’t be prouder. That’s why the professionals in hands-on clinical research. They also get to Wo family made a significant multi-year commitment to shadow doctors, observe surgeries, tour facilities and ensure SSRP continues preparing the next generation of more. Since its inception, more than 300 students have medical professionals. participated in SSRP. “SSRP is amazing, with different parts of the community In 2009, Shane Wo was one of them. Through the eightcoming together for these students,” Ric said. “There are week program, Shane got an up-close look at the world of so many people to thank, including Drs. Melinda Ashton, medicine. He found personal mentors in two institutional Kalani Brady, Curtis Kamida and Marian Melish, to name a HPH figures: Dr. Melinda Ashton, pediatrician and former few. They gave their time unconditionally.” HPH chief quality officer, and Dr. Marian Melish, a renowned

Ms. Gail Kruse Earl A. Kubota, MD Mrs. Michiko Kusaka Mr. Lance T. Kushimi Yvonne Kwan, MD Michael D. Lam, MD Linda and Leighton Taylor Family Fund Katsuya A. Lizuka, MD Mrs. Pearl F.P. Loo Ms. Emilia Lorenzo Ms. MaryLou M. Loualhati Bennett Y. Loui, MD Mr. Todd D. Madden Ms. Ericka S. Matamua Keith and Eileen Matsumoto Mrs. Shirley K. Matsumoto Mr. Wade Matsuura Ms. Kristi L. Maynard Ms. Lise D. McGrew Mr. Melvin T. Minakami Ms. Nancy J. Miyake Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Miyamoto Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Miyamura Dr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Morioka Mr. Kevin M. Mullally Ms. Gail M. Murakami Ms. Iris M. Nakama Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Nakasone Ms. Eleanor M.M.J. Naone

Ms. Kit Y. Ng, CRNA Mrs. Gertrude N. Ogawa Mr. Donn P.T. Ojiri Ian J. Okazaki, MD Mr. Dean T. Omiya Ms. Michele L. Otake Ms. Cindy Paguyo Mr. Jason M. Pauls Ms. Monica A. Pierce Monica M. Price, MD Ms. Regina Joyce B. Reyes Ms. Teresa M. Sarajina Scofield Giving Fund James S. Sheperd, MD Lisa Shigemura, MD Ms. Marian K. Shimizu Ms. Jessica E. Sphar Ms. Edlyn Suzuki Mr. Seiichi Suzuki Ms. Susan S. Suzuki Mr. Henry H. Takara Ike D. Tanabe, MD Mr. Len K. Tanaka Mr. Dean H. Tateyama The Tabuchi Family DonorAdvised Fund Ms. Crystal M. Theel Ms. Kathleen K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Miles Togikawa Ms. Myrna Anne Topolinski Ms. Sunshine Topping Ms. Jodie L. Toyota

Mrs. Kay K. Uesugi Ms. Mary Ann E. Villamil Ms. Janis Von Thaden Ms. Alice M.J. Watanabe Ms. Kristin L. Wauke Ms. Jaime M. Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. Roger White Ms. Dianne Winter Brookins Ms. Annie M. Wong Mrs. Valerie Wong Mary L. Worthen, MD Ms. Aireen C. Yagyagan Mrs. Sheri S. Yanagida Mikela Yarawamai, MD Mr. Andrew S.H. Yi Mrs. Joyce O. Yoshino

$250-$499 Anonymous (11) Mr. Keith H. Abe Ms. Glenda P. Agapay Ms. Leslie Ann J. Agpaoa Mrs. Teresa Y. Agraan Ms. Joen V.M. Aguinaldo Ms. Lori Ajifu Ms. Diana S. Akamine Mr. Joshua J. Almanza Ms. Hazel D. Andres Nathan Angle, MD Mr. Gordon A. Aoyagi Mr. and Mrs. David E. Asato

Mr. Davyne J. Asato Mr. Tyler J. Asuncion Ms. Debralyn A. Baldonado Ms. Alyssa M. Barnes Ms. Anita K. Bascar Ms. Elizabeth Berry Craig S. Boddy, MD Mrs. Kristen K. Bonilla Mr. Stephen R. Bowman Mr. Troy G. Branstetter Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Brent Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brooks Mr. Brian R. Buchner Mikiko A.Y. Bunn, MD Ms. Lindlee M.H. Butcher Ms. Doreen N. Cadavona Ms. Amy D. Caliboso Ms. Noridel G. Callangan Ms. Judith G. Caro Mrs. Cheryl Y. Carreira Ms. Kaohulani B. Catrett Janny H. Chen, MD, and David C. Cho, MD Rosalyn Cheng, MD, and James C. Lai, MD Ms. Brianne M. Chinen Ms. Clarice K. Ching Ms. Virgie R. Choy Ms. Jonalyn A. Chua

Mr. and Ms. Michael G. Chun Mrs. Margaret B. Cole Ms. Barbara A. Coles Francisco A. Conde, NP Ms. Joan F. Conde Ms. Jill Confair Ms. Jennifer K. Dacumos Mr. Albert K. Dayag Ms. Adelfa D. Diego Mr. Brian Dimartino Ms. Yan X. Ding Ms. Jana Dittmer Ms. Jacquelyn D. Dizon Peter and Sara Dudgeon Mrs. Lannie Y. Dung Philip H. Dunn, MD Ms. Joy-Ann B. Espejo Mr. Micah B. Ewing Mrs. Kris A. Fernandez Ms. Sarah E. Fleming Ms. Gina-Fe G. Foster Ms. Emily Francis Ms. DaisyLourdes C. Freitas Ms. Lana C. Frutoz Ms. Teruko Fujita Mr. and Mrs. Ichiro Fukumoto Ms. Anielyn T. Galanto Ms. Joann C.T. Galendez


HAWAI‘I PACIFIC HEALTH FOUNDATIONS Ms. Crystal V. Gaoat Mrs. Nina M. Giovanetti Dr. and Mrs. Roman W. Glamb Ms. France Reina Graves Ms. Francine M. Grudzias Mr. David M. Hagino Mr. Noa S. Halalilo Mr. Clark G. Hatch Ms. Emma L. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Hidano Mrs. Tomie Higa Ms. Karen K. Higuchi Mrs. Tiffanie M.L. Hipa Ms. Emyline M. Hiraki Ms. Norine M. Hisashima Mr. Terence K. Ho B. Hoshino Ms. Sherilynn K. Hubin Mrs. Carol H. Igarashi Ms. LaTara R. Inouye Mr. Herbert Isoda Ms. Rindy A. Ito Mr. Gary K. Iwamuro Ms. Karie M. Izuo Ms. Ruth Y. Izuo Ms. Lori A. Jansen Ms. Nicole M. Jenkins Ms. Lilibeth F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kadoyama Dr. and Mrs. Wesley J. Kai Mr. Charles D. Kamimura and Mrs. Joy B.Y. Shimabuku Mr. Dave K. Kanda Mr. Glenn Y. Kawabata Mr. and Mrs. Masayuki Kawahara Mr. and Mrs. Calvin T. Kawakami Mr. and Mrs. Dean K. Kawano Ms. Sherill J. Kearns Ms. Susan R. Kehano

Ms. Sarah Kim Mr. Donald H. King Mr. Dallas D. Kinlaw Ms. Shaylynn K. Kiyota Mr. and Mrs. Kotaro K. Koizumi Kryss Y. Kojima, MD Ms. Kari-Ann K. Koki Chad and Kim Koyanagi Mr. and Mrs. Yoshitaro Kumagai Ms. Kathleen C. Kwak Mr. Kory R. Kwock Ms. Alysha A. Ladiero Lance & Jillian Inouye DonorAdvised Fund Mr. Adam Landeroz Mrs. Stella W.Y. Laroza Mr. H. Van Lee Ms. Jamie M. Lee Kenneth J. Lee and Jennifer K.L. Lee Mark K.C. Lee, MD Ms. Pat Lee Mrs. Michelle I. Leonardi Mr. Peter J. Lewis Ms. Sarah E. Lukela Ms. Amelia C. Lum Mr. Wesley G.C. Lum Ms. Victoria Luna Ms. Leigh-Tasha K. Luna-Leiato Drs. Jose R.M. and Gloria M. Madamba Ms. Sharon E. Maekawa Ms. Melinda R. Magnayon Prado Ms. Kimberly Anne C. Marks Ms. Pauline Y. Masaki Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Matsuoka Ms. Karen K. Mayeda Mr. John McNamara Mr. Geoffrey E. Milford Mr. Asa C. Mills

Pedal Power

Mr. Gary S. Miyamoto Glenn Miyataki, PhD Ms. Raina N. Miyoshi Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Moats Ms. Jessica W. Moriki Ms. Rayna M. Morris Ms. Jana K. Moses Mr. Joseph G. Mottershaw Mrs. Kristene Y. Murakami Kimberly K. Naahielua, MD Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Nakagawa Ms. Kathleen K.H. Nakagawa Mr. Gary Y. Nakamatsu Beau K. Nakamoto, MD Ms. Reiko E. Nakamoto Mr. Robert Nakasone Ms. Heather M. Newcomb Ms. Joann F.A. Newman Mr. Christopher A. Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Nishida Mrs. Lorraine T. Noda Ms. Karen T.H. Okuhara Ms. Sharon S. Omine Ms. Nora J. Onaga Mr. Glen M. Onato Mr. Joseph S. Oshiro Dr. John Juliano and Ms. Laura T. Ota Mrs. Jean H. Otake Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Padilla Ms. Michelle M. Pascual Mrs. Josephine M. Pelch Ms. Lucille J. Pezzulo Marc and Amanda Price Dr. Rose Marie R. Pritts and Mr. Richard W. Pritts Ms. Rowena S. Pudiquet Deborah Putnam, MD Ms. Eva G. Rabusa

Mr. Dennis M. Ramos Ms. Doreen N. Ranne Mr. Jonel Q. Rapanut Mr. Alex K. Rapez Dr. Thomas G. Rawski Gary and Wendy Redman Mr. James L. Reyes Ms. Katsue Reynolds Ms. Ellaine J.F. Rivera Ms. Lisa M. Rivera Ms. Tumuatasi Rosen Ms. Jovielyn N. Royal Ms. Laurie S. Rubie Mr. and Mrs. James S. Saito Mrs. Helen T.O. Sako Mr. and Mrs. Seiichi Sako Jorge C. Samaniego, MD Ms. Shirley A. Samonte Ms. Tina M. Sampaia Ms. Rebecca A. Sandvig Ms. Sherri L. Santos Alberto S. Santos-Ocampo, MD Ms. Joann J.A. Saribay Mr. Matthew Sasaki Mr. Stephen T. Saure Ms. Shani D. Schlemmer Ms. Dara A. Shelton Mrs. Chin H. Shidaki Mr. Greg Shimabuku Annette A. Shimizu, PhD Mr. Scott T. Shiraishi Mr. and Mrs. Felomino Simon Mr. Germany D. Smith Aleck Soon, MD Ms. Sharon C.N. Stokka, RN Ms. Casey K. Suehiro Ms. Pat A. Taira Ms. Amanda N. Tajima Mr. Roy R. Takamune

Mr. and Mrs. George Takeuchi Corliss M. Takita J.C. Taosaka Mr. Stephen K. Tengan Ronnie B.N. Texeira, MD Ms. Jennifer E. Thieme Ms. Bernadette M. Tiburcio Mr. Gregg Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Jett G. Tokita Mr. Alan R. Tokunaga Ms. Hollie-Anne S. Toma Ms. Evelyn F. Tomari Keiji and Amy Tsuhako Ms. Marie L. Tuifao Mr. Mark Uchima Robert and Elise Ueoka Eim S. Ulrich Hilton Unemori Steve and Liz Uyehara Ms. Tara L. Vaughn Ms. Ashley F. Villegas Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wakatake Peter Wang, MD Ms. Maria M. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Watanabe Dana T. Watanabe, MD Ms. Kristy C. Watanabe Mr. Yoshihiko Watanabe Ms. Hope C. West Ms. Brittney M.L. White, RN Hye Gyeong Won, RN Mr. Kunane R.A. Wooton Mr. Mathaniel L. Worthy Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Yamada Ms. Sheena E. Yamashiro Ms. Amanda B. Yee Ms. Kristin E. Yokota Mr. Roy H. Yoshimoto Mr. and Mrs. Gary T. Yoshitake Geri Q.L. Young, MD, and Robert J. Teichman, MD* Mr. and Mrs. Maynard G.P. Young Mr. Gregory E. Zaryske

9,000 mammograms. In addition to mammography and other screenings, the Women’s Center offers IT’S NOT EVERY comprehensive services for DAY THAT YOU FIND A diagnostics and imaging. SOUPED-UP 1981 PONTIAC “Wilcox Medical Center TRANS AM PACKING 675 appreciates this generous HORSEPOWER AND A 1986 donation from the Garden CHEVROLET S-10 PICKUP Isle Racing Association,” that does a quarter mile in said Jen Chahanovich, just 10.08 seconds parked at FROM LEFT: Rob Nelson, Garden Isle Racing Association board member; Todd Wilcox president and Wilcox Medical Center. Burns, Pacific Service & Development NAPA Auto Parts general manager; Donna CEO, and CEO of Kauaʻi The two hot rods made McCall, Wilcox imaging manager; Taylor Montemayor, “Ladies Night” drag race winner; Jen Chahanovich, Wilcox president and CEO, and CEO of Kauaʻi Medical Medical Clinic. “The a pit stop at Wilcox in Clinic; and Noelle Lau, Wilcox development officer. fundraiser demonstrates August 2023 to present a how our community comes donation. The Garden Isle together to support each other.” Racing Association (GIRA) raised $6,000 for the Women’s GIRA board member Rob Nelson added, “It was a thrill Center through its “Ladies Night” drag racing event at Kauaʻi to partner with Wilcox Medical Center for this great event. Raceway Park. Mahalo to all the businesses that donated as well as all the The Women’s Center is a vital resource for women across drag racers and fans for their support.“ Kaua‘i. In 2022 alone, Wilcox teams completed more than 40





Wilcox Health Foundation Donors $100,000 & Above Kukui IT Antone & Edene Vidinha Charitable Trust

$50,000-$99,999 Atherton Family Foundation Bill Karst and Ginny Merdes Charitable Fund of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation Earl M. Morimoto 2020 Trust G.N. Wilcox Trust

$25,000-$49,999 Anonymous Gather Federal Credit Union Kauaʻi Kōkua Fund of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation

$10,000-$24,999 Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Goodale Harrison Family Fund Lee Kent Self-Trusteed Trust Takenaka Corporation - Kawailoa Development Mr. and Mrs. Mel C. Ventura Mr. Kent K. Wakumoto

$5,000-$9,999 Anonymous (various) Mr. and Mrs. Mal Dohrman EPIC Dr. and Mrs. John T. Funai Goodale Family Fund of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation Mr. Paul C. Loizeaux, Jr. Willie and Yori Milo David and Kellyn Okabe John and Christine Sanguinetti Shioi Construction, Inc. Helen* and Jack Wakumoto

$1,000-$4,999 Anonymous Ms. Mary Jean Abigania Mr. and Mrs. Richard Albrecht BBCP Kauaʻi Operating, LLC BBCP Kukuiʻula Development Company (Hawaiʻi), LLC Marina and Bill Brown Ms. Nancie Chadwick Ms. Jen Chahanovich Ms. Kristiina Chapman Bob Ching and Colleen Wong Mr. and Mrs. William E. Clise Robert Conrad, MD Ms. Oriana N. Dias Dr. and Mrs. W. Montague Downs David and Dawn Dunbar

Michael and Stephanie Ellis Fankhauser Family Fund of the Toledo Community Foundation Mrs. Tatsuko Fujimoto Wayne Fujioka and Carol Valentine Carol A. Fujiyoshi, MD Mrs. June Futenma Garden Isle Racing Association, Inc. Huddy Family Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Imparato Indian River Community Foundation Dr. Christopher A. Jordan and Dr. Elaine Y. Kubota Mr. and Mrs. Greg Kamm Kauaʻi Tent & Party Rental, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. G. Patrick Kuzmer James Lin, MD Matson Navigation Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tad T. Miura, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Murakoshi Mr. and Mrs. Conrad H. Murashige Dr. and Mrs. Mitsugi M. Nakashima Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Nakea Ms. Danita Dee Narciso Susan Nonaka Mr. Anthony O‘Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Richardson, III Mr. Michael J. Robinson Mr. Ed Royce and Ms. Janis Jordan Ms. Samantha Sasan Ms. Catherine A. Sataraka Mr. Wayne Shimizu Mr. Bill Skelton Takenaka Kauaʻi Healthcare Fund - Kawailoa Development Eugene F. Tareshawty, Jr., MD The Gladys Fund of the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation The Robbins Burkert Charitable Fund The Golden Miracle Charitable Fund of Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund Claire Tong Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Vara, Jr. Wateree Dreams Foundation Mr. William Weil Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Williamson Robert Wotring, MD Ms. Karen Yee Ms. Kari Yokota Geri Q.L. Young, MD, and Robert J. Teichman, MD*

Breath of Fresh Air EVERYONE DOES IT, ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. WE ALL BREATHE. Every breath is important to Wilcox Medical Center’s respiratory therapists. A key part of their job is testing how well patients’ lungs are working to screen for conditions such as Wilcox respiratory therapist Luke Lambert demonstrates the new pulmonary function testing machine. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma or lung patients who couldn’t be cancer. But these pulmonary seen on Kaua‘i to O‘ahu. function tests (PFT) can also help “Our pulmonology team determine if a patient’s lungs are is able to send us more healthy enough to handle a wide patients because we have range of therapies, surgeries or increased capacity and the procedures. newest PFT technology,” “It’s important for so many Majewski said. “This different types of patients,” said equipment is fundamental Lee Majewski, Wilcox respiratory to providing optimal care therapy supervisor. for our community.” In 2023, Wilcox revamped its It also means that for the respiratory therapy department first time, Kaua‘i firefighters with new, state-of-the-art PFT and recruits will be able equipment. It was made possible to do fitness testing at through a $100,000 grant from Wilcox to help them meet the Antone & Edene Vidinha national standards. The Charitable Trust, which was service could eventually be created to help the people of expanded to other agencies. Kaua‘i. The upgrade has had It’s proof that in a place as a significant impact. The new tight-knit as Kaua‘i, one act equipment can conduct tests of generosity can affect an so efficiently, it has essentially entire community. eliminated the need to send





Anonymous (2) Ms. A. Nancy F. Acorda Aaron E. Adair, DC Clyner Antalan, MD Mei-Ling M. Aranio Ms. Lori Banasihan Mr. Michael R. Barroga Jason G.J. Bechard, MD Ms. Kathryn M. Bieker Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brooks Will Burke and Leslie Crow Alyssa Carnegie, MD Mr. and Mrs. David Carswell Tyler Chihara, DPM Ms. Marilou Y. Combs Anne Dempsey, MD Mr. William Eddy Mr. Welerico Estrada, Jr. Dr. Marjorie F. Gifford Mr. and Mrs. David W. Goodale Ms. Karen L. Gutierrez Mr. Craig A. Harwell Ms. Lisa P. Hines Mrs. Jessie Hirano Ms. Jennifer Y. Ishikawa Mr. and Mrs. Ryan E. Jimenez Derek Johnson, DO Ms. Jennifer J. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Katayama Ms. Shana L.A. Koga Mr. Paul Kuribayashi Eugene Lao, MD Nicholas M. Leonard, MD Ms. Robin Lotu Ms. Lorrie Luke Mr. Todd D. Madden Dr. and Mrs. Thatcher Magoun Ms. Petra R. Makanani Ms. Chanita L. MakanuiHasegawa Mr. and Mrs. Bert M. Matsuoka David R. McDonald, MD Ms. Lise D. McGrew Tad and Caroline Miura Ms. Norie J. Munoz Jay M. Murphy, MD Mr. Donald C. Pilker Ms. Lorri L. Pilkington Mr. and Mrs. David W. Pratt Ms. Divina G. Rapozo Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Tabian Mrs. Madeline TangonanKahananui Mr. Dean H. Tateyama Mr. Michael E. Taylor The Tabuchi Family DonorAdvised Fund Ms. Kathleen K. Thomas Ms. Sunshine Topping Ms. Gladys Tsunehiro Sid and Carrie Ann Tsutsui Ms. Karen Wachsmuth Ms. Donna Waidtlow Wally Rita Trucking, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Zenon K. Wong Dr. and Mrs. Eric K.S. Yee Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Yee




Anonymous (6) Mr. Keith H. Abe Mr. Austin M. Alao Ms. Angelyn A. Allado-Racca Ms. Ginger L. Allen Ms. Natalie Andrade Ms. Stephanie Andrade Mr. Gregorio L. Andres Ms. Lovelyn G. Andres Mr. Tyler J. Asuncion Mr. Joshua Derylle Badua Dr. and Mrs. V. Balaraman Ms. Lori J. Banach Mrs. Rowena I. Baptiste Ms. Josephine O. Baris Ms. Catherine M. Bautista Ms. Breiene S.K. Binongial Mrs. Kristen K. Bonilla Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brookman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brooks Mrs. Kimberly R. Bunao Ms. Kalsie U. Camelo Ms. Judith G. Caro Ms. Qing C. Castro Mr. Arthur A. Chow Ms. Roxane K. Coller Ms. Alice Joy G. Corpuz Ms. Edna D. Corpuz Mr. Richard Cortez and Ms. Blanche H. Sugimoto Cummings Family Trucking, LLC Ms. Jennifer K. Dacumos Ms. Tracy A. Damitio Mr. Merton D. Davalos Mrs. Marian A. Delapenia Mrs. Melissa M. Dias Ms. Annabel J. Domingsel Summer Douban, MD Mr. Ronald C. Dunford Mrs. Amber L. Elkington Christopher Elliott, MD Ms. Michelle L. Emura Mr. Paul Endo Ms. Lynnett F. Fennell Ms. Evangeline U. Fernandez Mr. Davone Florence Ms. Madelle Y. Florendo Mrs. Gladys N. Fujiuchi Ms. Jane P. Gandia Mr. John M. Gebauer Mr. Bredito V. Gonzalez, Jr. Joy and Randall Goto Ms. France Reina Graves Ms. Myrnalene Y. Halog Ms. Barbara Harada Mr. and Mrs. Norman Y. Hashisaka Mr. Ryan A. Heilgenthal Ms. Emma L. Henderson Mrs. Rachel C. Hermosura Heidi Hillesland, MD Ms. Emyline M. Hiraki Heather Hopkins, MD Mark and Barbara Hubbard Noriko Hunter, MD Ms. Tracie Y. Ibara Ms. Elizabeth S. Idica Island School Ms. Margaret Itami Janet and Robert Kass Charitable Fund


Ms. Cheryl D. Jobe Ms. Vicki L. Johnson Ms. Rosalie V. Juarez Mr. Ian K. Jung, Esq. Ms. Stephanie C. Kaiwi Mr. Alakai Y. Kalama-Kaneshiro Ms. Joann L. Ke Ms. Andrea A.L. Keao Ms. Paula J. Kelso Mr. and Mrs. Loren Koerte Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kokron Mr. and Mrs. Bob S. Kubota Mr. Tadasu Kurashige Lance & Jillian Inouye DonorAdvised Fund Ms. Noelle L. Lau Mr. Randall E. Ledford Ms. Marie E. Lee Mr. Peter J. Lewis Ms. Sarah E. Lukela Ms. Jennifer Makaneole Ms. Muriel Ena C. Malixi Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Matsuoka Mr. John McNamara Ms. Filomena C. Melchor Mr. and Mrs. George Menor Ms. Mary J. Miller Mr. Dalston T. Miyasato Daniel and Kristi Miyasato Peter and Jennifer Morishige Ms. Hermina M. Morita Ms. Yvonne A. Motilla Ms. Apryle S. Mukai Candice Myhre, MD Ms. Valerie R. Nakamura Ms. Clorinda F. Nakashima Ms. Janet S. Niitani Ms. Joanna M. Nishimura Niu Pia Land Company, LTD. Ms. Georgiana L. Nunes Ms. Michelle L. Omura Ms. Anne M. O‘Neill Ms. Sheri E. Oshiro Ms. Nalani R. Pa Mrs. Marie P. Padilla Ms. Britnelyn H. Palacio Ms. Karen K. Pavao Steven Penner, MD Ms. Kristyn K.M. Peralta Ms. Tanya P. Peralta-Jardin Ms. Natalie Rapozo-Reiland Ms. Mary L. Rericka Ms. Summer R. Rex Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Roberts Ms. Diane T. Rodrigues Ms. Karen K. Sakai Mr. Matthew Sasaki Ms. Tanet K.T. Schaefer Mr. Gregory A. Schumacher Ms. Randa A. Schumacher Mrs. Maribelle D. Semana Ms. Rosemelda Semana Ms. Cathy L.M. Shanks Mr. Scott T. Shiraishi Ms. Deborah S. Smith Ms. Blanche Stockle Ms. Amber K. Strong Mrs. Sue Sugai Mr. and Mrs. Lyle M. Tabata Ms. Mary C. Taiariol Ms. Lee Y. Takekuma Reid H. Tamanaha, MD Ms. Dawn Taroc-Silva Ms. Flordeliza C. Tarriga

Mr. Abraham A. Tengan Ms. Jennifer E. Thieme Mr. Gregg Timmons Mr. Timothy D. Tin Robert and Elise Ueoka Steve and Liz Uyehara Mr. Robert H. Watari Mr. Jerome Webster, Jr. Ms. Susan K. Weimer Mrs. Valerie A. Winchester

Ms. Janette G. Wolff Ms. Leslie A. Womack Mr. David M. Yamaguchi Ms. Darlene C. Yamase Ms. Roxanne A. Yamase Ms. Monina M. Yamashita Ms. Jill C. Yoshimatsu Ms. Sandra L. Yoshioka Mr. Roy A. Young Ms. JoAnn Yukimura

In-Kind Donors for the Foundations of Hawai‘i Pacific Health $100,000 & Above iHeartMedia

$10,000–$99,999 Danya‘s Gift NOKANET Southwest Airlines

$5,000–$9,999 Happy Box Donors JN Automotive Group Make Lemonade Project REC and Roll, LLC, DBA NyLawn Stacey Leong Design, LLC The Kāhala Hotel & Resort

$1,000–$4,999 Alaska Airlines Alohilani Resort Waikīkī Beach Big Island Candies Child‘s Play Charity First Insurance Company of Hawaiʻi, Ltd. Hawaiʻi Women Lawyers Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikīkī Beach Resort Jessie Rees Foundation Kaylan Strong‘s Fight Like A Warrior Foundation Keiki Kingdom KTM Services, Inc. Marriott‘s Ko Olina Beach Club Marriott‘s Maui Ocean Club Maui Divers Jewelry Nabeya Maido Ms. Linda H. Nagatani Ms. Geoli Ng Queen Kapiʻolani Hotel Ms. Chloe Razon Roberta Oaks Hawaiʻi Ms. Tiffanie Rodriguez Sonny D. ʻUkuleles The Laylow, Autograph Collection The Westin Hāpuna Beach Resort



A Legacy of Giving “MY HOUSE, MY RULES.” That was one of Gail Myers’ favorite phrases throughout her remarkable life. She paid her way through college and was the first in her family to graduate. As she became a shrewd businesswoman and investor in Hawai‘i, she always prioritized giving back. “Gail was a special person,” said Darcy Kessler, Straub Benioff Medical Center lead vascular lab technologist who cared for Gail. “She was fierce and fabulous but even more so, kind and generous.” Gail’s strength got her through two lifesaving vascular surgeries at Straub Benioff, and she was truly grateful for those who cared for her. Whether it was a handwritten note or a cake she baked herself, Gail showed the medical team how much she appreciated them. “Gail really brought people into her circle,” Kessler said. “She was never standoffish, and you just became one

of her people, no matter who you were.” She started the Gail Myers Fund for Vascular Medicine as a way to help others while honoring the Straub Benioff staff. Still, Gail wanted to do more. Before she passed away in 2021, one of her wishes was to put her extensive jewelry collection up for auction, with all proceeds to benefit the medical center that saved her life. In November 2023, Gail’s collection of gold bracelets, diamond rings, sapphire earrings, pearl necklaces and jeweled watches were all on display at The Wedding Ring Shop. The holiday season wasn’t in full swing yet, but a large Christmas tree lit up the store in honor of Gail’s favorite holiday. For that one night, the store was her house, and everyone played by her rules. Many pieces sold for thousands of dollars. Gail left several other gifts from her estate, which all added up to one of the largest donations the

FROM LEFT : Nina Mullaly; Darcy Kessler, Straub Benioff lead vascular lab technologist; Gail Myers; and Tia Guarani.

Straub Foundation has ever received. The funds will go toward furthering education for Straub Benioff staff, as well as the state-of-the-art health care campus of the future. Gail’s legacy of philanthropy lives on through her gift that will benefit Hawai‘i for generations to come. “Her generosity knew no bounds,” Kessler said. “I was just lucky enough to know her for as many years as I did. I really came to love and respect her as a friend.”

If you are interested in making a lasting impact by joining our legacy society at any of Hawai‘i Pacific Health’s medical centers, call 808-535-7100 or visit Make-A-Gift/Overview. 43


55 MERCHANT ST., SUITE 2600 HONOLULU, HI 96813-4333

Aloha, Inspire Readers, Writing this magazine is always a joyful journey for us. Meeting patients touched by care, talking with donors who were moved to give by our supportive staff and services, and witnessing community members doing all they can to fundraise for our medical centers allow us to connect to the deeper purpose of philanthropy. People genuinely want to help. It is through quality health care and true compassion for our community’s needs that Hawai’i Pacific Health is creating a healthier Hawai’i. We feel so fortunate to be able to document these moments in Inspire magazine, ranging from miracle babies to seniors with lifesaving second chances. Contact us at These stories inspire us because our biggest inspiration is you.

Scan here to make a gift. Inspire Magazine Writers Liz Chun Uyehara Director of Communications Christi Young External Communications Manager Josh Benton Communications Manager Joseph Byeon Communications Manager

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