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| Otoño Autumn 2018


Parketxea, el centro de interpretación de Enkarterri


l Centro de Interpretación del Parque Natural de Armañón y de los Montes de Ordunte se ubica en la antigua estación de trituración de la cantera de dolomía que se explotó junto a la cueva de Pozalagua.

Cuenta con un mirador a la gran panorámica del valle de Carranza con los Montes de Ordunte al fondo. Además, el visitante conocerá las características de los Montes de Ordunte, el Parque Natural de Armañón, razas autóctonas y la gran sima conocida como ‘Torca del Carlista’. © Sergio Gonzalez

La propia galería, a 40 metros bajo tierra, permite conocer una parte del patrimonio industrial de Carranza. Además, con las nuevas tecnologías se puede navegar virtualmente por Karrantza un pájaro. T. 946 56 00 79 //

More information Pozalagua Caves Peñas de Ranero 48891 KARRANTZA (Bizkaia)

© Sergio Gonzalez

Open: - Weekends and holidays throug out the year - From June 15 to September 15: Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays - Rest of the year: by arrangement for groups of 10 or more CLOSED: Mondays (except public holidays and September 18)

rare and when two or more are found together in one place, it is a wondrous occurrence and a sight to behold. Pozalagua has the greatest concentration of these highly unusual stalactites in the world, according to geologists. Apart from their sheer number, they are longer and wider than average eccentric stalactites. The only other place where they can be seen is in Australia. Nowadays, the cave has been equipped to cater for curious visitors, with guided tours into the bowels of the earth where an underground universe awaits. Alternatively, you can choose “Pozalagua Flashback” and relive the experience of discovering of the cave.

Opening hours: - Holy Week to 15 October: 11:00am - 8:00pm (last tour at 7:00 pm) - From October 16 to Holy Week: 11:00am-18:00 (last tour at 5:00 pm) T. +34 649 811 673

Parketxea, The Enkarterri Interpretation Centre


he Armañon Natural Park and Ordunte Mountains Interpretation Centre is located in the former mineral crushing building of the dolomite quarry that used to operate near the Pozalagua cave.

There’s a viewing point which offers magnificent panoramic views of the Carranza Valley with the Ordunte Mountains in the background. Visitors can also learn about the Ordunte Mountains, Armañon Natural Park, native breeds of livestock, and the ‘Torca del Carlista’ cavern. Some remains of the industrial heritage of Carranza can also be seen in the 40 metre-deep underground gallery. There’s a modern simulator which, by simply flapping your arms, allows you to ‘fly’ over Karrantza and get a bird’s eye view. T. 946 56 00 79 //

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