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Floating together, like hands of angels offered them wings, they fell in the night. Full of darkness, like coal getting darker each bat of an eye, it seemed. And they tried to light up; Float again with their blazing hearts. But with shiver the cold caressed her body forever and the boy lost himself in the wide unending eclipse of mind and soul which together veiled into grief. Lara Balič, 1.d

DRAMATURGICAL POET'S WREATH Dionysus was worshipped when the theatre started to form. Plautus made it up for the roman empire with his comedies. Dante reached heaven with his Divine comedy through life's social hell. When Shakespeare had lived his tragedies came to life and everything changed. Moliere had been known 'cause his whole life was a play; a beautiful one. Ibsen didn't know what Shakespeare wrote in his plays but he wrote well, too. Now we read Chekhov and his unique written plays He's one of a kind. We have two more years to learn what plays are about 'cause knowledge is good. Blažka Rudolf, Nika Mrak, Neža Vidmar 2. g

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