Gililife JULY 2018 #53

Page 56


Here are just some of the variety of forms of art you can find in the different Indonesian islands.

ACEH Gold jewellery, Traditional dance KALIMANTAN Dayak blow guns, Tribal art/statues, Traditional dance, Shells and bones jewellery

SUMATRA Textiles fabric pattern, Pattern carving, Gold jewellery, Traditional dance, Music Islamic and Christian influence

JAVA Traditional puppets, Fine art, Traditional carving, Bas-relief, Silverwork, Angklung, Gamelan, Flutes, Gongs, Batik Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, Colonial influence

BALI Sculptures, Stone and wood carvings, Textiles, Painting, Traditional and contemporary dance, Silver and goldwork, Gamelan Hindu and Buddhist influence Gililife 56

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