COR Passover Magazine (2016)

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At the seder, we recite in the Hagaddah

hrv ohrmn ,thmhc rpxk vcrnv kfu" “jcuan vz “the more one elaborates upon the Exodus, the more he is praiseworthy”. Why do our sages encourage us to expand upon these miracles in order to fulfill the mitzvah of ohrmn ,thmh ruphx? Further in the Hagaddah, we recite

tuv ukhtf unmg ,t ,utrk ost chhj ohrmnn tmh - each person is obligated

to view himself as if he left Mitzrayim. When most people experience something miraculous, they enumerate the details to anyone who is willing to listen. They will enthusiastically expand on the specifics as if they are reliving the experience. Likewise, the more we discuss the greatness of the miracles that Hashem performed in Mitzrayim, the greater the demonstration that we feel as though it is truly our salvation. When we can actually appreciate that we ourselves were redeemed, then we will not become tired of discussing all of the miracles at length. The mitzvah to recite the Haggadah and discuss Hashem’s miraculous deeds in Mitzrayim is fulfilled when the Matzah and Maror are in front of us - lhbpk ohjbun rurnu vmn aha vgac. The reason for this requirement can now be understood. Our objective is to relive the experience of the Exodus from Mitzrayim ourselves each year. When a person passes a place where he experienced a miracle, even many years later, he recites a bracha, as the place arouses his sentiment of Divine gratitude. Likewise, when we see the Matzah and Maror, they awaken feelings of appreciation that we have to Hashem for all of the miracles He performed for us in Mitzrayim – the

miracles that led to our redemption and becoming the nation of Hashem. A major focus of the seder is the ohrmn ,thmh ruphx, relating to our children all that Hashem did for us in Mitzrayim, thereby fulfilling the mitzvah of lbck ,sdvu. When we recount in great detail the wonders that Hashem did for us as though we experienced them ourselves, we transmit our sentiments about ohrmn ,thmh with enthusiasm and vibrancy, thereby impressing upon our children the greatness of Hashem and the glory in becoming His nation. Actions speak louder than words. When our children see us enthusiastically involved, they will be more influenced than if we just speak to them. Likewise, when children follow in the footsteps of their parents, it is a testament to the parents who were able to transmit these values to their families through their actions. The theme of this year’s Pesach Guide is lbck ,sdvu. At COR, we are privileged to have numerous people who are involved in kashrus for the second generation. Some of these prominent members of the COR, are featured later in the Guide. Serving as Chairman of the Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth, I too fit into this category as my father Rabbi Gedalia Felder k"mz was the founding Chairman of the Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth and served the community in that capacity with great devotion and distinction for over 30 years. When children follow in the footsteps of their parents in this fashion, it is a testament to the parents who are able to transmit to their family through their actions, the significance of devoting one’s time and resources to assist in communal matters and in particular community kashrus. A few months ago, COR and the

8 KasHRuTH COuNCiL OF CaNada | 416-635-9550 | WWW.COR.Ca

greater Toronto community suffered a tragic loss in the passing of our esteemed mashgiach Reb Benaya Eschar, k"z. Although he lived in Toronto for only a few years, Reb Benaya was an integral member of our COR Foodservice hashgacha and made a profound impact on so many of us. His deeply rooted iujycu vbunt even in the face of great adversity, ohna ,trhu oav ,cvt, his love and respect of Hashem, combined with his refined character and humble nature, continuously inspired us and endeared him to us all. lurc urfz hvh, may his memory be a blessing, and may his wife and children, his parents and his entire family have a rta lu,c vnjb ohkaurhu iuhm hkct may they be comforted amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. We, at COR, continue to expand with new endeavors that will enhance kashrus and improve our community services. Our most recent project was the Mashgiach Training Course which is detailed further in this publication. This revolutionary course is the first of its kind (as far as we know), and we express our gratitude to Rabbi Tsvi Heber, COR’s Director of Community Kosher, his assistants and the “First Class” graduates for this ground breaking project. I would like to express sincere appreciation to our devoted staff, the Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth, the Executive and Board members, for all of their tireless efforts on behalf of COR, and to all of you – the kosher consumers, for your encouragement and trust in us in fulfilling our mandate of providing kashrus to our wonderful community.

jnau raf dj rgskgp ouka cegh

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