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Message from the National Coordinator
The GGPE is committed to mobilising people and resources to create pathways for youth empowerment, education and building resilient families and communities across Jamaica.
Mr. Abrahim D. Simmonds
Since 1991, gumption, coupled with acumen and excellence, has been and continues to be at the nucleus of the Governor-General’s Programme for Excellence (GGPE). With the COVID-19 pandemic emerging in 2020, a paradigm shift within the GGPE simultaneously mushroomed. Although there were hurdles to overcome in 2021 because of the health crisis, this shift has fortunately led to wider engagement of young people, through the implementation of more digital forums, including the digitisation of the GGPE’s wellattended National Youth Consultative Conference (YCC) and the Governor-General’s Achievement Awards (GGAA).
In the last year, the Programme has been unwavering in its mandate of ‘using what’s right with Jamaica to fix what’s wrong with Jamaica’. This was mirrored in the Governor-General’s Achievement Awards (GGAA), which saw six people across the Diaspora being bestowed with the prestigious award this year, while more than 41 have been celebrated locally. The 2021 GGAA also saw the introduction of special awards being given to stellar individuals from the three counties in the areas of philanthropy, academia and nation-building. These awards serve as an empowering tool for others to reach new heights and inspire change within their communities and among their peers.
With the well-needed support and commitment of our custodes and sponsors, the GGPE was able to raise over $30 million in cash and kind during the past year. Of the sum raised, the fiscal year saw more than $7 million being awarded in scholarships to seventeen (17) full and part-time tertiary students. These students were also afforded book grants under our flagship Summer of Service (SOS) Scholarship programme.
As we usher in 2022, with all its limitless possibilities, we remain resolute in our mandate and focused on the vision for a better Jamaica! I would like to acknowledge and personally thank all key stakeholders who have stuck with us year after year to deliver our annual calendar of activities, some of which were adversely impacted by a wave of challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.