1 minute read

Six Receive GGAA Diaspora Awards


Congratulations to Their Excellencies, The Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen and Lady Allen, along with their team, on a well-executed programme through the years.

As we continue to navigate this challenging global period, it’s heartening to know that there are persons who’re willing to give of themselves to make meaningful contributions to the economic, political and social well-being of their communities and, by extension, their country.

Mr. Stephen Price

General Manager, Flow Jamaica

Six Receive the GGAA Diaspora Award

Six Jamaicans were, this year, recognised for exceptional service in the diaspora and in Jamaica by the Governor-General’s Achievement Awards in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (MFAFT). The Governor-General’s Diaspora Achievement Awards was established in 2008 to recognise excellence among persons in two age categories: 18-35 years old and over 35 years old.

The Governor-General’s Diaspora Achievement Awards Programme provides a platform for these unsung heroes to be recognised and have their stories transmit a wave of inspiration across Jamaica and the diaspora. Since 2008, nearly 50 Jamaicans have received these prestigious awards in the diaspora regions of the United States of America, Canada and the United Kingdom. Ms. Cassandra Campbell Dr. Trudy Hall

Mr. Dave D’Oyen Dr. Sylvanus Thompson

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