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STATE ORATORIC tetis. Cambyses, meanwhile, continued the drinking bout, thinking the while (Continued from page one) SPORTING GOODS According to Persian custom a year of punishment for the false woman. become could had to pass before Nitetis Bartja could have no share in her per mittee elected officers for the followPARKER HARJVVARE Cambyses’ lawful wife, but, conscious Lidy, or he would have killed him on the:. and discussed the possibility of his despotic power, he had decided spot; but he would send him away. And ing year COMPANY of an extemporaneous contest to he to reduce this term to a few months. Nitetis should be handed to Boges, to he erathe state as time same the held at Meanwhile, he only saw the fair Egyp made the servant of his concubines and torical contest. The representatives tian in the presence of his blind mother thus to atone for her crimes. from ecah school will discuss the propor of his sister Atossa, both of whom Boges, hall, left the Then the king osition and report at the tune of the became Nitetis’ devoted friends. Mean who had slipped out before him, intercontest, April 9, at Eugene. while, Boges, the eunuch, sank in pub- cepted one of the gardener’s boys with Peace “old line” contest was composed The W. Hollingsworth & Sonj lie estimation, since it was known that a letter for Prince Bartja. The boy Cambyses had ceased to visit the harem refused to hand it over, as Nitetis had of representatives from all schools in and he began to conspire With Phae insti-ucted him to hand it only to the the association except Pacific College. FURNITURE dime as to the best way of ruining Ni prince; and on Cambyses’ approach the Miss Woodworth, from Linfield College, Lin te of statuet bi-onze the Cambyses received love to come had who tetis,’ boy fell on his knees, touching the prize, with her oration, with ever glowing passion. Cambyses coln, the first ground with his foi-ehead. ‘The Challenge of the Modern WornThe Egyptian princess’s happiness: snatched the papyrus roll fi-om him an. r was seriously disturbed by the arrival: and stamped fui-iously on the gi-ound : Pacific will be represented in tile I FOR THE EASIEST SHAVE of a letter from her mother, which at seeing the letter was written in news. Greek, which he could not read. He State Peace contest to be held Api-il I brought her nought but sad and Most Up-To-Date Her father, Amasis, had been struck went to his own apartments, followed 9 at Eugene Bible University. 1-lair Cut go to she day very the keep on to instructed he whom blindness by Boges, With had reached Babylon; and her frail a strict watch over the Egyptian and JAMES McGUIRE twin-sister Tacbot, after falling into a the hanging gardens. “If’ a single huTHE POST OFFIC the OPPOSITE for away withwasting her reach was fever, a or message man being violent CLARENCE BUTT love of Bartja, whose beauty had cap out my knowledge, your life will be tl-ie tured her heart at the time of his mis forfeit.” Attorney r Boges, pleading a burning fever, begsion in Sais. His name had been even I DR. I. R. ROOT the and delirium, her Office Second Floor Union Block on her lips in ged that Kandaules, the Lydian caponly hope for her was to see him again. tam of eunuchs, who was true as gold: Dentist I Nitetis’ whole happiness was destroy and inflexibly severe, should relieve Black 243 phone Office ed in one moment. She wept and sigh him on the morrow. On the king’s conResidence phone 22X ed, until she fell asleep from sheer ex sent, he begged furthermore that OroClocks Jewelry Watches When her maid Mandane pastes, Croesus, and three other nobles haustion. Office over First National Bank came to put a last touch to her dress should be allowed to witness the openE. REiD G. galhanging sleeping, the in lily her the blue of found ing she banquet, for the Watch and Clock Repairing — and as there was ample time she went dens. Kandaules would see that they out into the gal-den, where she met the enter into no communication with the Conklin Pens and Pencils Crede’s He was the bearer Egyptian. eunuch Boges. his open, eyes been keep must had “Kandaules Newberg, Ore. Mandane 3091/2 First St. MARKET of good news. j All Meat Must Bear Inspection brought up with the children of a Ma if he values his own life—go!” Free from Disease gian, one of whom was now the high priest of Orapastes. Love had sprung QUALITY AND SERVICE OVERSIQEIT? THE WHY YES, ET MARK CITY MEAT COUNT up between her and his handsome A few minutes after an alarm of fire brother Gaumata; and Orapastes, who Good Meats” of “The Home guests of the one a hotel, in given was had ambitious schemes, had sent his joined the group that were watching Deliver before and after school brother to Rhagae and procured her a the fire and chaffed them on their ap Phone Red 66 situation at court, so that they might “There is nothing: Pati-onize Crescent advertisers. parent excitement. forget one another. And now Gaumata took “I said. he about,” excited to be MOORE & SON had come and begged her to meet him my time about dressing, lighted a cigar next evening in the hanging gardens. ette, didn’t like the knot in my neck strug hard a after consented Mandane tie, so tied it over again—that’s how gle. THE GEM BARBER SHOP cool I was.” malicious with away hurried NEWBERG BAKERY Boges of his friends remarked, one “Fine,” his of success near the For first class work. Hair Bob pleasure in 404 First Street your on “but why didn’t you put bing, Massaging, and Shampooing. scheme. He met one of the gardeners, trousers?” the of some bring to Satisfaction guaranteed. Best of Bread, Finest Cakes. whom he promised nobles to inspect a special kind of blue HYMER, Proprietor H. N. Pies like Mother used to make. HELD lily, in which the gardener took great ENDEAVOR CONVENTION 704 First Street harem, the pride. He then hurried to (Continued from page one) to make sure that the king’s wives should look their best, and insisted ident of Clackamas county union, Hon. upon Phaedirne painting her face white, Judge Kanzler, judge of the coui-t of and putting on a simple, dark dress domestic relations in and Portland, FIRST NATIONAL BANK without ornament, except the chain state C. B. president, delivered the Newberg, Oregon given her by Cambyses on her mar main address of the evening. For his riage, to arouse the pity of Archaemen subject he chose the relationship of Keep Your Reserve Funds With Us idae, to which family she herself be the home to the work which has been. longed. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts seven years, the deal past his for the The eunuch’s cunning scheme suc ing with deliquent criminals. ceeded but too well. At the end of the great banquet l3artja, to whom Cam Patronize Crescent advertisers. byses had promised to grant a favor on his victorious return from the war, con fessed to him his love for Sappho, a Van charming and cultured Greek maiden of LOGSTON’S BARBER SHOP noble descent, whom he wished to make his wife. Cambyses was delighted at Second door west this proof of the injustice of his jealous Bartja that of Breier’s announced and suspicions, would in a few days depart to bring For Good Service home a bride. At these words Nitetis, misery, sister’s poor hel’ of thinking fainted. Cainhyses sprang up pale as death; his lips trembled and his fist was Nitetis looked at him im clenched. ploringl, but he commanded Boges to take the women back to their apart ments. “Sleep well, Egyptian, and pray to the gods to give you the pGwer of dissembling your feelings. Here, give me wine; but taste it well, for today, for the first time, I fear poison,. Do you hear, Egyptian? Yes, all the poison, as well as tile medicine, comes from Egypt.” Boges gave strict orders that nobody —not even the queen mother or Croe sus—was to have access to the hanging: gardens, whither he had conducted Ni11.—THE PLOT












Ralph W.

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