Distinctive. Ingenius. The Major German Brands.

Page 9

A Word of Welcome

The diversity of German design

s i g m a r g a b r i e l f e d e r a l m i n i s t e r f o r e c o n o m i c a f fa i r s a n d e n e r g y

Product design is the deďŹ ning identity of any brand and of the company behind it. A company’s design strategy is a key factor in whether or not it becomes successful. The biggest brands always have a high-quality and distinctive design. And this design plays a crucial role in communicating the brand to potential customers. It is the designer who reconciles the needs of the consumer with the production set-up that a particular company has. Product design can markedly raise the innovativeness of a certain product and can also being people together and create networks. Product design is a decisive factor whenever a new brand is launched. For all of these reasons, it is commensurably important for the German economy.

a wo r d o f w e l c o m e


Sigmar Gabriel

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