E&G – Quaternary Science Journal - Vol. 65 No 2

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E&G Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart Quaternary Science Journal

Volume 65 / Numbe r 2 / 2 0 1 6 / D OI : 1 0 . 3 2 8 5 / e g . 6 5 . 2 / I S SN 0 4 2 4 - 7 1 1 6 / w w w. q u a te r n a r y- s c i e n c e . n e t / Fo u n d e d in 1951 Editor


DEUQUA Deutsche Quartärvereinigung e.V. Stilleweg 2 D-30655 Hannover, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 511 / 643 36 13 E-Mail: info (at) deuqua.de www.deuqua.org

INGMAR UNKEL, Institut Ökosystemforschung, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Germany

Volli E. Kalm, Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Estonia

Markus Fuchs, Department of Geography, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany

Daniela Sauer Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Goldschmidtstr. 5 D-37077 Göttingen, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 551 / 39-8011 Fax: +49 (0) 551 / 39-8006 E-Mail: daniela.sauer(at)geo.uni-goettingen.de

Aims & Scope The Quaternary Science Journal publishes original articles of quaternary geology, geography, palaeontology, soil science, archaeology, climatology etc.; special issues with main topics and articles of lectures of several scientific events. Manuscript submission Please upload your manuscript at the online submission system at our journal site www.quaternary-science.net. Please note the instructions for authors before. Frequency 2 numbers per year

BERNHARD SALCHER, AG Geologie, Quartärgeologie, Universität Salzburg, Austria

JÜRGEN EHLERS, Witzeeze, Germany

assistant editor

SASCHA FRICKE Geozon Science Media Pettenkoferstr. 16-18 D-10247 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 30 / 20 23 83 19 0 Fax: +49 (0) 30 / 20 23 83 19 9 E-Mail: fricke (at) geozon.net www.geozon.net

Philip Gibbard, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Great Britain

Pierre Antoine, Laboratoire de Géographie Physique, Université Paris i PanthéonSorbonne, France

Margot Böse Freie Universität Berlin Malteserstr. 74–100 D-12249 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 30 / 838-70 37 3 E-Mail: m.boese (at) fu-berlin.de

ProduCtion Editor


Associate Editors


Karl-Ernst Behre, Lower Saxonian Institute of Historical Coastal Research, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke, Senckenberg Research Institute, Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology Weimar, Germany Thomas Litt, Steinmann-Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology, University of Bonn, Germany Leszek Marks, Institute of Geology, University of Warsaw, Poland Henk J. T. Weerts, Physical Geography Group, Cultural Heritage Agency Amersfoort, The Netherlands Advisory Editorial Board Flavio Anselmetti, Department of Quaternary Geology and Paleoclimatology, University of Bern, Switzerland

Subscription Free for DEUQUA-Members! Prices for standing order: single number 27,– Euro; double number 54,– Euro; plus shipping costs. We offer discounts for libraries and bookstores. Please subscribe to the journal at the publisher Geozon Science Media. JOURNAL EXCHANGE If you are interested in exchange your journal with the Quaternary Science Journal, please contact: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Halle, Tauschstelle, Herr Nico Andres August-Bebel-Straße 13 06108 Halle (Saale), Germany

Cesare Ravazzi, Institute for the Dynamics of Environmental Processes, National Research Council of Italy, Italy James Rose, Department of Geography, Royal Holloway University of London, Great Britain Christian Schlüchter, Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland Dirk van Husen, Gmunden, Austria Jef Vandenberghe, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands Andreas Vött, Institute of Geography, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany FORMER EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Paul Woldstedt (1951–1966) Martin Schwarzbach (1963–1966) Ernst Schönhals (1968–1978) Reinhold Huckriede (1968–1978) Hans Dietrich Lang (1980–1990) Josef Klostermann (1991–1999) Wolfgang Schirmer (2000) Ernst Brunotte (2001–2005) Holger Freund (2006–2014)

Tel.: +49 (0)345-55 22 182 E-Mail: tausch (at) bibliothek.uni-halle.de reOrder Reorders are possible at the publishing house. See full list and special prices of available numbers on next to last page. PubliSHING HOUSE Geozon Science Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Pettenkoferstr. 16-18 10247 Berlin Germany Tel.: +49 (0)30-20 23 83 19 0 E-Mail: info (at) geozon.net www.geozon.net

Print Printed in Germany on 100% recycled paper climate neutral produced Cover FIGURE Bohrkern aus dem Bereich Habernis (Grube & Usinger, Abb. 6, Seite 165) Rights Copyright for articles by the authors License Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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