Islands 2015 04 05

Page 64

The Payoff With the terrace so wet and slick, walking is precarious. Making my way up a 4-foot tier, I slip and land butt first, sending a wave of mud into one of the little waterfalls. Ni giggles as she fixes the damaged irrigation, saying the only English word she knows: “slow.” Each waterfall is just a trickle, maybe 6 inches wide, but every one is vital in the water delivery system called a subak. Water originates atop the volcano, Mount Agung, and flows down through a network of canals, aqueducts and tunnels, supplying the valley’s farmers with clean, happy water. Rice is considered a gift from the gods, and a happy god gives happy water, which yields ample rice. At night the Punduhs gather and laugh even though their backs ache. That they can have a harmonious relationship with each other and with nature under these conditions is remarkable. I ask Wayan what he would do if he suddenly came into a lot of money. He thinks and says, “Buy another cow.” Behind him, everyone laughs. It is one of the happiest families I’ve ever met, brought together by the rice.



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